Maybe A Veteran

There was a dead silence in the air, Adrian was looking at Lucifer who had an unreadable expression on his face.

After a while Lucifer shifted his position, placing his fist on the glass table he gazed at Adrian, a faint smile on his lips.

Adrian was perplexed, this was not a reaction that he was expecting.

After all it was not a simple occurrence for a small time goon like Old Wu to go against Lucifer.

There was definitely something fishy!

A faint-hearted man like Old Wu would think hundred times before doing something like this, there has to be someone backing him.

The smile gave him chills, he tried to wrap his head around Lucifer's plan of action. His eyes widened as he realized something.

"Boss.. It's not that man, right?", Adrian's voice was shaky.

"Hmm.. No! There seems to be a new player in the game, maybe a veteran..", Lucifer trailed off as the light in his gray eyes flashed.

"Is it him! The man that Uncle Chung warned you against?", Adrian asked with incredulity, this is something new!

"Maybe..", Lucifer shrugged, his eyes skimming the pending documents on the glass table.

"Boss, about the flight tomorrow.. I think that man will take action", Adrian expressed his doubts.

He had his own concerns pertaining to the collaboration between the Golden Sun Corps and Chang Holdings.

"Don't worry, just don't let your guard down!", Lucifer spoke in a low tone, Adrian nodded understandingly.

"If everything goes according to the plan.. the identity of the men lurking behind the shadows will soon come to light!", the determination in Lucifer's tone gave a sense of confidence to Adrian.

"Yes, boss! So.. we will board the flight tomorrow?", Adrian asked cautiously, they could change the flight timings to evade danger but Lucifer was adamant, hence Adrian's hesitation.

"Yes!", one word from Lucifer and the discussion came to an end.

- - - - -

At Ethan's office.

Assistant Chen was pacing back and forth outside the door to Ethan's office, he had a horror-sticken look on his face.

Ethan had yet to arrive, the man was a little late today, to be specific - he was late by two hours!

Recently the deal with the Zhang's was akin to an active landmine, causing Ethan to lose his temper more often than before.

Zhang Hongmin, that sly old man was playing his cards well forcing Ethan to a dead end.

Hongmin was planning to swindle the millions involved in the government project but Ethan was his biggest obstacle.

To bind Ethan's hands, Hongmin wanted Zhang Lili to seduce the man and subdue him completely.

It was his biggest game plan, the ambitious old man had his eyes on the Lee's from the beginning and now he was hell-bent on achieving his goal.

Ethan strolled through the corridor, raising his eyebrows he shot a discerning look at Assistant Chen's trepidatious figure.

"What are you doing?", Ethan's words made the bespectacled man jump in fear.

"CEO..", Ethan's sharp gaze frightened Chen and he took a step backwards.

"If there's nothing.. move!", Ethan impatiently barked and entered the office pushing the door open.

Coming out of his daze Assistant Chen hurriedly entered the office and stood before the man concentrated on the government project's file.

"CEO.. Mr Zhang, he.. he is not willing to sign the second copy of the agreement", he gulped as Ethan raised his eyes to meet his shaky ones.

"Oh!", Ethan then dived back into the documents ignoring Chen.

"Huh..", Assistant Chen was flabbergasted by Ethan's reply.

'That was too peaceful, he was expecting fireworks and explosives. Is it the so-called calm before the storm?..', Assistant Chen shivered at the thought and ran outside as though a monster was chasing him.

"Tch! This sick old man..", Ethan cursed under his breathe, lately he was under a lot of pressure due to the government project.

Three years ago Ethan had become the CEO of Lee Holdings, this was his biggest project in these three years.

After the unfortunate incident five years ago, Ethan had it rough. It took a whole one year for him to cope and stand steadily on his feet.

The last government project of Lee Holdings was under Nathan Lee's leadership, Ethan was assisting his father then and had learnt a lot from him. Thus, he had managed to achieve so much in just three years.

- - - - -

"Sera?..", Sera jumped out of her skin when she heard Jinan call her name.

"Ye.. yes brother!", she mustered enough courage to face him and shot an angelic smile to her brother who was staring at her.

"Aren't you getting bold?", his voice as grave as the situation.

"I.. don't understand brother, what..", Jinan cut her words short, dropping a bomb on her.

"You were not at the art gallery yesterday..", Sera gulped nervously, her lie was exposed.

"I went to check every place possible.. to find you..", his eyes dimmed, he was searching for her everywhere like a madman.

"I'm sorry.. brother", she lowered her head feeling guilty, Jinan's face softened and he gently rubbed her head, petting it.

"Don't you dare do it again! And don't lie..", he kissed her hair, his sister was his life and he'd protect her well.. this time.

"I won't!", Sera replied in a heartbeat, nodding vigorously.

"So..", he dawdled, Sera's expression changed as she realized that nothing could be escaped from her brother.

"Brother.. I.. I was with a friend..", Jinan's face was unreadable but his eyes were stormy as he listened to her words.

"Friend?", he furrowed his eyebrows, 'who could that friend be?'

"Uh-huh.. just a friend..", Sera mumbled flustered and guilty.

"Okay, I hope you realize that your friend is not important than your own, ahem family..", emphasizing the word friend, Jinan spoke his words cautiously.

Originally he wanted to say 'life' but decided against it not to arouse suspicion.

"Oh..", Sera had a conflicted look, as she muttered softly.

Lucifer had already become someone important, very very important to Sera.

Considering Jinan's words and the seriousness behind his words, his demeanor, Sera was feeling very troubled.