The Fish And The Bait

Lucifer was already in the hallway, his heavy footsteps announcing his presence even before he could actually appear. Adrian's ears perked up, he turned around to face the man with a king like presence, his all black attire adding mystery to his personality.

"Boss, Dai Yu's tracking the ip address. It's close to C County..", Adrian hurriedly reported the progress, careful not to disturb the prodigious hacker, SwiftZ.

"Dai Yu, last night it was tracked to F Country then R Country..", Lucifer's eyes were fixed at the tiny figure who was concentrating hard with a victorious smile. Lucifer got his answer and he walked to his side.

"It's done..", Dai Yu screamed making Adrian kick his leg.

"It was sent from here.. B City!", Dai Yu ignored Adrian and turned to Lucifer with starry eye, Lucifer patted his head, ruffling his hot pink dyed hair like he was petting a dog. Dai Yu didn't mind at all, in fact he was elated from Lucifer's actions as if waiting for it.

"Good job! Now you can go anywhere you want these few days till you're summoned again! Don't forget to catch up on some sleep, you look tired", Lucifer's gentle voice gave Adrian goosebumps while the pet smiled happily, grinning from ear to ear, his head bobbing up and down vigorously like a broken toy.

"Yes Boss!", Dai Yu imitated a salute and skipped happily to collect his cheque and slump on his fluffy bed.

Adrian shook his head and smiled at the young man's enthusiasm, he was also like that in his youth.

"Let's go", Lucifer's words made Adrian break free from his reverie, hurriedly following behind Lucifer. Adrian drove Lucifer and his team occupied the two cars behind them.

- - - - - - -

It was close to dusk, the sun was slowly falling from it's grace and dying down for the night to arrive.

Cars zoomed one after the other, the streets were wet and slippery, it was a remote area of the town with few small, dilapidated hotels and houses. The car stopped in front of a dingy house with a worn out wooden door with a barely hanging lock.

Lucifer alighted from the car, his stature was bathed in the golden hue of the setting sun making the man look majestic, his exquisite features tinted with orange and gold light made him look like a heavenly being.

Adrian closely followed behind Lucifer, his stance alert and ready to tackle anything that threatens Lucifer's life. Lucifer leisurely kicked open the dirty wooden door and entered inside.

It was a small room with a tiny bathroom attached, it was really dark with no light source or ventilation. Adrian fumbled his way to find the switches, a tiny yellow bulb was hanging, it was the only light in the entire room.

The room had a coffee table, there were shards of broken glass on the wet floor. The room wasn't dirty as if recently cleaned, it was just that it's condition was poor.

There was a small calendar on the wall, Lucifer examined it closely, it's pages were torn and the current date was two days back. Lucifer smiled wickedly, without a word he turned around and walked outside.

"Adrian, the bait has been bitten by the fish", Adrian merely nodded his head and drove back to Lucifer's penthouse, while the burly men went back to the headquarters.

- - - - - - -

Ethan and Sera went back to his office to discuss a few pointers and decide on the designers for the renovations.

Ethan was looking at the file before him that was compiled by Assistant Chen, it consisted names and details of all famous designers. Sera had very little knowledge about this this, Ethan decided to help her.

"Miss Lu, what do you think about Miss Xia? She is a family friend and best in the field", Ethan had a serious contemplating look, Sera thought for a second then answered calmly.

"Okay then, let's consider Miss Xia..", Sera smiled at Ethan.

It was already very late, Ethan invited Sera to have dinner with him and Sera gladly agreed. The pair went to Ethan's house, much to Sera's surprise. She was flabbergasted, Ethan noticed her expression and chuckled,

"Just relax..", Ethan whispered, Sera merely looked at his composed expression and nodded with a doubtful look.

Ethan's face was calm albeit his racing heart, he had taken a gamble by bringing Sera home, his back was covered in cold sweat.

Chanting prayers in his heart Ethan decided to brave himself and walked towards Sera, who was looking lost standing awkwardly near the entrance.

"Come on, let's get inside..", he took her hand, it was clammy, he smiled reassuringly and they went inside.

As luck would have it, Ethan's grandmother Sophia Lee was not present tonight, allowing Ethan to relax and spend his time with Sera in peace.

"Be comfortable. My grandmother's not at home, so feel free to feel at home..", after saying that Ethan went upstairs to change.

He was nervous, extremely nervous, looking at her small figure that was wandering downstairs he smiled then went inside his room.

Sera was no different, she felt extremely awkward visiting a man's house so late in the evening although she had spent nights at Maya and Xav's condo, they were her bestfriends.

Sera, with an uneasy heart sat on the couch, there was a glass of water on the table across her. Sera nervously drank the glass of warm water, it was soothing to her parched throat and helped her calm down.

"He's just a friend, a business partner..", Sera whispered to herself, she was more at ease now, she stood up to admire the beautifully decorated hall.

Ethan took a quick shower, after soothing his stiff muscles and feeling refreshed Ethan rummaged through his wardrobe, after finding the perfect outfit he hurriedly dressed up.

"Ethan, relax! breath deeply..", calming his nerves Ethan walked out, dressed in a light blue shirt, Ethan was matching with Sera's outfit. Like a shy teenager Ethan walked towards Sera who was standing before a huge painting.