It's Just A Coincidence

It was very cold outside with the cool breeze caressing the tree leaves, swaying them. But the air inside the car was stuffy coupled with the suggestive atmosphere, Adrian's heart leaped inside his chest almost somersaulting his way out of his throat.

Tiny specks of sweat could be seen on Adrian's forehead on close inspection, trying hard to control his erratic feelings Adrian casually glanced down.

Su Yin's slender and fair fingers were wrapped around his arm holding him back. Shifting into his seat Adrian prepared himself for the unexpected alas, Su Yin crushed his dreams rather wiped them clean.

"You want to go out like this!", her voice was cold, detached with no emotions. Su Yin stopped the man from retreating to clean his lips that were stained with her red lipstick, he was looking like a clown.

Su Yin yanked a tissue from her purse and roughly wiped his already red lips. She poured all her anger and grazed his lips in harsh movements with the tissue. Adrian could only grit his teeth and endure, after all it was his fault to provoke her.

Su Yin grinned widely, a hint of mischief in her clear eyes making Adrian's heart skip a beat. Adrian startled her when his calloused fingers traced her lips, she gasped parting her lips to speak but he beat her to it.

"Lipstick.. I really like this color on you!", Adrian wiped the smudged lipstick from her pouty little mouth, showing his fingers to Su Yin and spoke lazily.

Su Yin swallowed back her harsh words, turning away from his piercing gaze Su Yin alighted from the car, heaving a sigh feeling the cool breeze on her flushed cheeks.

Adrian pulled her cold hands into his to warm them, walking closely he guided her inside the noodle shop.

Seating themselves at a small table Su Yin looked around, a hint of melancholy and nostalgia in her eyes. Su Yin looked at the man before her with a puzzled look.

"What do you want to eat?", Adrian smiled warmly at her, he remembered this place that she had mentioned to him. This was the first time he's brought her here. Adrian could feel the sadness in her eyes.

"Vegetable and tofu soup, Beef stir fried noodles, meat dumplings and stir fried chicken...", Su Yin calmed herself, thinking that it's just a coincidence she ordered happily, she was very hungry right now to think about anything else.

After a good few minutes the dishes were served, Su Yin's heart was unusually at ease, she forgot everything and enjoyed Adrian's company wholeheartedly just like their initial days of dating.

From time to time Adrian would place food into her bowl, Su Yin would feed him sometimes with her chopsticks, Adrian would lovingly wipe her oil stained mouth and she'd grin at him with love filled eyes, Adrian was ecstatic at this development between them.

The elderly couple who were witnessing this lovely moment between two 'lovers' couldn't help but comment on their love.

"Miss Su, Your boyfriend is very handsome. I see he loves you so much!", Aunty Fu chimed placing another serving of the signature fried chicken dish.

Su Yin choked heavily listening to her words, a fit of cough made her face flush red. She gaped at Adrian before turning to Aunty Fu.

"Aunty Fu.. No! He.. He is..", Adrian clearly displeased by her explanation stuffed a piece of soupy dumplings in her mouth, looking at the young couple's love Aunty Fu was embarrassed to interrupt them and walked away smiling.

Soup trickled down Su Yin's small mouth enticing Adrian to taste her, even before the thought could pass Adrian acted on it, lunging forward he grabbed Su Yin's hand holding the chopsticks and crashed his lips on her.

Adrian's lips hungrily tasted the meaty soup from her lips, licking her lips that were clamped shut to avoid his intrusion. Su Yin stomped heavily on his shoe, her high heels piercing his shoes and crashing his toes.

Su Yin hit his knuckles with her chopsticks after the man yelped leaving her lips, he looked at her with a wronged expression to which Su Yin only harrumphed and turned around as if saying 'Huh! You deserved it!!'

Adrian apologetically lowered his head digging in his bowl, concealing the sly smile on his lips and glint in his eye.

After having their fill the pair left the place thanking Mr and Mrs Fu, Su Yin was sleepy and Adrian didn't want her to knock off before consuming medicine for her cold and cough.

He pulled out a packet and passed it to Su Yin, she frowned at him and the packet before rummaging through it.

"Eat this before you sleep..", passing a bottle of water Adrian's eyes were fixed on the road ahead missing the look of warmth in Su Yin's eyes.

Adrian safely dropped Su Yin at her own apartment rather than Su Mansion, this was the only place Adrian knew of where Su Yin could be safe right now.

Su Yin reached her room, switching on the lights she went to her window, the blue car was eye catching. Adrian left after seeing that she had reached safely, the lights of her room were the glaring proof.

"Good night Yinyin..", he whispered looking at the window, his eyes smiling just like his lips and turned around walking back to his car.

Su Yin saw him looking at her window, shaking her head Su Yin walked into the bathroom to wash up and changed into comfortable clothes, her formal clothes smelled like Adrian.

"It was real.. I met Ad today! I wasn't dreaming, It was all real..", Su Yin mumbled with an indescribable look on her face, faint smile adorned her lips making one's heart jolt seeing her blissful face.

Taking in his scent Su Yin plopped on her soft bed and closed her eyes, today's events ran through her mind, like a movie she saw each scene unfold.

"Ad.. Adrian", Su Yin whispered holding her gray coat close to her chest, slowly she drifted into dreamland.