Excited - Lonely - Messy

"Sera..", Ethan called abruptly, a startled Sera looked at him with a questioning gaze and hummed.

"Hm?", Ethan was actually worried that she'll feel offended or rather not reply to him. After seeing that she didn't mind he continued confidently.

"Actually, Miss Xia...", Ethan started, his voice was low but audible, Sera perked up after hearing him say Miss Xia, she was the designer they were contemplating on.

"I mean Xia Ruo Lan, She.. she is a family friend of mine", Ethan's tone was consistent with his unreadable expression, Sera on the other hand felt enlightened, her expression changed slightly.

"Oh!", Sera's monosyllable reply left Ethan feeling all jumpy, nevertheless he still continued in a nearly confident tone.

"It's her birthday this week and I was thinking..", Ethan spoke hiding his nervous front, he was looking at Sera intently trying to read her expression. But she had lowered her gaze eating her food in a poised manner making Ethan all the more anxious.

"It would be nice if you'd accompany me to her birthday party, It'll also help you to connect with her and discuss the project personally..", Ethan spoke so fast that even he couldn't understand half of his own words.

Ethan's words were to convince Sera, he wasn't lying though, Xia Ruo Lan would never reject Ethan's proposal, he just wanted to help Sera network and also for his own selfish reasons.

Ethan wanted to spend some time with Sera apart from his office and their occasionally lunch and dinner appointments.

Sera was in a deep thought after Ethan spoke, she was seriously considering Ethan's words. On the other hand her slow response was making Ethan want to jump from his seat and shake her shoulders to wake Sera from her thoughts.

Throughout the dinner Ethan felt like he was sitting on pins and needles, Sera had not spoken a word after his speech. As he was about to compromise and tell her not to worry, he would handle everything Sera's soft voice tickled his restless heart.

"Alright, it's a good idea", Like a breath of fresh air Sera's answer gave life to Ethan's stiff face, he smiled brightly and nodded his head.

"Ethan I'll be going back now it's quite late..", Sera was about to walk out when Ethan grabbed her hand like the last straw of his life.

"It's not safe, I'll drop you..", Saying that Ethan didn't give her any chance and picked up his car keys.

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Lucifer was cooking at his penthouse, dressed in a body fit white tshirt baring his toned muscles and donning a bright red apron, he was stirring the pot of vegetable congee.

Lucifer looked as yummy as his delicious food, he was serving the dishes on the dining table, his gray eyes were dull albeit his calm expression. Adrian had long left after calling Su Yin and fixing their date night afraid that she would refuse Adrian rushed to her place.

Lucifer was sitting alone eating his dinner, although it was not a first time still he was feeling rather lonely tonight. Especially after failing to unveil the master behind Lucifer's success since five years.

Actually before deciding to cook a meal for himself Lucifer had called Ethan's office to spend some time with his only true friend.

Lucifer was disappointed when Assistant Chen informed that Ethan had left the office, thinking that his friend is busy with work Lucifer didn't disturb him.

Lucifer was missing Sera very much, she was the only person who could heal his heart and soul, Lucifer wanted to call her but decided against it. He didn't wish to involve her in anything, he was afraid of baring his demons to her lest he scared her or endangered her life.

Lucifer was still trying to figure out his true feelings for Sera, he wanted to cherish her, make her smile, give her everything she wanted but all these unfamiliar feelings only made him hard to perceive the truth fearlessly.

It scared Lucifer to embrace his feelings for Sera, he knew that it's not fair for Sera but he was really terrified of his demons.

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Lu Jinan had taken half a day off from his work today to spend time with Sera. But his lovely sister was extremely busy working for her dream, though it made him feel proud he was unhappy from the lack of attention.

Jinan finally realized what Sera would feel every time she was alone waiting for him, it greatly pained his heart.

Finally after much deliberation on what to make his lovely sister happy, Jinan decided to do something that he'd never imagined, he flashed his pearly teeth and asked help from Aunt Zhou to bake a cake for Sera.

"Aunt Zhou, is this okay? 2 eggs right?", Jinan was in the midst of mixing the batter for the cake. After breaking half a dozen of eggs Jinan finally broke 2 eggs without making a mess in the kitchen.

"Yes young master, let me.. let me help you", Aunt Zhou asked Jinan to step aside but the man was too stubborn and wouldn't budge. Aunt Zhou helplessly looked around the messy kitchen, crying without tears.

"No.. I WILL DO IT MYSELF! Just tell me Aunt Zhou, I'll follow your instructions..", Jinan muttered while whisking the mix which was flying everywhere, even Jinan's fair cheeks were covered with a dark chocolate cake mix.

"Okay.. Now pour this slowly inside the cake tin.. enough just little.. don't fill it to the brim", Aunt Zhou guided the young master of Lu household, Jinan Lu, who had never cooked anything apart from boiling tea.

"All done!", Jinan smiled brilliantly after setting the temperature on the microwave and looked at Aunt Zhou with a satisfied expression, his black orbs were filled with light and Aunt Zhou smiled softly looking at him.

"What's all done?", Sera's crisp voice interrupted the moment of bliss shared by the elderly lady and Jinan, they both turned around with a stunned expression and shook their heads.

Sera looked at Jinan's disheveled state, his hair had egg shells with some flour, his white shirt was messy with yellow egg stains, chocolate stains and his face was also very messy, all in all he looked like a huge mess.

"Haahaahhaaaa.. Bro.. brother!! Wh.. What happened to you", Sera couldn't control and erupted in a fit of laughter, calling Jinan's name and asking what's wrong with him!