Unconscious Jinan

The first time Jinan laid his eyes on Maya she was looking super hot dressed in a black body hugging floor length gown with a thigh high slit flaunting her toned legs, her burgundy colored lips made his throat run dry.

Maya stunned Jinan with her agility and sharpness, fighting fearlessly and wielding the gun like her favorite lipstick. Completely opposite to her drop dead gorgeousness, making Jinan admire Maya and wormed her way into his heart and mind.

The Maya now before him looked harmless, she was like a young teenager with a homely vibe to her holding the grocery bags in her delicate hands. Jinan was gaping at her standing in the middle of the street, dressed in a royal blue Armani suit with light blue shirt making his dark eyes stand out.

Maya was on her phone with Xav who was frolicking since yesterday night making her worry. She passed Jinan without sparing him a single look engrossed in her conversation with Xav, asking his whereabouts.

Xav was supposed to be underground but the man has been attending many banquets and auctions as an attendee from past four days making Maya worried about him.

Jinan was looking at the her and just as Jinan was about to turn a bike came crashing, his reflexes were quite sharp and Jinan avoided him in the nick of time.

Maya turned around to the chaos, her dark brown eyes locked onto the stunningly dressed man with swift movements, her eyes filled with awe and lips slightly parted.

Jinan's arm abruptly hit the pole behind him with a metal box hanging on it, the sharp metal cut through his skin staining his hand red, blood dripping onto the concrete road.

Maya dropped the groceries with a thud, the milk bottle shattering, flour packet ripped open, everything laying on the road in a mess and rushed to Jinan who was still oblivious of his injury, conversing calmly with the bike rider assuring him with kind words.

Jinan's forehead was covered in cold sweat, his lips turning pale making him look weak with his already pale skin.

Maya tugged Jinan's arm making the man wince, his eyes shot up looking at the frail figure holding his red dyed arm. Jinan forgot everything and stared intently at the woman before him, her head was bent scrutinizing the wound on his arm.

Maya pulled up his sleeve, Jinan's forearm had a long deep cut exposing his flesh. Maya didn't even flinch looking at the gore sight before her, her clear dark brown eyes stared back at Jinan's black obsidians,

"... It's bleeding profusely... Are you okay? Do you understand what I'm saying?..", Maya was speaking calmly, Jinan only stared at her, allhis senses were on a hiatus.

"...Let's go..", that was all Jinan heard before Maya pulled him towards the large metal gate he had vowed to never enter ever again.

Maya pulled Jinan inside the elevator holding his injured hand firmly, her shirt dress's collar was ripped and tied with expertise on Jinan's forearm to stop the bleeding.

Maya looked at the time on her watch, It was half past one in the afternoon. It wasn't too hot but slightly humid. They pair walked out of the elevator.

Jinan as though in a trance followed Maya and entered her humble abode, his eyes transfixed on her slender back.

Maya pushed him lightly on the neon colored couch and dashed inside, she sat beside him with a first aid kit. Jinan hadn't spoken a single word, Maya wasn't bothered as well and with a serious expression on her face, she treated his would with utmost care.

Maya helped Jinan remove his jacket, her gentle movements making his heart flutter. She then cut Jinan's limited edition shirt's sleeve with a scissor before disinfecting the wound.

Jinan clenched the neon leathered couch curling his fists, his eyes looking at the delicate face blowing on his arm.

Maya carefully cleaned his bleeding wound and applied medication before bandaging it expertly. Her actions making Jinan curious about her identity, he was getting more and more interested in Maya.

Maya lifted her head to meet his calm eyes, Jinan lips were pale and he was feeling dizzy, staring into her eyes his consciousness left him and he slumped on the couch.

Maya held his head in place, looking at the perfectly carved features of the man in her arms Maya couldn't help but marvel, his long eyelashes fluttered slightly putting any woman to shame, she gazed at him with an awestruck look on her face.