Heart Aches With Your Love

Not Everyone had the best morning of their lives, some were still in their bed, trying to forget the night before and sleep to their end!

Su Yin really had a rough night yesterday, after Adrian left she cried rivers and had more than a couple of drinks and passed out on her bed while digging the pint of strawberry icecream brought by him.

She was in a daze the whole time, thinking about the possibility of sharing a bowl of icecream with Adrian was like a dream when she was chasing after him.

And now the man himself drove to her doorstep to share icecream, it's not like they haven't done such things before

While they were dating it was a dream come true for Su Yin. Adrian too, spoiled her silly when they were together.

Initially the man was cold and thought of her as a burden in his life. Gradually he accepted her as a part of his life and they were really happy, until that one day.

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Su Yin woke up to a splitting headache, her temples were throbbing and her bed was a mess. Snacks, liquor bottles and whatnot, everything was thrown on the large bed that still smelled like Adrian.

The sun was at it's peak, it was quarter past 9 in morning and her stomach was grumbling, Su Yin had skipped dinner, gorging on icecream and liquor.

Taking a deep breath, Su Yin clenched her fists and raised them in the air,

"You can do it, Su Yin! It's just another day.. You've been doing it for a year now!"

After cheering herself she slumped back as her head was in disarray, she looked around the bedside table and popped a pill before getting out of her fluffy bed.

As she stared walking to the bathroom her phone started ringing, she paused her steps and looked in annoyance at the light coming out of the phone screen.

"Aah!..", she couldn't even scream out loud as her head was drumming, covering her ears with the fluffy towel she looked at the caller id.

"Hello..", she growled.

"Su Yin.. Is Sera there? I mean.. can I talk to her", Jinan's nervous voice startled Su Yin, she looked back at the caller id to confirm.

"Hmm.. Jinan is anything the matter?", Su Yin knew Jinan as the snobbish friend not the gentle puppy she was talking to.

"Nothing.. Just, you know.. hehe", his awkward laugh giving her goosebumps.

"Okay..", her words were cut off as the man disconnected the call.

Su Yin had a dumb expression on her face, she stared at the screen for a moment before shrieking,

"What's going on in my life!", she stomped into the bathroom, a long refreshing bath certainly relaxed her inside out.

As Su Yin closed her eyes, feeling the soothing warm water work magic, she was rearranging on the recent incidents.

Adrian's pleading eyes, his care, his love, his nonsense and his words from last night, everything moved back and forth like a movie. His words ringing in her ears.

"What should I do.. I'm such a coward! I ran away that night in pain and I'm still running away from you trying to avoid that heart wrenching pain that is bound to come. No matter if I'm with you or not.. My heart aches with your love.. Adrian I love you!"

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"Where are you Sera?", Jinan was in a daze as he stared at the paintings in Sera's room.

"I won't let you suffer again, my baby sister!", Jinan vowed as he stood gazing at their pictures on the desk.

Pain, sufferings, miseries these things are bound to come. No matter how strong or how prepared and determined you are, destiny has it's own ways!

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"Come here, be good..", Lucifer looked at the tantrum throwing child before him.

"I don't want to go yet.. Let us spend some more time here, look it's so beautiful..", Sera was feeling sad because she had to depart from the tranquility of the place, just like Ethan, Lucifer, Mia and her parents, Sera was falling in love with the beauty of this place.

Well, that was not the whole truth. Sera really wanted to spend more time with Lucifer, the man is always busy dealing with the good and bad of the world that their phone calls and texts can be counted on one hand.

"I'll bring you back some other day..", Lucifer was having a headache, that's why he disliked children and now he was dealing with the big baby in front of him!

"Promise!", looking at Lucifer's stern and impatient gaze Sera came back to earth and decided to behave like a normal adult.

Sera wanted to show her best side to Lucifer but she'd always embarrass herself in front of him, that really upset her.

"Okay, now stop sulking.. let's get some icecream for you!", sensing her change of expression Lucifer tried to put forth a tempting offer in order to pacify her.

"But it's too early in the morning..", she trailed off and looked at him with starry eyes.

"That's right! I still have to attend matters.. let's get going now", he kissed her cheeks and pulled her closer, resting her head onto his chest she mumbled.

"I don't know, you're always busy and we seldom meet like this, carefree and happily...", Sera was aware of his circumstances, it's too dangerous for him to run about on the streets.

Sera was disheartened thinking so many things that it was scaring her, she had bravely liked him and wanted to spend time with him but it was tough, really tough for he is no ordinary man, he is the Lucifer, the devil.

Lucifer's heart pained when she said those words, it's not really his choice of life that he's living now, it's something he was pushed into, he had to live like this, become stronger, fiercer, ruthless.

If not for his responsibilities, Lucifer would have long abandoned everything. Those wolves in the underworld are waiting to taste his blood and he has to show them their place.