Don't I Look Hot?

Adrian strolled through the crowd garnering attention.

He looked ruggedly handsome albeit the blood stains that were on him. His black tshirt hiding it completely, muscular arms making everyone present go crazy.

Adrian didn't even bother to look at them as his thoughts were all about finding Su Yin, the frail looking tough girl who wouldn't bat an eye in such violent situations.

That's what he loves about Su Yin, her courage to face blood and gore instead of screaming her lungs out she can think rationally in the eyes of crisis.

Before going to Su Yin he went to the next cubicle to check the unconscious man, extracting information from him.

"Hey!", Adrian kicked the man as he was still unconscious, which was unusual.

Adrian's eyes darkened when he saw blood that had oozed out of his abdomen, with a heavy heart Adrian called Lucifer.

"Boss, Something happened..", he explained everything to him.

"It's not him, I know. This is not his style..", Adrian seemed to agree with Lucifer's analysis and nodded his head.

"Boss, I think you should be careful, If you want I can come..", Lucifer intervened, Adrian ended the call still feeling conflicted about Lucifer's safety.

Lucifer was capable of protecting himself, Adrian and Lucifer were trained together since childhood. In fact Adrian is a year older than Lucifer and thinks of him as his own younger brother.

Even their mothers were best sisters, Lucifer's mother had taken care of his mother in their dire days and vice versa.

- - - - -

Coming out of the cubicle Adrian sighed deeply, eyes dim. Taking a deep breath Adrian ran fingers through his messy hair, exasperated.

Adrian's jacket was in Su Yin's cubicle, he went towards nextdoor, unlatching the lock.

"Yinyin, I'm here.. Open up!", his magnetic voice woke Su Yin from her daze and she frantically opened the locked door and lunged forward when the man was in front of her.

Adrian was elated, he was waiting for her soft body to crash into his but the lady walloped him hard.

"Idiot!!", she screamed at him before pushing him away harshly and walking out.

Amused by her reaction Adrian laughed, he looked like a fool laughing after taking a hit. With a silly grin he followed after her.

"You were worried about me.. right?", his voice was low by a few octaves yet Su Yin could sense the smugness oozing out of his tone.

"You stink!!", Su Yin spat harshly, Adrian sniffed himself and a frown appeared on his face.

"No wonder you didn't hug me!", Adrian felt filthy, he picked up the random clothes from Su Yin's hand and pecked her cheeks, fleeing inside the cubicle to change.

After changing into a fresh, brand new set of clothes Adrian dumped his used clothes in the bin, proudly striding towards Su Yin who was looking at him in awe.

"Don't I look hot?", a smirk resting on his thin lips as his blue eyes glistened.

Adrian's jacket was resting on Su Yin's shoulders, pulling the lapels he brought their bodies closer and whispered into her ears in his magnetic voice.

"Let's eat something before you'd pounce on me here!", before she could react he strode away in long strides.

"Jerk!!", Su Yin shouted, red in anger at his conceited attitude.

Adrian didn't mind it, completely undisturbed with her behavior he walked towards the counter to pay his bills.

- - - - -

On the other side of the city a man was swamped as he checked a barrage of files laying on his desk.

Ethan was slaving away to spend more time with Sera before the birthday party of Miss Xia, poor Assistant Chen is also working overtime while cursing his boss.

Dressed in a plain white shirt with a thin mist covering his forehead Ethan looked extremely attractive albeit his exhaustion.

Assistant Chen had a pained expression on his face as he was going through the file in his hand, his eyes were tired and he was yawning much to Ethan's annoyance.

Just as Ethan was intending to pick another important file his cellphone chimed, looking at the number a rare smile crept up his lips as he answered the call.

"Dad!", Ethan's enthusiastic tone shocked Assistant Chen who stopped flipping through the bulk of documents.

"Son! Your mother and I are going to be back soon, precisely at dawn", Nathan Lee's energetic voice can be heard through the phone.

The Lee's and Lu's had gone on a 15 days Caribbean Cruise as a gift from one of their client's, Mr Ying who owns a shipping business.

After their short business trip at Y Country to crack a deal with Mr Ying's company, Francis Lu and Lu Shanshan took off to the Caribbean with the Lee's.

Anna Lu who was scared that her son would get busy baking another bun tagged along with them leaving Sera in the care of Aunt Zhou, Lu Jinan and butler Wu.

Sophia Lee who had no interest in traveling didn't join them, she would rather stay at home and relax, taking care of her only grandchild Ethan.

Actually, Sophia Lee is a very emotional woman, she doesn't go traveling as she's still not able to forget her husband nor accept his parting from her life.

Their sweet time spent abroad, on a number of holidays and cruises only brings her pain of the bittersweet memories.

"That's great news, Grandmother was already asking about you guys!", Ethan was still trying to digest the news.

"What about Uncle Lu, Auntie Lu and Grandma Lu?", feeling a little sceptical Ethan asked another question nervously.

Ethan just wanted to fetch his potential In-laws personally along with his parents and get in their good books.

"Ah~ They are here with us! We'll be back soon, be early to fetch us.. Don't keep your mom waiting..", Nathan Lee reminded his son to be a good son-in-law in front of the Lu's.

"Yes, dad! I'll keep in mind..", Ethan understood his father's cryptic words and smiled.

"Bye, see you soon. Hmm, Inform your grandmother too.."

"Yes, okay. See you soon..", Ethan looked at the mountain of work in front of him and sighed.

"Wrap up everything before 10, I'll be going back now!", Ethan's words were like bullets, each word hitting straight at Assistant Chen's heart as he hissed in pain for working overtime alone in the office.

It was currently quarter past 7 in the evening, the sky was dark and Ethan had plenty of time to rest and wake up early to fetch his parents and in-laws, the Lu's.