Almost Peed His Pants!

Adrian followed Su Yin who entered a men's clothing store with a neutral expression on her face.

The shop manager respectfully greeted Su Yin, the latter was well known for she would occasionally shop for Yishen moreover she was a Su!

"Miss Su, what a pleasant surprise! What would you like to see?", the manager asked in a sickly sweet voice.

"I'd like to look around myself..", Su Yin cringed at her words and she dismissed her politely.

"Please..", she gestured Su Yin to go ahead all while plastering an insincere smile.

"Yinyin, why are we here?", feigning ignorance Adrian innocently asked Su Yin, the latter rolled her eyes at his words.

"Don't you want me to compensate you?", Su Yin spoke as she walked towards a particular section.

"Oh! You're so kind, so good to me...", Su Yin ignored the blabbermouth and hastened her steps.

"Stop with your drama already!", Su Yin mumbled in a low voice to avoid any attention from other customers.

"You call it drama, I call it opera!", Adrian did an exaggerated action with his hands as he pulled Su Yin in his embrace, his one hand on her waist other swaying dramatically in air.

"Adrian!", Su Yin stomped his feet and pushed him lightly, Adrian shrugged his shoulders following her majesty around.

"Try this one..", Su Yin gave him a subtle black jacket with minimal details, it was really eye catching.

"You come with me..", Adrian dragged Su Yin to the changing room.

"What are you doing Ad!", Su Yin was confused by his abrupt actions, a sense of unease in her chest.

"Sshh!", Adrian placed his finger on her lips, she gulped taking a step back, hitting the wall.

"Don't come out till I say! OK?", Adrian's demeanor took a 180 as his blue irises emitted coldness, he looked scary just like she knew him.

"Hmm..", Su Yin nodded her head, Adrian bent slightly and pecked her lips before heading out, he locked the changing room so that no one enters.

Su Yin could feel herself palpitating from terror, she hastily locked the door from inside and sat on the small stool inside. Her reflection aghast in the mirror opposite her.

- - - - -

Moments before Su Yin walked inside the clothing store, a group of four men wearing black masks and carrying guns entered through another door.

Their eyes fixated on Adrian, the first guy signaled the remaining three and inconspicuously entered the store, hiding himself behind the clothes.

Adrian saw the masked man's dubious actions, he wasn't a common man, the gun hidden inside his belt proved Adrian's suspicion. Thus Adrian locked Su Yin inside the changing room to deal with these jokers trying to ruin his sweet time with Yinyin!

Adrian stealthily looked around, he walked to the next cubicle and opened it's door, it was empty. Adrian patiently stood outside waiting, the man suddenly attacked him from back.

Adrian dodged his attack whilst pulling the man's hand over his shoulder with one hand inside the cubicle, Su Yin could hear the man's groans as he struggled to match with Adrian's strength.

"Please, God! Don't let anything happen to Adrian..", Su Yin's heart was in her throat although she was aware of Adrian's hazardous job.

Su Yin seems to have forgotten the time she fought alongside Adrian once..!

Adrian turned the man's body around, with a deadlock around his neck the man could see Adrian's deathly aura in the mirror's reflection.

Especially when he saw Adrian's blue eyes, those cruel eyes, the man almost peed his pants!

Adrian smirked sinisterly as he abruptly picked up the stool with his leg and smacked it on the masked man's head freeing his other hand. Blood oozed from the man's forehead, he was losing consciousness.

Adrian didn't wait for the man to faint, he pushed him in the corner and tied his hands with his own belt, he gagged his mouth with a sock and left from there.

Adrian went out of the store, nearly two stores away there was a cafe, he went inside and sat in an obscure place hiding himself.

Two of the three men came inside, without their masks however Adrian recognized them. He warily walked inside the washroom.

They followed him, almost tip toeing. Adrian stood behind the door waiting for them to make a move.

The first man successfully entered the washroom, just as the second man was to enter Adrian blocked him closing the door simultaneously taking out the man's gun from his holster.

"Aah! Who?", the man's cries were muffled as soon as the bullets hit him.

Very easily Adrian shot the man standing in front him straight into his forehead, blood sputtered and the man fell with a thud.

"You!! Who..", Adrian didn't give him a chance to continue and striked once again.

Adrian then shot the second man in his foot, then pulled him inside and thrashed his body on the countertop, then pulling the trigger he shot him in his chest.

Everything happened so fast that it looked unreal. In a flash Adrian killed the two men and left surreptitiously.

Just as Adrian was preparing to sit a man came to him, he was sneakily pointing a gun towards Adrian.

"Come with me..", he whispered in his gruff voice.

Unperturbed, Adrian glanced at the man, he could feel the chill in Adrian's eyes as his hands holding the gun trembled.

Adrian let out a dry a chuckle, it shook the man to his core yet he continued pointing the muzzle to Adrian's abdomen.

The man pushed Adrian en route to the washroom, Adrian pulled the door open and the man shoved him inside. He was shocked to see the dead bodies laying down on the floor, gritting his teeth he charged towards Adrian.

Adrian locked both his hands and kicked his knees, the man kneeled down with a loud thud as his knee caps snapped, a loud cry escaping his mouth.

"Aaahhh.. Aaah.. let.. go!", the man almost begged him.

Adrian took the gun from his hand almost breaking his knuckles, a shrill cry sounding inside the washroom,

"Aaaahhhh... Noooo...", the man broke down as his fingers snapped in Adrian's expert hands.

Adrian mercilessly pushed the man such that the side of his head was touching the floor, his shoe was placed tightly on the man's face preventing his movements.

"Please.. pleaseee.. no nooo", he cried loudly.

Adrian abruptly pulled the trigger, the bullet sharply hitting the man's abdomen and ripping his intestines, a muffled cry could be heard but Adrian ignored him and walked past him to the wash basin.

After a strenuous exercise, Adrian washed his hands clean wiping them with a wet towel before going to Su Yin. Such a clean freak!