An Edgy Ethan

Sera was leisurely looking around the large hall, reminiscing the first time she had entered this very place.

The birthday banquet of Madam Lee, It was also one of the most high class events Sera had attended with her family, apart from the parties Maya and Xav used to drag her to.

As Ethan was walking down the stairs he looked at Sera's small face, her starry eyes and little mouth adorning a smile while perusing the room and it's decor.

Sera was looking in awe at the artistic landscape, the artifacts and paintings in the living hall. Ethan's lips automatically curled into a rare smile, he stood behind Sera and spoke in a calm tone, drawing her attention.

"This painting here, It is by the renowned artist ROSE, although he is very inconspicuous his works speak otherwise", Sera merely nodded, a mysterious glint in her eyes which vanished soon after, Ethan who was standing behind her had missed that look in her eyes.

The fact that Sera was interested in this particular painting was because it was ROSE's, a clueless Ethan blabbed on and on about the collection of art pieces, Sera smiled occasionally commenting and laughing at his awkward jokes.

After touring the whole place, Ethan brought to the large dining hall albeit extravagant it was filled with only a few simple dishes.

Sera remembered the last time on this very table there was a mouthwatering feast with more than hundred varieties of dishes.

"I didn't want to trouble you so I ordered them to make a simple meal of few dishes", Ethan tried to explain after seeing her reaction, he didn't ask her opinion and ordered only a few dishes as he was excited to eat dinner with her at his place.

"It's okay Mr Lee, I like it..", Sera blurted, her statement bringing a smile on Ethan's rigid face which had a thin layer of sweat, he was nervy and on edge.

"You know that you can call me just Ethan.. right?", Ethan finally spoke the thing that was upsetting him, he had previously asked her to forget formalities but this girl was trying to create a line between them ever since she came to know about their marriage agreement.

"Oh! Sorry.. Ethan", Sera tried to humor him, Ethan was ecstatic and almost choked from happiness. Sera looked at him coughing, with a worried expression she passed him a tissue and a glass of water, Ethan accepted her kindness and smiled brightly.

"It's okay, it's not a problem.. anymore", Ethan's face was flushed, he tried to cover it with the back of his hand and spoke in a grim voice unlike his shy expression.

Sera thought that it wasn't bad to address him like that since they were going to work together for a few months Ethan is her partner in business now. Also his family is friends with her family and he's a good friend to her as well. Considering all this factors Sera agreed to Ethan's little request.

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Adrian was fiddling with his phone, debating whether to call Su Yin or drop a simple message. After much effort he had obtained Su Yin's personal number, excited Adrian is eager to look for Su Yin.

"How's your cold?", Adrian decided to text her just in case she hung up on him without a care, this was a safe idea and wouldn't hurt his pride, Gritting his teeth Adrian sent the message.

Su Yin was sniffing, her eyes were red and she was sobbing like a lost baby. Su Yin was down with a fever and decided to take a day off, bored from resting like a log Su Yin was binge watching on her favorite k-dramas.

Currently she was watching 'Uncontrollably Fond' and crying, the male lead is diagnosed with terminal disease, he's soon going to die and it was a difficult news to digest.

Su Yin's cellphone chimed at this crucial moment, cursing at the person disturbing her peace Su Yin paused the scene. Looking at the familiar number her heart skipped a beat.

Su Yin hurriedly got up, almost jumping she wiped her face and snot with wet wipes before reading the text.

"Huh?", she was in a trance seeing his care that was almost dreamlike, pinching her exposed forearm Su Yin winced in pain and again cursed Adrian.

Another text message was sent even before Su Yin could properly curse Adrian, he was really impatient,

"Get well soon. Actually I was supposed to enjoy strawberry icecream with you, but due to your poor health I didn't..", Adrian deliberately mentioned her poor health indirectly blaming her for missing out on delicious fresh strawberry icecream.

Su Yin absentmindedly licked her lips thinking about strawberries, throwing back the phone on her bed she cursed Adrian again for enticing her with strawberries.

Feeling nervous Adrian couldn't help it, he dialed her number praying that she answers. Su Yin knew that he was really anxious and her heart didn't want to trouble him anymore.

Like the magnanimous person she was, Su Yin answered his call unhurriedly, her voice a bit hoarse.

"Hello", Adrian was distracted by her voice, as if cat got his tongue he was in a daze.

"Adrian!!", Su Yin shouted breaking his trance, his ears hurting from her screaming.

"Yinyin, Let's go eat icecream..", Adrian could only bribe her with food and strawberries, he knew her gluttonous self very well, laughing wickedly Adrian proposed.

"Who wants to eat anything with you! Don't get all clingy OK!", Su Yin shouted like she was fuming but her expression spoke otherwise, her heart as if dripped in honey.

"Okay, I'll pick you up later. Let's go on a date", Adrian spoke charmingly, his words swaying Su Yin.

"What date! Who wants to go on a date with you! I'd rather jump off a cliff..", Su Yin rattled on, seemingly embarrassed by his words.

"Okay, let's just eat out", Adrian cut her off and didn't give her a chance to react, hastily hanging up on her.

"Idiot", Su Yin screamed and plopped herself on bed, silly smile adorning her flushed face.