Experience Yourself

There was dead silence in the kitchen after the sudden commotion, Sera slowly walked ahead her breathing was rapid. She was trying hard with each step, swallowing the fear and posing a fearless front, while her back was covered in cold sweat.

The man moved even before Sera could reach his side and switched on the lights, blinding Sera. She blinked hastily trying to adjust her eyesight then looked at the disheveled man,

"Dummy!! What were you thinking.. at this hour!"

Jinan stood looking messy with his ruffled hair coupled with his wet jacket and shoes, he paused and stole a glance at his Vacheron Constantin before continuing.

"Brother!", Sera excitedly sprinted to his side and hugged him like a child, he rubbed her head softly.

"Beer? ha..", Jinan looked at the can lying on the floor over her shoulder, his voice was stern making one shiver but not Sera.

"Yes", Sera grinned at him raising her head and whispered loud enough for Jinan to hear.

"Pick one more for me and wait in my study. I'll join you soon..", Jinan left a stunned Sera after speaking his piece.

Sera grinned widely at his kind offer, jogging back to the refrigerator she picked four cans along with her before heating a plate of meat dumplings for Jinan.

Sera set up everything neatly on the small round coffee table, the breeze was cold in the balcony of Jinan's study so Sera changed into thick clothes while Jinan was bathing leisurely, soothing his stiff back.

Jinan came back dressed in a grey lounge wear with full sleeves, he sat before Sera and looked at her face brimming with happiness. Jinan knew that his sister was feeling lonely, that's why he's here to accompany her so that she can sleep peacefully.

"Brother, why didn't you call me! I was waiting for your calls from two days..", Sera started even before Jinan could take a sip.

"I had an emergency..", Jinan sipped lazily trying to find an answer then spoke with in an unhurried manner. Sera pouted her lips listening to his words and gulped the drink.

"Slow down! You'll choke yourself..", Jinan muttered unhappily, he was feeling bad seeing her sad face. Sera nodded meekly before pushing the dumplings plate to him.

"Brother eat some..", Sera spoke softly and smiled at him, sighing at her Jinan picked up his chopsticks and stuffed a dumpling in his mouth, chewing slowly he smiled at Sera.

"Sleep early after finishing your drink.. Just one is enough! You'll get drunk..", saying that Jinan snatched back the second beer can and continued eating. Sera was happy that she's not alone, she can now sleep peacefully without any nightmares.

"Yes brother, good night", she quickly pulled his arm planting a sweet kiss on his cheek. Jinan scrunched his eyebrows and hissed in pain making Sera scared stiff by his reaction.

"Brother..", she innocently looked at him still holding onto his injured arm.

"Nothing.. You go sleep now", Jinan patted her head and sighed deeply when she left the room. Jinan pulled up his sleeve revealing the bandaged arm.

- - - - - - - - -

Su Yin was still in a deep sleep, Adrian pulled up at a small local noodle shop owned by an elderly couple, and looked at her sleepy figure. Gently shaking her tiny shoulders with his claws Adrian tried to wake her up.

"Yinyin, wake up! We're here, aren't you hungry..", Adrian gently coaxed her, his soothing voice reaching her ears like a warm lullaby. Nevertheless, Su Yin woke up, she rubbed her eyes and stared wide eyed at Adrian.

"Who? Ad.. Adrian!", Su Yin almost screamed the last two words stuttering heavily, her eyes fixated at his face.

Shocked, Su Yin pinched Adrian's chin rather harshly, Adrian knit his fine eyebrows in confusion. What's wrong with this woman?

Adrian was stunned by her antics, her madness made him helplessly shake his head.

"Yinyin! Why are you so cute..", he muttered under his breathe looking at her small figure.

Su Yin snapped back to reality when Adrian grabbed her fingers pinching his chin, she yelped and shrank back in her seat. But Adrian didn't give her a chance to retract her hand and pulled her closer.

"Do you feel it now.. It's all real or do you still want to experience yourself", Adrian's magical voice hit her ears like a bolt of lightening.

In a daze Su Yin couldn't comprehend the situation she had landed herself in, she gaped at the zoomed face of the handsome blue-eyed man in front of her.

Without giving Su Yin a chance to process his words Adrian smoothly glided his thin lips on her warm red ones, gently caressing her lips. He held her hand tightly entwined together, his other hand holding her nape firmly.

Su Yin was indignant by his roguish behavior, she tried to push the man with her free hand but he wouldn't budge. Adrian became gentler with her each movement of struggle.

Anger rose in Su Yin's chest, she mercilessly bit the corner of his lip before the man could try to invade her mouth and pushed him hard with all her might.

"Is he crazy!! What a pervert..", Su Yin cursed him in her head, her breathing haggard from his assault.

The man let her go but didn't budge from his position, feeling frustrated Su Yin glared daggers at Adrian's face, his lips curled into a satisfied smile.

Su Yin looked tempting, her red lips were swollen with her lipstick smudged, her eyes were barely holding the tears threatening to fall and flushed pink face.

"Damn!! She's doing it again..", Adrian could literally pull his hair right now, it was too much for his poor heart to handle. This little kitten would always scratch his heart with her invisible tiny claws.

Adrian controlled his urges to violate her and wiped the corner of her eyes, stroking her smooth cheeks softly.

"Do you believe now?", Adrian playfully raised his eyebrow adding a hint of mischief to his smug expression, licking the bite planted by the seething angry bird.

"You!!", Su Yin couldn't find words for his shamelessness, he's nothing like the Adrian she knew.

"How could you!", finally Su Yin found her voice and shouted at the pervert looking at her like a piece of meat.

"Let's go..", Adrian didn't reply to her and turned around ready to alight from the car.

Seeing that he was getting off Su Yin anxiously held back his hand, Adrian was perplexed by her sudden change and turned to gaze at her pleading eyes.