A Foreboding Feeling

Lucifer felt a familiar pang of heartache looking at the figure clinging onto him for dear life, his own little koala bear.

Lucifer's gray eyes shrouded with unease and faint sorrow as he looked at her vulnerable self.

Gently smoothing her silky voluminous hair Lucifer breathed in her scent that instantly calmed his distressed heart.

Misty-eyed, Sera looked up from Lucifer's embrace straight into his gray irises, her eyelashes fluttering softly.

Looking at her all flustered Lucifer loving stroked her cheeks, slowly caressing her skin, comforting her.

Feeling remorseful for spitting her words carelessly Sera bit her lower lip, she could see the pain in his eyes further adding to her misery.

"I..", Sera parted her lips as words of apology were lingering on the tip of her tongue.

Lucifer didn't give her any chance to feel sorry, crashing his lips onto her soft plump ones he kissed away her apologetic words replacing them with soft muffled cries.

The kiss was the most gentlest one of Lucifer's so far. Lucifer deepened the kiss as he continued comforting Sera in his own way, tenderly nibbling her rubies, tickling and stimulating with his warm tongue.

Lucifer was helping Sera's restless heart settle, soothing her worries and subconsciously licking his own bloodied wounds, healing his own broken soul.

Sera was overwhelmed with a feeling of reassurance and trust, his hands tightening the hold on her tiny waist molding her slender frame into his own muscular body as he angled Sera's neck to melt against her lips.

Pulling back they stayed still in silence, their foreheads touching as they panted.

Sera was clutching Lucifer's seamless white shirt's collar looking into the deep whirlpool of his gray eyes.

Lucifer could feel Sera's erratic breathing, the skin under his palm could feel the heat surging through her body, grazing his calloused fingers on the soft flesh on Sera's nape his magnetic low voice resounded.

"I..", Lucifer wanted to explain his fears and ask Sera to retreat before she gets further embroiled in his hellish, cursed life.

"Sshh..", Sera shushed the man placing a finger on his lips and smiled brilliantly, forcing Lucifer to gulp and swallow his words.

"We are getting late..", Sera giggled, tugging his arm and walking towards the car.

- - - - -

"Grandmother..", Sera excitedly ran towards the old lady sitting with an air of nobleness on the comfy couch.

"Aiya~ my precious! Where were you?", Anna Lu almost spilled the tea onto the ebony center table.

Sera was at loss, the sudden question robbed off her senses as she stood motionless. Anna Lu was waiting for her answer, staring right into Sera's soul.

Lu Shanshan and Lu Jinan ascended the stairs at the commotion. As they arrived Sera's flustered voice entered their ears.

"I.. I was at the art gallery! Hehe..", Sera hastily cooked up an excuse and laughed nervously to cover up her lie

Jinan raised his brows in suspicion, he was aware of Sera's sensitive nature, she couldn't sleep just anywhere not even at Su Yin's place.

Poor Su Yin would have to sleep at Sera's place whenever they had a sleepover.

When Su Yin's place was also off the charts, then how was it possible for Sera to sleep at an empty and desolated art gallery?

"Ah! Why didn't you inform your brother? We were all so worried..", Lu Shanshan hurried to her side, cupping her face she started nagging.

"Mother, I'm sorry! Sorry brother, sorry grandmother..", Sera turned to Jinan and apologized, the man didn't even flinch as he tried to read her inside out.

Sera was intimidated by his intense gaze, averting his gaze she ran into her room with another excuse.

- - - - -

At Lucifer's office.

Adrian sat fidgeting uncomfortably on his seat, he looked haggard.

Even the fresh set of clothes on him couldn't hide his weary face, his silky hair unruly as the man ran his fingers through them in irritation.

The door to Lucifer's office clicked open, a towering figure entered inside bringing forth an air of mystique.

Adrian was in awe as his eyes traveled to the man's perfect features, unlike his usual style Lucifer was clad in pure white making him look pleasing to the eyes.

"You're early, It's not evening yet!", Lucifer looked at his watch as he leisurely strolled to his chair, trying to ignore the heavy eye bags under Adrian's eyes.

"Heh!", Adrian chuckled, his eyes turning dim as his expression turned wry.

"What is it?", Lucifer ignored the change in Adrian, his words curt.

"Boss, I have something important to report..", Lucifer furrowed his eyebrows, as the grave tone of Adrian brought a foreboding feeling.

"Yesterday...", Adrian reported his findings to the man who had a glint in his rough diamonds like eyes.

- - - - -

After Adrian left Su Yin's apartment, he was aimlessly driving on the streets, trying to suppress his thirst to spill blood.

As he was thinking of ways to distract himself and take his mind off Su Yin, his cellphone chimed.

"Hello..", he spat angrily, the man on the other side broke into cold sweat.

"Boss, the investigation.. they're old Wu's men!", feeling the chill emanating through the phone the man dared not dawdle, he hung up after blurting the main point.

"Tch!", Adrian lazily glanced at the dark screen, his expression turning ugly.

Taking a sharp turn Adrian made his way to old Wu's secret den, Lu Lu's bar.

- - - - -

Adrian was parking his car at the narrow alley near the bar, it was dark with a broken streetlight at the end of the alley.

Adrian was about to open the car door when a shrill scream was heard in the dead night, startled he hurriedly got out of the car.

Standing a bit far from the bar's entrance Adrian looked up at the dingy room on the first floor, a shadow could be seen through the broken glass window.

Furrowing his eyebrows Adrian hastened his steps toward the entrance, a figure dashed into him and he lost balance.

Adrian looked at the girl, she was one of the waitresses, her clothes were put on clumsily and she was shaking like a leaf.

Holding her wrist, Adrian pulled her inside the bar preventing her escape and strode straight to the dingy room where old Wu's dead body was sprawled on the floor.

"Aaaahhh...", horrified, the girl shrieked loudly before slumping on the floor, she had fainted.