Little Troublemaker

The night was cold, there was a waft of fresh earthy scent in the air with the precipitation. It was unusually quiet today, with very few cars passing by and Su Yin felt a headache coming seeing the man before her.

"What are you doing, put me down! Put me down..", Su Yin was shouting while maniacally hitting Adrian's back with her small fists and legs. It was quite chilly, her skirt had hiked up a bit above her knees albeit the warm coat on her body.

Adrian had lifted Su Yin on his broad shoulders like a sack of rice, She tried to struggle out of Adrian's death grip, wriggling like a slimy worm, irritated by her efforts Adrian's face turned black from anger.

"This little..", he gritted his teeth and spanked her butt with his large palm earning a bite on his shoulder.

Su Yin was livid when Adrian spanked her, She was suppressing her anger for a long time and now she bit his shoulder rather harshly, She curled her red lips in satisfaction when Adrian hissed in pain.

"Hah! That's what you get for messing with me!", A smug smile resting on her red lips.

"This little troublemaker..", Adrian felt helpless when she bit him there. It was one of his sensitive spots, with the wet shirt clinging onto his body Adrian really felt uncomfortable being a clean freak and Su Yin had accidentally provoked the man.

Adrian halted his steps fighting the urge to strangle the troublemaker in his arms, he lifted Su Yin before plopping her down. Su Yin held his arms in response, afraid of falling on the wet ground.

"You! Listen.. Adrian don't ever..", She swallowed her words back soon after opening her pouty little mouth.

Su Yin looked up at his face and his stern cold eyes met her clear ones, Su Yin's face was as white as a sheet. Su Yin knew that Adrian was really mad at her, he's reached his limit so she stood still letting the man drag her like a block of wood.

Yielding to Adrian's unreasonable attitude Su Yin reluctantly sat in his blue Bentley, her head was already dizzy from all the pushing and pulling.

Adrian stood near the car door like a tree with a blank expression on his face, he leaned forward extending his hand, Su Yin flinched and leaned back from his touch.

Her reaction didn't settle with Adrian and black lines formed on his smooth forehead, eyes laced with impatience. Adrian was doing all this for her, she's unwell, tired and hungry but was still acting unruly and stubborn with him.

Taking a deep breath Adrian controlled himself from exploding, furrowing his eyebrows he continued his actions and with a click Su Yin's seat belt was latched. Closing the door softly Adrian turned around to walk back to his seat and the car sped off.

Soon after the car left the vicinity Su Yin dozed off, lying all defenseless her face was gentle unlike the fierce look she was wearing a moment ago, fighting back stubbornly.

Adrian looked at the sleeping beauty, his calloused fingers caressing her soft pink cheeks with a rare smile on his thin lips. His blue eyes were filled with warmth that could melt the whole Antarctic.

"I'll make it up to you.. I'll definitely make it up to you Yinyin!", Adrian whispered softly planting an innocent kiss on her slightly warm forehead.

Adrian was aware that he missed the boat but being the stubborn man that he was, Adrian still wanted to swim his way to the shore.

On the other side of the town, Sera was feeling restless. Struggling to sleep Sera sat up straight and picked up her phone that was buried under the duvet.

It was currently 12 AM, breathing deeply she threw the duvet off her legs and got out of the warm bed. The floor was cold so Sera slipped into her slippers to warm her feet.

Ascending the staircase Sera felt nervous, the eerie silence was eating her heart out, Sera subconsciously tightened her grip on the railing. Her heart drumming inside her chest gulping heavily Sera braced herself for the worst and stepped into the kitchen.

Sera was tip toeing, she was all alone in the dimly lit kitchen. Walking to the large silver colored refrigerator she opened it's door slowly, the soft click sound was loud in the dead of the night.

Sera buried her small head into the refrigerator door, searching for some chilled beer that would be hidden inside by Jinan for emergencies.

Sera's body was crouching, she was wearing a white knee length night gown in silk and looked scary in the setting, like a ghost in white.

Sera was rummaging through the refrigerator, her two hands digging in and the light from the refrigerator illuminating her fair skin. Soon Sera found the beer, a smile adorning her lips that looked somewhat eerie in the current atmosphere.

Sera was smiling from ear to ear, just as she was about to pick the can of beer a loud shrill scream sounded making her blood run cold, and she screamed with an equally shrill voice even before turning her head.

"Aaaaaaaahhh...", the beer can landed with a thud invading the silence in the soundless dark kitchen, her eyes bulging out upon seeing the figure standing in the dark.