Empress Dowager

Seeing the skeptical look on Sera's small face Jinan had a bad premonition, his little sister was now blossoming into a woman and he could only wish that she wouldn't hurt herself.

Jinan could see, he could feel something was different in her disposition ever since the charity gala.

And now Jinan's theory seem to be coming out as a fact. He was rather startled to observe the entire change in her bearing.

With a deep sigh he shook his head and sat down pulling Sera beside him, he looked at her with a serious gaze.

"Who is he?", Jinan was curious, he wanted to know if the man is capable of protecting his sister.

"Huh..", Sera looked at him in shock, her mouth opened and closed like a fish.

"I know it from your face, your demeanor all the time, whatever you're doing," he said making Sera feel dumb.

"Oh.. Brother aren't you mad at me?", Sera asked meekly.

"I am.. I'm very mad at you for hiding things and lying but you're my little sister and I'll always want the best for you.. I'll always support you.."

Jinan's tone was no more stern, as he looked at the garden his eyes were kind, filled with love.

"I know..", Sera hugged Jinan and smiled at him.

"Ah! Brother, I wanted to ask you something..", Sera made an exaggerated expression to distract him.

As though recalling something very important Sera cried out loud as she smacked her forehead.

"What?", he knew what trick Sera was playing, smiling to himself Jinan humored her as he asked with interest.

"It's about ROSE!..", Sera's words were akin to explosives, one word and boom!

Jinan's entire attitude changed, the air around him turned chilly as the smile on his lips vanished.

"I know.. you would be shocked", Sera dawdled as Jinan's countenance turned grim.

"But brother.. you know how much I love ROSE's paintings!", She tried to explain with star in her eyes.

"Mother and Father always refused to acknowledge my affinity to ROSE's paintings! They even refrained me to find out about ROSE..", Jinan was looking with a rueful expression at Sera who was blabbering, lost in her own world.

"Remember when I was 18, the first time I had participated in a painting competition and won..", Sera was smiling brightly as the sweet memories surfaced to her mind.

"The prize was a framed photo replica of ROSE's very first painting, I was instantly attracted to it..", Jinan's eyes were hazy, as he tried to reminisce the distant memories.

No matter how much he tried, the only thing he remembered was her screams and cries...

"My curiosity increased after I researched about ROSE, along with mother and father's fears... I still have no idea what they're afraid of..", Jinan tried to stop her from speaking.

She was traveling across a dangerous path, her astute nature was a boon as well as a bane, especially when it threatened her wellbeing and life.

"Only you.. only you brother, you spoke to me about ROSE and my dreams, you helped in every possible way, I love you brother..", Sera turned around to face Jinan, he swallowed back his words.

"I love you too, my baby sister!", Jinan had a grim smile on his lips as he hugged Sera.

- - - - -

"Ethan darling, are you free tomorrow afternoon?", Sophia asked her grandchild as everyone sat on the dining table eating in harmony.

"Is something the matter grandmother?", Ethan stopped eating and spoke in a soft voice.

"Uh-huh.. My friend Anna and her family will be here for lunch..", Sophia calmly replied.

"Yes, I'm free!", Ethan was more than happy to spend time with Sera.

"That's good then..", Sophia stood up to leave as she spoke.

"Good night mother!", Nathan and Qin Ying wished the old lady.

"You're being too obvious!", Nathan scoffed.

"Dad!", Ethan whined as he looked at his father's teasing smile.

"Heh!", Nathan turned to eating ignoring Ethan.

- - - - -

Next morning at the Lu mansion.

The blinding rays of sun scattered into Sera's bedroom when Lu Shanshan opened the blush pink curtains.

"Sera, my precious wake up!", Lu Shanshan was back to her daily duty after being back from Y Country.

"Mother, five minutes..", Sera covered her face with her palms and turned away from the bright light entering through the windows.

"Wake up, it's getting late..", Pulling the blankets Lu Shanshan tried to wake Sera.

"What?", Sera groggily sat up straight, rubbing her eyes she asked in a hoarse sleepy voice.

"Did you forget what your grandmother told you yesterday?", Lu Shanshan had a look of disbelief as she helped Sera up from the bed.

- - - - -

Yesterday at the Lu mansion.

The family of five were seated comfortably relishing the hearty lunch prepared by Lu Shanshan and Aunt Zhou.

After nearly a month, the whole family was together enjoying a meal and Sera was obviously elated as she ate every morsel with delight.

"Everyone, I have an announcement!", Anna Lu cleared her throat before speaking authoritatively, startling everyone.

"I miss my friend Sophia. So tomorrow we are going to her place for a lunch gathering..", Anna continued.

"Especially you, Sera, Jinan and Francis dear.. clear your schedule!", the decree from empress dowager had been passed and nobody dared to defy Anna Lu's orders.

- - - - -


"Uh.. but it's too early now!", Whining Sera changed into comfortable clothes and walked downstairs, following Lu Shanshan.

"It was your grandmother who wanted you to wake up early and prepare..", she shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh no.. I hope it's not about Ethan again!", she was having a bad feeling about the coming event.

"I don't think so..", Lu Shanshan laughed at her expression then cleared her doubts.

"Then I don't mind..", skipping happily Sera went to sit at the dining table.

"Good morning grandmother, father, brother.. Aunt Zhou!", Sera smiled at everyone and greeted them respectfully.

"Good morning my precious, you're looking so pretty!", Anna gave a peck on Sera's cheeks and praised her looks.

"Really? I think you're looking more pretty grandmother..", a fawning smile on Sera as she complimented Anna.

Jinan and Francis laughed softly looking at her antics, she was really a smart little trickster.

"I hope you didn't forget about the lunch at Lee's..", Anna's eyes swept over Sera, Jinan and Francis, the two men were all dressed and ready for office.

"Yes, mother!"

"Yes, grandmother!"

Lu Jinan and Francis Lu answered at the same time while Sera laughed out loud at their expressions.