Not That Man

The Lu mansion was quite, it was unusually quiet which was rather frightening for Sera who hasn't been home since yesterday.

Sera was clad in the same tulle skirt and black scoop-neck top with the exception of a thick gray scarf wrapped around her neck, which actually belonged to Lucifer who wrapped her up like a birthday present before she left the hospital.

"Sera? Where were you?", Lu Jinan emerged like a ghost out of nowhere scaring the hell out of Sera.

Sera was terrified and started screaming, Jinan swiftly clamped her mouth shut and dragged her towards the bedroom door.

"What's with you?", Jinan was very irritated by Sera's irresponsible behavior.

"I.. I'm sorry brother but you know.. my.. my friend was injured so I was at the hospital accompanying him", Sera nervously blurted out everything.

"Him?", Jinan raised his eyebrow at her words, he really wanted to know the identity of Sera's 'friend'.

"Yes, he was in a really critical condition thank god he is out of danger now..", Sera who was unaware of Jinan's scrutinizing gaze blabbed happily flashing a beautiful smile and her pearly whites while clapping her hands like a three year old.

"Fine, it's still early. Go catch some shut eye I can see your dark circles..", Jinan teased Sera poking her small forehead with his slender finger and laughed.

"Okay brother, thank you!", Sera hugged him feeling giddy from all the happiness and went inside her bedroom.

Sera slept till noon after coming back home, Jinan, being the lovely brother lied to everyone that his sister was feeling under the weather after returning home late before going to his office.

Everyone believed the doting big brother's words and didn't question anything else apart from Sera's health, they let her rest without disturbing the peace.

- - - - -

Ethan closed his eyes in face of the truth as though blind to everything that's happening around him.

Overlooking the increasing proximity between Sera and Lucifer, Ethan decided to pretend to be dumb, clearly ignoring the itching intuition inside his head.

"So? You know who was behind the attack?", Ethan asked with a serious gaze, he couldn't turn a blind eye to the grave situation Lucifer was currently in.

"I have no idea.. But it's not that man!", Lucifer's words were sharp as his gaze and Ethan merely nodded in understanding, because nobody understands the monster better than the devil himself.

"I heard something strange happened yesterday, who was that man and why did you protect him?", Ethan looked at Lucifer, the minute change in his expressions couldn't go unnoticed by the hawk-eyed Ethan.

"He's someone important, if we have to take down that man then we'll need him..", Lucifer didn't feel the need to hide his thoughts from Ethan who was his sworn brother.

"I trust you..", No matter how you look, Ethan wholeheartedly believed in Lucifer's abilities, the man was no joke.

For a twenty something year old young man to be crowned as the prince of underworld, Lucifer certainly had something in him that's why he is still the undebatable 'King' of the dark and cruel underworld.

- - - - -

Sera wanted to visit Lucifer in the hospital but the man prohibit her. He strictly warned her to behave and rest at home seeing her pale face this morning.

Frustrated, Sera decided to call Su Yin who was surprisingly very busy and hadn't contacted Sera at all.

"Something's fishy!..", Sera mumbled when Su Yin's number was not reachable, even her messages went unanswered.

"Oh! I remember.. That man.. he", Sera remembered where she had seen Adrian before.

Su Yin had a wallpaper on her cellphone, it was nearly a year old picture of her in F Country, in the distant background you can see Adrian standing like a male model looking straight into the camera lens.

It was very strange though, Adrian looked really eye catching as though the main subject in the picture was him.

"Weird..", that was the first thought which came to Sera's mind when she saw the picture on Su Yin's cellphone for the first time.

Sera had even questioned Su Yin about it, strangely the girl who was always enthusiastic in telling stories brushed it off saying something gibberish that Sera didn't understand.

"That's why he looked familiar..", Sera didn't feel anything odd about such a coincidence and brushed off her thoughts, focusing on Lucifer rather than Adrian.

Sera had breakfast very late at lunchtime, she was again left alone, her parents were to attend an important meeting so they left early while Jinan was in office and Grandma Lu was in her room.

Su Yin these few days was seldom spending time with Sera, after getting bored to death Sera attempted to learn cooking in order to kill time and cook for Lucifer. She was planning to kill two birds with one stone!

Aunt Zhou nearly collapsed after listening to Sera, she still remembered Jinan's attempt at baking a cake and shuddered inwardly.

"These siblings will be the death of me.. my poor kitchen!", Aunt Zhou couldn't help but worry, what if Sera burned the whole kitchen down.

"Aunt Zhou.. Is this okay?", Sera was stirring the pot of porridge prepared by her.

"Yes, young miss.. It looks really good", Aunt Zhou nodded her head like a broken doll smiling wryly.

Aunt Zhou was forced to endure when the girl burned two pots of porridge before teaching Sera a thing or two and helped her cook the perfectly cooked plain porridge.

"It's tasty!", Jinan who was force fed by his sister praised her cooking skills which were surprisingly better than his own.

"Really? Let me taste..", Sera wanted to take the bowl from Jinan's hands but the latter snatched away in time.

"It's really very good.. Now go bring it to your friend", Sera smiled before nodding her head and went back to her room to get changed and visit Lucifer.

Jinan saw Sera's receding back and sighed in relief, then he hurriedly gulped whole glass of water and smiled wickedly looking at the bowl of porridge.