Maya's Suspicion

The sun rays scattered into the small apartment's bedroom, it's loose pink curtains were parted revealing the bright sky outside. It was half past 1 in the afternoon.

Jinan was still unconscious, after a couple of minutes Jinan stirred and groggily opened his dark obsidian eyes. He was slightly disoriented and weakly looked around with his body plopped on a soft bed.

Jinan's head was throbbing and he was dizzy due to blood loss, holding his forehead with his injured hand he tried to sit up and his eyebrows were scrunched together into a frown.

Maya entered the bedroom to the sight of Jinan struggling to sit up on the bed, with a painful look on his perfect visage and his full eyebrows were curled into a frown.

Maya was dressed in a beige pullover with torn jeans completely different from her yesterday's fresh and young look. Her skin was clean from make up looking clean.

Maya slowly sauntered inside and stood before Jinan and extended her arm touching his now cold forehead.

"The temperature's down now, You were burning with fever..", Maya's angelic voice entered his ears catching Jinan off guard.

Maya swiftly pulled his other arm, his already rolled sleeves were further pulled up revealing his firm muscles.

She then took out a syringe from the bedside table, filled it with transparent liquid medicine before injecting him in one swift motion. Maya then gently rubbed the skin on his arm and placed his hand back onto the soft bed with pale pink bedsheets.

Jinan looked at her dumbstruck, Maya didn't say anything and turned to walkout of the room. Jinan bit his lip in frustration,

"I should have thanked her, damn! My slow witted brain. Wait! What if she's dangerous, what did she inject me with..", Jinan thought looking at his arm.

Maya entered again, and this time she was holding a small bowl which was hot, with vapor coming out of the bowl and turning into wisps in the air.

"I've made some nourishing fish soup you've been sleeping since yesterday..", Maya gently placed it before Jinan on a small foldable table that Maya had conjured out of nowhere making Jinan blink.

Maya offered Jinan a glass of water with a straw stuck in it, as his throat was dry from dehydration and his lips were slightly pale. Jinan slowly sipped the water and looked at the bowl of soup. Maya looked at him then at the bowl of soup and took the spoon in her hands.

It wasn't her first time cooking but for some reason Maya was very nervous and she nervously glanced at Jinan who was looking intently at the bowl of clear soup.

Maya probed Jinan by pushing the spoon into his hands, looking at his lost expression Maya couldn't find anything to say. She took the spoon and scooped some hot soup, blowing softly she took it near Jinan's thin cold lips.

Jinan slowly parted his lips and smiled, before drinking the soup. His smile made Maya lose her bearings. Maya's hand slightly quivered making her almost scald herself.

Jinan grabbed her hand with his large palm and stopped her quivering hand, she looked at his hand and then into his dark eyes, like an abyss pulling her into them.

At that time Maya remembered where she had seen Jinan, it was at Royal Ramada's elevator. Like a lightning hit her head Maya's mouth was agape, she blinked at Jinan. Pointing the spoon to his face she spoke, her voice was soft and shaky.

"You, you..", before Maya could blurt anything out of ordinary she regained her senses and stood up abruptly shocking Jinan at her extreme reaction.

"I mean, you need to rest. You had a bad fever, your body was burning and you were unconscious since yesterday. It's 2 in the afternoon now and you must be hungry since you have not eaten anything, drink this soup and I'll get you some clothes, you can wash up after eating..", Maya zoomed out of the room after her monologue, her heart beating erratically.

Maya was baffled by the turn of events, the coincidence was too good to believe. Maya never believed in coincidences thus making her suspicious of Jinan's identity.

Jinan looked at her with an amused expression, she was jittery just now unlike her expression when he had just woken up from his comatose.

A puzzled Jinan could only fill his stomach silently as he was really hungry before entering the relatively small bathroom to wash up. Jinan climbed into the bathtub filled with warm water relaxing his tense muscles, he was careful so as to not wet his injured arm.