Let's Do It Together!

Sera could feel her body getting lighter by the second, Lucifer gradually trailed kisses to her palm going further.

"Umm.. Lu.. Lucifer!", Sera whimpered under his touch, his warm breath intensifying the sensation.

As Lucifer's tongue licked Sera's skin, tingles travel through her body straight to her core, her other hand clutching the hem of her lilac dress firmly, forming wrinkles.

Lucifer was tormenting her in his own way, his tongue soothing the gentle bites on her skin as he sucks and licks it. Lucifer's subtle teasing was having a greater effect on Sera that was unfamiliar to him.

His fingers that had their grasp on her wrist were softly caressing the sensitive skin, Lucifer was amazed by her reaction just from his touch, he looked intently at her little face with tightly shut eyes.

In his quest to see her different reactions Lucifer was slowly losing himself, Sera too was no different, she was chewing on her lower lip which irked Lucifer.

"No.. Don't bite those pretty rubies!", his husky voice as though magnet attracting Sera's subconscious.

Leaving her hand, he swiftly pulled her face closer to kiss her lips, his tongue soothing the cut made by Sera's teeth.

Lucifer sucked gently as his hand moved to cup her face properly, angling it better to probe deeper.

Sera too lost herself in passion, her slender hands resting around his neck, pulling him forward in her hazy state, she was intoxicated by this drug called Lucifer.

After performing the much needed first-aid Lucifer pulled back to look at the marvel in his arms, her cloudy state intensely arousing his desires.

Being the gentleman that he was Lucifer kept Sera first rather than his desires, Sera was a panting mess as she settled weekly in his arms after the fierce kiss.

- - - - -

The Lu mansion was still and silent, Aunt Zhou was trying Su Yin's contact but it was unreachable.

Lu Jinan was in his study, sitting on the large leather chair his face was fatigued, his eyes closed with a frown resting on the already tired countenance.

Jinan's ears ringing with shrill screams of a girl, requesting, begging, crying frantically, desperate cries of a young girl.

"Please, open the door! Please.. it's very dark here.. please! I beg you.. Open the door..", the shrieks resounding in the silent night.

Jinan abruptly sat up straight, his slender fingers resting between his brows pinching them as he gave a long weary sigh!

- - - - -

Lucifer and Sera were leisurely strolling along the small pond which had blooming white lotuses, the pair walked hand in hand as they whispered sweet nothings to each other.

Looking at the tattoo on Lucifer's left hand, Sera grazed her fingers caressing the lines of the tattoo as she smiled unable to differentiate reality from dream.

"What?", Lucifer asked when she was staring at the tattoo.

"You know, this thing here, it's the first thing that connected us! I remembered this tattoo for whole two years even if I didn't remember you..!", Sera's mellifluous voice was like a ballad in the tranquility of night.

"Actually, the first time I saw this tattoo, that night two years ago. I felt that I've seen it before! Strange, right?", Sera spoke her heart out as she was feeling giddy from all the happiness.

"Hmm, strange! I too felt that I've seen you before..", Lucifer furrowed his brows in confusion.

"Really?", Sera couldn't believe it, if that's true then..

"Maybe it's just a coincidence! Let's forget about it..", Sera mumbled as she pulled him towards the swing.

"I'll push you!", Sera excitedly voiced out her thoughts, Lucifer's face had an odd expression listening to her request.

"No! I'll do it..", Lucifer was unsure if she'll be able to push his heavy body.

"Let's do it together!", Sera pulled him back as she settled herself between his legs, like a child.

"Go! go..", Sera squealed in delight as the swing moved back and forth, Lucifer's firm hands moved to her stomach, grabbing her tiny waist in place.

As the swing's speed decreased Lucifer's hands moved, Sera stopped Lucifer as he tried to unclasp his hands.

"The moon is so beautiful..", Sera mumbled, concealing her blush.

"Very beautiful indeed..", he stroked her cheeks that were tinted pink under the moonlight.

Lucifer turned his body sideways and settled Sera on his laps, the large swing accommodating them comfortably.

"Are we not leaving yet?", Sera asked hesitantly, it was half past nine in the evening, even if they leave now it'll take two hours to reach.

"Hmm? You want to leave?", Lucifer posed a question to Sera, which baffled Sera as she couldn't find words to answer him.

"I wanted to watch the sunrise with you.. So I brought you here, from that rooftop you can clearly see the sunrise!", Lucifer pointed his finger towards the large building in a distance.

"This place is close to my heart, I spent most of my childhood here.. Even Ethan, he was in love with this place..", Sera listened with her ears perked up when Lucifer mentioned his childhood.

"The horses here are the best,they are friendly and easy to ride. Ethan used to spend most of the time riding horses and competing in archery!", Lucifer smiled as he reminisced about their childhood, it was memorable except for the dark side of underworld.

"We even have pool there, it is very large and there, that corner are the fruit orchards.. My father planted them for my mother as she loved to eat fruits!", Lucifer had a sad smile on his face, it was very painful.

"So romantic..", Sera who was unaware of the change in his eyes whispered softly.

"Yes, so you like vegetables or coconuts? I can plant coconut trees for you.. easy to measure my affection for you!", Lucifer poked her cheeks as he laughed.

"So, we.. we are going to sleep together?", Sera blurted the only thing bugging her after she heard Lucifer's explanation.

"What do you think?", Lucifer smirked at her making Sera tremble in his arms.