Let's Go Shopping Later!

"Okay, let's go shopping later...", Su Yin shuddered at his words. Realizing how easily she's deceived by this devil of a man, Adrian.

Looking at her reluctance Adrian pulled back his jacket from Su Yin's hand. Su Yin shell shocked at his sudden change grimaced looking at his face.

"What a fine actor!! He can put those best actors and actresses out there to shame..", Su Yin cursed him inwardly.(I think that's a praise, Su Yin's kinda cute)

"Fine! Let's go shopping later..", Su Yin repeated his words loud enough for him to hear, lest he pulls another one of his schemes.

Adrian immediately threw the jacket on his laps as though it was something disgusting, smiled at Su Yin his blue eyes flickered drawing her deeply into it's blue ocean.

"Deal!", Adrian pulled her hand and high fived himself.

Su Yin snapped out of her daze when Adrian pulled her hand, with an incredulous look she gazed at their hands.

"Why do I feel that we've traveled back in time...", Su Yin thought inwardly.

A mocking smile laced her ruby lips, in a flash her eyes hardened and she pulled back her hand from his grasp, sitting up straight.

Adrian saw the changes in her, his heart was as though pierced with a thousand needles. Sighing deeply he looked at his hand and clenched his fist.

At the airport Adrian was hovering around Su Yin irritating the latter, she huffed at his persistence, her mood turning sour at the thought of that wretched jacket.

"All because of that damned jacket!!", Su Yin cursed inside her head.

Adrian pulled Su Yin in his embrace, clutching her waist in a death grip when the latter was trying to flee.

Su Yin helplessly stood there, letting him hug her like an obedient child, unlike her expression which was glaring daggers at Adrian's handsome countenance.

"Hello, Boss...", Adrian called Lucifer to inform him about his arrival, his gracious boss let him have a day off, feeling thrilled Adrian hugged Su Yin tightly, flaunting his perfectly white teeth.

Su Yin was momentarily dazed by his perfect smile, his blue eyes twinkling like stars. She pinched her arm to remind herself,

"Don't! Don't fall for him...", she repeatedly mumbled.

"Come on, we're getting late now. What do you wanna eat? Let's go to a hotel first, Let's shower first. You're sweaty...", Adrian blabbed pulling Su Yin along with him when the latter stomped heavily on his feet.

"Oww! What was that for?", Adrian asked grimacing in pain, he was totally unprepared for this.

"Your mouth stinks.. and your body too", Su Yin smiled a ghost smile and pulled away from him before walking away.

Realization dawned on Adrian, his blabbing mouth, cursing he smacked his head before scrambling on his feet to follow Su Yin.

By the time he reached Su Yin had already called a cab and was driving away, waving at Adrian with a smug smile.

Lucifer woke up feeling thirsty, his throat burning and head buzzing. He staggered his way to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, the cold water soothing him, feeling somewhat sober he walked out.

Adrian turned his head when he saw Lucifer walking over to him with a half drank water bottle. He pulled a smile and looked at Lucifer.

"Aren't you sleeping? I don't need you to play watchdog for me..", Lucifer teased him.

Adrian only chuckled lightly before grabbing the water bottle and drinking it.

"Sleep, Don't exhaust yourself. We still have a long way to go..", Lucifer trailed off.

Adrian only nodded his head, he understood Lucifer's words and slumped back closing his eyes.

While Adrian was having difficulty in sleeping, Su Yin was no better than him. At Sera's humble abode Su Yin's lounging lazily at the couch, lost in deep thoughts.

After leaving the airport Su Yin went home, she was exhausted by Adrian's actions, her head in disarray. Su Yin had a nice refreshing shower before reporting to her father's office.

Su Yin's father was impressed by her impeccable performance and granted her a month long paid vacation, not that she was short on money.

In high spirits Su Yin looked for Sera to share her happiness and relax her mind and soul, Sera was Su Yin's personal cure to stress.

When Su Yin called Sera to meet, the latter was busy enjoying her brother-sister day out. Feeling jealous and lonely Su Yin went back home to binge watch her favorite k-dramas.

Sera was feeling distressed for dissing Su Yin, If Sera had known about Su Yin's plans she'd definitely wait for her.

After Jinan's departure Sera hurriedly called her friend, Su Yin to spend the night together since she's alone at home.

The girls cooked together and had a blast. As Su Yin was an amazing cook, and Sera loved to eat the homemade apple pie made by Su Yin, which tastes heavenly.

Later they chatted about Su Yin's trip to Z City and drank wine leisurely. Su Yin told her about everything, except Adrian.

Su Yin's eyes became droopy, feeling sleepy and with the alcohol taking it's effect she staggered towards the bed and slumped beside Sera.