Never, Never Again!

Jinan stared at the laughing mess before him, Sera with a sullen expression on his once bright face, his eyes boring an invisible hole.

Aunt Zhou awkwardly coughed a couple of times to gather the silly girl's attention, finally Sera stopped her mania and looked at the pair before her with a lost expression.

Not able to understand the situation in front of her Sera tilted her face, her face laced with confusion, she innocently asked in an almost inaudible voice,

"What happened? Aunt Zhou? Brother?", asking softly Sera advanced towards the pair and stood gazing at the kitchen that was in shambles.

There were egg shells strewn on the kitchen counter and floor, packets of flour, cocoa, sugar and choco chips were lying in a chaotic state, it was very very dirty.

"Was there a storm in the kitchen?", her innocence ignited the flames further and Jinan's face turned completely black, burnt.

Then Sera's eyes swept across the bowl, it was a mishmash of ingredients that seemed foriegn to Sera.

"Who was trying to experiment in the kitchen instead of a lab?", Sera bent forward to pick up the bowl, tilting slightly she chuckled before speaking, it was the final blow of Sera tonight. Jinan was fuming, he stormed out of the kitchen never once looking back.

In actual fact, it wasn't Sera's fault who couldn't grasp the gist of the situation. Never in his life would Jinan attempt something like this, Sera being his sister understood her brother perfectly, thus she didn't assume anything outright

Jinan's exaggerated response (which was what Sera thought) amused Sera to the core, blinking her eyes she posed an unasked question to Aunt Zhou slightly raising her eyebrow.

"Young master wanted to bake a cake for you, young miss!", Aunt Zhou bit her lip, her voice was shaky and Sera's eyes shot wide open at her statement.

"Br.. brother did what?", Sera's heart ached, she had unknowingly hurt her only brother. Sera's eyes were stinging not from pain, the tears were the proof of her happiness.

"Yes, young miss, Actually young master came back home early today, he wanted to spend time with you but you were busy so..", she didn't continue rather there was no need to continue, as Sera had dashed out of the kitchen to find Jinan leaving Aunt Zhou.

- - - - - - -

Although Adrian had called Su Yin and insisted on taking her out for icecream, Su Yin didn't want to have any wishful thoughts. Thus she continued watching the k-dramas albeit absentmindedly.

All her thoughts were running around Adrian's words and his actions from the time they had encountered each other after their year long break.

It would be a lie if Su Yin denied her love for Adrian, it would be an even bigger joke if she'd say that his actions didn't reignite her feelings.

There was some part of her that wanted to be wishful and jump at this opportunity, a second chance at her perfect love story.

But Su Yin being the scaredy cat that she was, felt conflicted, the pain that she had experienced before which was unbearable to her, that gut wrenching, nerve wracking pain as though she'd die from it.

"Never, never again!", Su Yin's voice was firm and she had a resolute on her face, her eyes gleaming.

Su Yin felt like a whole new person after her resolve to never waver at Adrian's gesture and shenanigans.

Su Yin was feeling energized, she got up from her unkempt bed and frowned looking at her room. It was dirty.

Sighing deeply Su Yin clenched her fists and cheered herself, next she tidied her bedsheets and folded the comforter, picked up the chocolate wrappers, chips packet covers, beer cans and everything else, she dumped everything outside her apartment after putting it inside a large garbage cover.

Su Yin then walked inside the bathroom to wash her tear stained face and brushed her tangled midnight black hair. With a bright smile she looked around the room, the whole place was spick and span.

"Perfect!", Su Yin almost squealed, patting her own shoulders she slumped on the couch. After all the cleaning she was tired, it took her less than 15 minutes to perform her task, it was her record breaking speed.

"Aah! I'm too tired, it hurts!", Su Yin mumbled, she was massaging her wrists and back, her stiff neck everything hurt, it hurt really bad.

After a moment of thinking, Su Yin jumped almost tumbling down onto the floor, like she just had an enlightenment her eyes glistened and a smile crept up her lips.

"Spa time!!", Su Yin screamed and dashed inside the bedroom, she rummaged through her wardrobe and changed in a jiffy.

Su Yin sauntered towards her car dressed in a thin off shoulder, white knee length dress paired with a large overcoat in black covering her. Her hair were messily tied in a loose bun and she wore matching white sneakers.

Su Yin looked really pretty, her bare face with no makeup brought out her innate beauty. Sitting inside her white Porsche Cayenne Su Yin drove off.

Just as Su Yin's car left the vicinity, an eye catching blue color Bentley entered the gates of her apartment, the car door opened and a dapper looking gentleman alighted from the car, like a noble.

- - - - - - -

Su Yin was having a great time at the spa, she had her eyes closed and was getting a body massage to soothe her tense muscles, it was very very soothing.

"How good is that?", she muttered under her breath, after the massage Su Yin had a relaxing bath with essential oils and bath salts.

Su Yin felt really hungry and sleepy after the session, so she didn't waste any time as it was already late Su Yin hurriedly drove off.

The spa wasn't very far, just a couple blocks away from Su Yin's apartment.

Su Yin parked her car and got off, she was stunned to see a familiar silhouette standing in the dark, with the streetlights emanating a soft glow to his ethereal being.