Nostalgic Memories

The next morning Ethan woke up to the mouthwatering and enticing aroma of freshly made pancakes.

A drooling Ethan marched out, completely sober, his gait steady unlike the night before. He was met by the sight of Lucifer flipping pancakes expertly, looking like a homely husband.

Ethan couldn't help but rub his eyes and stare at his friend, daydreaming about Lucifer being a family man with a loving wife and children. How he loved to see his friend live a happy and carefree life.

"I know I'm really good looking, you don't have to confirm it by ogling like that!", Lucifer was having fun seeing Ethan's dazed expression.

"Shut up! I've seen you cooking lots, I'm drooling over my blueberry pancakes, dumbass", Ethan snickered.

"Glutton!", Lucifer barked.

Adrian emerged holding a jug of fresh juice and laughed at their childish bantered. Ethan quickly took a shower to clear his head and joined the two men to have their scrumptious breakfast.

Lucifer was a great cook and it was no secret. Ethan, Mia and Adrian had spent their life eating his cooking and they loved it.

Adrian was a lucky man who could have the privilege of his boss serving him, albeit them being childhood buddies.

While the men had an early morning breakfast, Sera and Su Yin were still under the covers, sleeping soundly.

With the sun rays scattering through the windows lighting the whole room, Sera said Su Yin scrunched their eyebrows in annoyance. Burying their faces inside the blankets the girls wrestled to wake up.

Sera's cellphone buzzed waking her with a jolt, she hurriedly answered the call,

"Hello?", Jinan's voice was heard making her relax.

"Brother", Sera groggily spoke.

"Are you still on your bed?", Jinan asked.

"Yes, Su Yin is here, we slept late..", She trailed off and Jinan interrupted her.

"It's good that you're not alone. I'll call you later, now go freshen up and have breakfast. No skipping. Bye", Jinan hung up on her.

Sera hurriedly got off the bed and entered the bathroom, after a refreshing shower she felt her throbbing head ache alleviate. Following which she woke Su Yin who was still snoozing, unaffected by the loud ringtone.

Su Yin sat up straight, stretching she looked around and memories came flooding into her head. How she drank away her sorrows and slept after grieving her heart out.

A disoriented Su Yin walked into the bathroom splashed water on her face to wake her senses, followed by a quick shower. The girls didn't cook themselves since Aunt Zhou had prepared their breakfast.

The girls spent their day leisurely, Su Yin was on a month long vacation and Sera was basically free. Today the girls decided to do something different instead of watching movies and visiting a spa.

Sera was painting along with Su Yin, both of them had attended art classes in middle school, so Su Yin knew painting as well. The smell of paint evoked nostalgic memories of childhood days.

"You remember how we used to create a mess..", Su Yin laughed.

"Yeah, how you splashed red paint on that boy. He thought it was blood, the teacher nearly had an heart attack!", Sera continued, laughter echoing the large painting room.

Ethan didn't go to his office as it Sunday, Assistant Chen was relieved that it was a day off. Adrian went out to visit his mom, Ethan and Lucifer played video games evoking nostalgic memories.

"Damn! Man, don't shoot my men!", Lucifer growled at Ethan.

"Shut up! You're just bad at video games", Ethan gave him a smug look.

It was true, Lucifer was exceptional on field. He can easily take down men with his skills and kill numerous men. But couldn't win against Ethan at video games. Sometimes Lucifer would get lucky, winning against Ethan, the pro.

After sweating out and playing to their hearts content, the boys were catching their breaths. Ethan was in the kitchen gulping down water while Lucifer was slumped onto the couch, his eyes closed.

Ethan sat opposite Lucifer, contemplating inwardly before speaking,

"Lucifer, You know Miss Lu..", hearing Ethan mention Sera Lucifer's eyes shot open and he sat up straight.

"Hmm..", Lucifer interrupted him feigning nonchalance.

"She's an art major and wants to open her own art gallery..", Ethan continued seeing how Lucifer acknowledged him.

"Oh!", Lucifer again interrupted him again, interest clearly etched in his eyes.

"Yes, I know you're unaware of all this, not that it concerns you..", Ethan dawdled making Lucifer realize some thing's and he clenched his fists irritated.

"She's looking for a suitable location for her art gallery, I'm looking into it. Do you have any place in mind, can you help?", Ethan continued sensing Lucifer's silence.

Lucifer only heard him, his eyes clouding emotions unfamiliar to him. He breathed deeply and looked into Ethan's eyes who was waiting for his answer.