Kick A** Action!

As dark fell the flickering streetlights added a touch of hue to the night. The roads were empty and silent, almost slippery from the untimely precipitation.

Su Yin exited the main building of her father's office, power dressed in a black pencil skirt with a white silk blouse with a large gray coat to protect herself from the cold and black LV shoes. Her jet black hair were loosely tied into a bun Su Yin looked worn out.

Today was one of the rare occasions when Su Yin worked overtime. Su Yin shivered in the cold drizzle as her feet landed on the wet concrete pavement, tiny raindrops adorned her exquisite face.

It was weekend, the buildings in this particular area of the city mostly situated offices, Su Yin stood alone under the golden cast of the streetlights with a lost expression.

Su Yin's cellphone was out of battery, the poor thing was so engrossed in completing her tasks that it didn't cross her mind to charge the damn phone. That's not it even her white Porsche cayenne was at the service station, Su Yin didn't bother to pick up another car from her garage as she was staying comfortably at the Lu mansion these few days.

"Aah, Why! I'm so stupid!", Su Yin's squealed in irritation.

Feeling frustrated by the current situation Su Yin embarked on her journey to locate the nearest taxi stand. The drizzle had ceased by now and Su Yin's clothes were unruffled but she was famished, her loud grumbling stomach was the proof of Su Yin's need for food.

Su Yin abruptly halted her steps when she heard a soft clatter. Su Yin's heart jolted in her chest, after a brief silence her prudence kicked in, she forgot all about food and hastened her steps walking to a nearby alley.

The footsteps following her were somewhat faint, but Su Yin could clearly discern that it was coming her way.

Su Yin hid herself in the dark alley, waiting for the trouble to kick it's shin.

"Time for some kick ass action!", Su Yin mumbled somewhat excited.

As soon as a shadow blocked the dim light entering the alley, Su Yin raised her leg to high kick the man, if it was any novice he would have shrieked in pain failing to block Su Yin's expert attack but the man in question was highly skilled, a master.

He caught Su Yin's high heeled leg by her ankle and with a swift motion turned Su Yin around, pinning her to the cold walls of the alley.

"Damn!!", Su Yin cursed out loud when the man evaded her attack.

His hands were blocking her small fists and back, preventing Su Yin's to turn her body around, expertly trapping her in place.

"Who.. Who are you ", Su Yin weakly voiced out but the man remained tight lipped.

Su Yin could feel her heart race, she was palpitating. As Su Yin was close to a breakdown the man whispered close to her ear, his low tone of voice along with his hot breath caressing the cold skin around her neck.

"Ssh.. Stay still, I won't hurt you", Su Yin was not in a state to trust the man trying to block her, she forced herself to calm down and thought of a plan.

"No.. No.. This can't do! I have to think of something", Su Yin's thoughts were running overtime.

Su Yin moved her leg to kick back the man standing behind her, it was a risky move but she had to take some action for her survival.

Su Yin's high heel was about to crack the man's treasure when he aptly dodged the kick, in that brief moment Su Yin managed to turn her body to face the delinquent in front of her.

"You!!", Su Yin's eyes bulged out, her voice was hoarse but loud enough to hear in the quiet alley, her small face was red in anger.

"How can he look so hot! No.. Control! Control yourself Yinyin", She inwardly smacked herself before schooling back her dazed expression.

The man in front of her was unperturbed by her angst, standing in a languid posture with a devilish smirk on his lips, his magnetic voice resonated in the dark alley,

"Not bad.. You still remember all the moves I taught you", he looked proud, a sense of accomplishment could be seen in his blue eyes.

"Adrian!! You jerk.. You scared me!!", Su Yin lashed out at Adrian, her small fists landing soft punches on his hard chest. The atmosphere turned awkward when a loud grumble interrupted Su Yin's outrage.

Su Yin stopped her hands half way and stood with a stupefied expression, Adrian laughed out loud at her flushed face.

"Oh no!! Why now..", Su Yin was regretting all her actions today.

Su Yin lowered her head in embarrassment, looking at her shoes. Adrian controlled his hysterical laughter when he saw her retract those small fist that were landing soft punches on him, making his heart flutter with her touch.

Adrian promptly held her soft hands resting them on his chest, startled by the sudden contact Su Yin raised her eyes to meet his blue orbs, staring straight into her soul.

"Let's go, I'll treat you to dinner tonight then drop you home..", Adrian's voice broke her reverie and she snapped back at his words.

"No.. No thank you", Su Yin stuttered in her hoarse voice, she had caught cold in the freezing weather.

Adrian furrowed his brows at her words and extended his large claw, placing it on her small forehead.

"You're not in a state to argue with me..", with those words Adrian dragged the lady out of the alley to his blue Bentley continental GT.