Bond Thicker Than Blood

Ethan was working without a care for his bestfriend, completely ignoring Lucifer. Lucifer too didn't bother with him and continued getting some shut eye.

As the sun was setting down Ethan glanced at his sleeping friend and looked at the time, It was nearly 6 in the evening. This guy here was sleeping like a log from noon, shaking his head he walked up from his seat.

Lucifer woke up when Ethan entered the bathroom to freshen up. Ethan had skipped lunch engrossed in his work and his dear friend didn't bother disturbing him and slept skipping his own lunch.

Lucifer's body was aching due to his poor sleeping posture, albeit comfortable the couch was still too short for his long legs. His neck was aching as well. Lucifer sat up straight stretching, seemingly refreshed.

Lucifer was dead tired and hadn't slept a wink the night before in his excitement to meet Sera. He had directly drove to Sera's place from the airport.

After their secret rendezvous Lucifer had went back to his penthouse, taken a quick shower and hurried to Ethan's office.

"Come on. Let's go eat something", Ethan walked out.

"I see that you're becoming quite considerate of my feelings", Lucifer grinned clutching his chest.

"Just shut up! I'm famished..", Ethan blurted.

"Wow, And I thought you were satisfied with just your work and food was just optional", Lucifer teased his workaholic friend. However Ethan didn't mind him and strode out of the office much to Lucifer's dismay.

The friends arrived at Cory's Comfort Food, digging in some delicious food and beer they were having their own little reunion.

The guys were meeting after nearly two weeks, they were enjoying themselves indulging in small talks as well as deep conversations.

"So? You didn't get to see him?", Ethan skeptically asked.

"Yeah, he's too smart for my liking!", Lucifer snorted.

"Relax man, I know you can take him down", Ethan comforted him.

"What about you? Got anywhere with your secret date, Sunnyboy!", Lucifer teased his friend who was red in embarrassment.

Lucifer was surprised seeing this reaction from Ethan, who was apparently still hung up on his ex, and Lucifer's sister Mia.

"Dude, You really want to talk about this!", Ethan smiled wryly.

Lucifer couldn't agree more and just nodded, mimicking the action of zipping his lips.

Having spent their childhood together both Ethan and Lucifer were extremely fond of each other and rarely had conflicts, the bond between them was thicker than blood. And with Mia Chung between them it was nearly unbreakable.

Ethan was drinking away his sorrows thinking about Sera's indirect rejection, while Lucifer was in a sour mood because of Yang Deming. Drowning in their own problems Ethan and Lucifer drank quite a lot and were having a hard time to even walk.

The drunk idiots were escorted by Assistant Chen who had rushed to their side after being called in the middle of the night.

Cursing Ethan in his head Chen arrived at Cory's Comfort Food and drove away to Lucifer's penthouse.

Thankfully Adrian was sleeping at Lucifer's place tonight and helped the lanky bespectacled man, Chen to carry Ethan and Lucifer inside.

After plopping the drunk men on the bed in their respective rooms Chen thanked Adrian and scurried out of the house.

Adrian slumped on the couch in the living room reminiscing the time he had spent today with Su Yin.

A flight attendant had come over to wake both Su Yin and Adrian who were in deep sleep, comfortable in each other's arms, looking like a perfect loving couple.

Su Yin woke up with a start and hurriedly pulled back from Adrian, he could sense her discomfort and hence chose to keep quiet.

Su Yin was confused seeing Adrian's reaction, It looked like he wasn't shocked seeing her sleeping on his shoulder. She ignored him and prepared herself for the landing.

Adrian gazed at her small face, flustered by his mum reaction. He can easily read her thoughts and knew how much he had hurt her.

To start afresh he needs to give her assurance and for that he should stop behaving like a hooligan.

Su Yin was getting nervous, she didn't expect to see him after what happened at the party. And now their close proximity was stifling her insides.

Adrian wanted to distract her and thinking about something he smiled,

"Ah? What's this..", Adrian dawdled seeing the drool on his jacket.

Su Yin snapped her head to look at the white patch, her face deep red in shame.

"What to do now? This was my favorite..", Adrian spoke again making Su Yin feel guilty.

"I'll.. I'll get you a new jacket...", Su Yin's voice was low, almost a whisper but Adrian could easily hear her, feigning ignorance he stared at his jacket with a forlorn expression.

Feeling a pang in her heart Su Yin looked at his eyes, they were looking deeply at the wretched jacket. Su Yin felt her blood boil, she was getting jealous over a mere jacket?

"I'm telling you I'll get you a new one", this time Su Yin spoke loudly tugging the jacket out of his grasp.

"Okay, let's go shopping later..", Adrian beamed as if the previous sad looking face was her illusion. Su Yin internally smacked her head at her foolishness and this guy's acting skills.