And The Date Continues..

"Yinyin, I'm just.. I'm just trying to love you! You're the one who taught me how to love so I..."

Adrian followed Su Yin to the living space, he sat beside her and held her hand, looking earnestly at her.

"Adrian, I know that.. I was the one badgering you day and night to accept my love for you! I also know how shameless I was in my pursuit, I've learned my lesson.. You don't have to make me taste my own medicine, So just stop! Stop tormenting me like this.. please!"

Su Yin's words hurt Adrian, it sounded like he was punishing her for loving him, it offended him greatly and the light in his eyes changed slightly but the man sat like a rock staring at the small face begging to leave him alone.

"Yinyin, If.. Ifyou were in my place.. would you have left me alone?", Adrian's question hit her exactly where it hurt, her broken heart!

Su Yin couldn't find the courage to answer Adrian's question, she lowered her head and sat in silence.

Adrian patiently sat beside her, observing her, reading her emotions, her silence was good enough for him as an answer.

"Your silence speaks miles than your words..", Su Yin choked at his words as her eyes brimmed with tears.

Adrian didn't touch her, he simply planted a chaste kiss on her lowered head before storming out off the house.

Su Yin didn't raise her head for a long time, her tears streaming endlessly, finally when the there was a faint sound of his car Su Yin raised her head.

Her eyes were red with tears, her lower lip was bleeding as she had bitten hard to stop herself from crying in front of him.

Su Yin couldn't control anymore and she bawled, crying like a child for it's mother.

- - - - -

The sky was gloomy on one side of the city while the other side was lit with twinkling stars and beautiful moonlight.

The pair of lovers sat under the starry sky, reminiscing and continuing their date...

Sera, clad in a sleeveless lilac silk dress sat tightly enveloped in Lucifer's arms. The man had nuzzled himself in her shoulder, breathing softly in her neck while they sat enjoying the breeze inside the tent.

As they sat basking in their happiness, Sera glanced at their closely entwined hands, a broad smile on her face.

"You know what.. If anyone told me that day, two years ago that this man would date you, I'd smack them silly!", Sera giggled, his gray eyes darkening at the musical sound.

"I know right, it's too strange how fate played their role in bringing us together..", Lucifer trailed kisses on her slender neck, making her gasp softly.

"It's indeed strange..", Sera mumbled as he continued his trail on her skin, she tightened the hold on their hands.

"You know Milady, I always thought that women are troublesome..", a chuckle escaped his mouth as he nibbled her pink tinted ears, teasing her with his tongue.

Lucifer laughed, his chest rumbling against Sera's back as the two sit hugging each other star gazing in the moonlight.

"Huh!", Sera couldn't understand anything, his actions distracting her greatly.

"In fact, the first time I saw you.. I still remember", Lucifer turned her around such that she was facing him, she was still a little woozy from his teasing.

Lucifer dotingly cleared her loose hair, exposing her beautiful face, stroking her cheeks and wiping the corner of her eyes that had tiny tears in them.

"The first time I saw you, you looked so mesmerizing.. I thought you were troublesome too.. especially when you plagued my thoughts the whole day!", Sera had punched Lucifer softly at his words.

As the last sentence was completed she hid herself in his embrace, Lucifer laughed at her reaction.

"You were like a temptress sent to turn my world upside down, to challenge me, Lucifer, the devil.. To mend my soul that had long forgotten to love anyone!"

Sera was resting her head on Lucifer's shoulder as he sat playing with her long locks of hair, twirling them in his long, slender fingers, opening up his heart to her.

"You were so gorgeous that I couldn't take my eyes off you, dressed in a red dress you were standing near the roses, I knew you were meant to be mine!", Sera giggled at his statement, he sneakily stole a kiss tilting her head, both panting after the kiss.

"From then on red became my favorite color, it's significance in my life changed from blood to life.. My life, that's you!", stroking her swollen lips Lucifer's gray eyes glistened as he said those words.

Hearing such sweet words from him made Sera's heart flutter, she leaned into his embrace as her face felt hot.

Lucifer touched her face that was burning red, she looked like a tiny red tomato ready to be bitten.

"You don't have anything to say to me? Eh!", Lucifer tried to distract her, he was afraid she'd run a fever if he teased her anymore.

"I.. I didn't know.. I just..", Sera mumbled against his chest, she could feel his heartbeat and it raced her own heart.

"Fine.. don't bother, let's eat something sweet..", pulling the platter full of chocolates, truffles, strawberries and deserts Lucifer tried to ease her heart.

Lucifer took a piece of chocolate to her lips, she slowly parted them to taste, Lucifer let her white pearly teeth bite the chocolate, the set of actions making his thoughts run wild.

Gulping his spit, Lucifer retracted his hand. Sera blinked at him innocently, making the man feel guilty and he shook his head resigning.

"You don't eat sweets?", Sera enquired after seeing that he doesn't seem to have a sweet tooth.

"Only of you feed me.. with your hands!", Lucifer pointed to her hand with his finger, a sly smile on his lips.

"Okay!", Sera happily clapped her hands, picking a small piece of chocolate to feed Lucifer.

Lucifer took the piece of chocolate in his mouth along with the tip of Su Yin's finger, he grabbed her hand as his mouth enveloped her finger earning a gasp from Sera.

Lucifer's gray eyes stared intently at her, all while nibbling on the piece of chocolate, as the chocolate melted into his mouth Sera's throat ran dry.

Lucifer sucked the remnants of chocolate on Sera's fingertips, a jolt of electricity running through her body straight to her core. Her eyes widened at the sensation, as she stared at the man eating her finger.

Lucifer gently sucked onto her finger, his burning gaze melting her, just as she thought that was it, the man softly dug his teeth biting her finger. Sera jumped at the sudden attack, she couldn't withdraw her hand and could only close her eyes in defeat.