We'll Sleep Together!

Flabbergasted, Sera stared wide eyed at Lucifer's smug face, a dry chuckle escaping her now pale lips as she tried to change his mind.

"Of.. Of course, we wouldn't", Sera stuttered in a barely audible voice, her demeanor like a scared mouse unlike before when she was shouting crazily as the swing rocked back and forth.

Lucifer didn't reply to her, a mysterious smile on his face made Sera restless and she hurriedly jumped out of his lap akin to a spring.

"I.. I'm sleepy!", Sera blurted out of fear, her timid visage was an entertaining sight for Lucifer who animatedly raised his eyebrow at her words.

"So eager?", he mumbled loud enough for Sera to hear which further added to her anxiety.

"Wh.. who? what?", Sera asked him as he stood up lazily, tidying his black button up with his hands.

Her thoughts getting weirder as she looked at his tall frame, taut muscles and firm abdomen, her gaze going further south, her face turned hot red as her imagination ran wild.

"Let's sleep..", Lucifer pulled her in his arms and strode towards the tent, leisurely.

Sera's heart was in her mouth, with each step she could feel the tremors, she gulped heavily waiting for the unexpected to happen.

With half closed eyes, Sera was chanting prayers in her mind, as they were approaching the tent she abruptly halted her steps much to Lucifer's surprise.

"What?", his enquiring gaze intimidating her further, hardening her heart she shook her head.

"Nothing!", Lucifer shrugged as he walked ahead.

'I'm not scared!' Sera thought as she looked at Lucifer's receding back.

"Come on in! It's too cold outside.. I don't want you to get sick", Lucifer's words rang in her ears and she scurried to his side.

- - - - -

Inside a cheap bar on the outskirts of B City.

The leader of the men who were killed by Adrian today was sitting inside a dingy room, with two skimpily clad waitresses hovering over his body, rubbing themselves disgustingly on him.

He was a middle aged man with somewhat bulky body, he was in a rather bad shape but the waitresses didn't mind as they continued grinding against him.

"Boss.. Do you like it?", one of the waitresses with heavy assets teased the man, in response he harshly pinched her bare bosom following which the girl yelped loudly.

As they were busy in their own little world, a loud bang sounded as the door was kicked open by a man, his eyes were hidden with huge sunglasses covering half of his face but it couldn't mask his deadly aura.

The waitresses screamed at the sudden intrusion, the man hurriedly covered himself when he saw a gun pointing towards him and pushed the waitresses harshly to the ground. Crying they left them alone.

"I.. I did whatever you asked me to do!", the man was sweating buckets as the muzzle pointing towards him travelled to his head.

"I'm telling the truth! My men, I sent my men to scare them..", he was begging on his knees but the man showed no mercy as he pulled the trigger.

"Aah..", a loud ear shattering shriek was heard as the man breathed his last.

"Who asked you to scare them! Useless butts..", the man's voice was dangerously calm unlike his actions. The man committed a cold blooded murder without even flinching.

"Is it that easy to scare Lucifer and Adrian?", he kicked the dead man harshly before walking out of the room.

"Looks like I'll have to take things in my hand!", the man looked at the flickering streetlight in the distance as he laughed coldly.

- - - - -

Inside the large tent Sera stood looking at the man plopped lazily on the thick bedding without a care in the world.

"Aren't you sleepy?", Lucifer glanced at her stupefied face and spoke unhurriedly.

"Ye.. yes!", she nodded her head like a broken toy as her eyes darted around the tent.

There were four pillows on the bedding which was large enough to accommodate more than three people, she was calculating the odds in her head when Lucifer shot an impatient glance at her.

"I'm.. I'm thirsty!", she bolted out of the tent when Lucifer's voice was heard.

"The water bottle is here..", smacking her head she ran back inside and looked at Lucifer awkwardly as he passed her the bottle of water.

"Thanks..", she sipped the water slowly cocking her head up.

"Everything you need is her inside, understand?", Sera choked on water after listening his words, coughing a fit she nodded her head.

"Be careful..", Lucifer patted her back gently, she scooted back avoiding his touch, Lucifer looked at her with a puzzled expression, to which Sera looked at him with a ghost smile.

"Let's.. let's just sleep now", Sera faked a yawn and laid straight next to Lucifer who was sitting there stretching his neck.

"What are you doing Sera?", his gentle voice freezing her as she sat up with a dumb expression.

"That's your side where the other two pillows are kept!", he flicked her forehead, pointing to the spare pillows further away.

"Oh! But.. Didn't you say.. that we'll sleep together?", Sera asked a little hesitant, a little expectant.

"Of course we are sleeping together..", his words confusing Sera as she looked at him like a lost lamb.

"Come here..", he beckoned her closer to him, as though in a spell she followed his instructions and sat beside him.

"You can sleep here peacefully, without any worries! If you're scared you have me.. OK?", he cradled her close to him and patted her back soothingly.

"Hmm..", Sera mumbled as she rested against his shoulder.

Lucifer saw her hesitation to sleep alone, it made him realize that his teasing must have had a reverse action on her, scaring her. So Lucifer tried to pacify her.

Sera and Lucifer slept together inside the big tent but within their boundaries, they were separated by two fluffy pillows.

Innocently entangling their hands the two love birds connected by their souls and fate also felt connected and secure in just holding hands, gazing into each other's eyes they dozed off.

The night was peaceful as they slept soundly, Lucifer was happy with just her presence as for Sera, his presence was like magic, it healed her soul and she slept in peace far away from her nightmares.