His Stupefied Expression

Dai Yu arrived at the headquarters to face a fuming Adrian pacing in front of Dai Yu's dorm room.

"Boss..", Dai Yu was startled, Adrian simply looked at him with a questioning gaze.

"Morning walk..", Dai Yu answered in a somewhat guilty tone.

"Reall now? You want me to believe that a sleepy head like you was out first thing in the morning for a walk!!", Adrian asked suspiciously.

"Yea.. yeah! How is boss's health now..?", Dai Yu was awkward and averted his eyes from Adrian's smoldering gaze, then skillfully changed the topic.

"Yes, I want you to access all the CCTV footage recordings in and around Chang Holdings, the express highway connecting and the airport..", Adrian gave orders before walking to Lucifer's office.

"But.. boss, is he alright?", Dai Yu was flustered,Adrian turned around to see his pink haired head slightly lowered.

"He's fine, don't worry.. work hard, your boss will be happy!", Smiling, Adrian went up to him and ruffled his hair in a comforting manner.

"Okay", Dai Yu beamed at him before running to his computer.

After working diligently for hours Dai Yu gathered all the required evidence and recordings, editing important information and concluding everything in a single file, he transferred the data into a hard disk and copied everything into a pen drive.

Dai Yu kept the pen drive inside his jeans pocket out of sight, then brought the hard disk to Adrian who was in Lucifer's office.

Adrian was tired, his face had dark and heavy eye bags and he hadn't slept since the ambush. Lying peacefully on the comfy couch Adrian was in a deep slumber.

Dai Yu slowly knocked on the door, there was no answer, he slowly turned the knob and opened the door.

Looking at Adrian plopped on the couch who resembled a lazy cat, he chuckled softly and went to his side.

"Brother..", bending his body Dai Yu gently stroked his hair and sighed.

Godfather had promised that he will soon find a way for them to live together till then he needs to act nonchalantly hiding his affection.

Dai Yu occupied the vacant seat beside the couch looking at the man with an admirable smile on his face.

- - - - -

Encouraged by Lu Jinan, Sera quickly slipped into a new set of clothes and shoes, she was excited thinking about Lucifer tasting her cooking.

Pouring the porridge in a thermos Sera picked up her bag and trotted out of the mansion with a huge grin.

Sera hailed a cab to the hospital, on the way to Lucifer's VIP room she bumped into Ethan who was coming out of Lucifer's room.

Sera was dressed in a simple but warm brown pullover with faded blue jeans. She was looking pretty and youthful.

Ethan was momentarily shocked seeing her her, a few seconds later the image of Sera hugging Lucifer came into his mind and his entire demeanor changed.

"Ethan, Is he awake?", Sera who was unaware of the thoughts going on in Ethan's head smiled sweetly at him.

"Yes, you can go inside..", dazed by her pretty looks and smile Ethan absentmindedly answered Sera who nodded, thanking him.

Ethan forgot all about his bitter feelings and was lost in Sera's angelic smile and clear bright eyes smiling at him.

"Okay, I'll see you..", Sera walked past him.

"Sera..", Ethan called out after seeing her walking away from him.

"Yes..?", Sera turned around to find Ethan standing close to her, she gasped in surprise before finding her bearing.

"It's friday tomorrow, about that.. Miss Xia's birthday party..", Ethan nervously reminded her, afraid that she'll cancel on him.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, it slipped my mind.. call me tomorrow.. Let's go together", Ethan heard her and smiled brightly, he finally got the chance to spend time with Sera.

"Yes, I'll come pick you up! Let's go together..", Ethan was excited, he was jumping inside his head.

Sera who thought of Ethan as Lucifer's friend, didn't think much about his flashy smile and hastily bid him goodbye walking into Lucifer's room.

"Hi..", Lucifer greeted the little miss sunshine standing at the door.

"Hi.. how are you?", Sera sat beside him and asked in a hesitant manner.

Sera was scared that Lucifer will nag her and get angry at her for not listening to his words. True enough Lucifer was also thinking the same.

"I'm fine.. I think I told you not to come here", Lucifer looked at her face, with her eyebrows scrunched and sighed exasperatedly.

"I know, but... porridge!", Sera's eyes darted around the room nervously, she trailed off. Then as though enlightened she cried out loud startling the man.

"Porridge?", Lucifer repeated her words in amusement.

"Yes, I prepared it, myself! for you...", Sera's voice was low, she looked at Lucifer with expectant eyes although her face was flushed in embarrassment.

"Oh!", Lucifer was astounded, so much that his words were lodged in his throat.

Sera looked at him in annoyance, she was toiling away in the kitchen for hours to cook for him and here he is, saying 'oh'.

"So hateful!!", Sera mumbled under her breath, averting her eyes from his handsome face.

"Are you not happy seeing me, here?", Sera blurted out irritated by his distant behavior, furrowing her shapely eyebrows.

Looking at her scowling face Lucifer smirked inwardly, he beckoned her closer, she obliged by leaning closer but Lucifer pinched her nose catching her off guard.

"Oww!", Sera was red in anger, Lucifer couldn't help but laugh at her cute, angry kitten face crying in pain and rubbing her red nose.

Seeing the man laughing at her she was very upset, irritated by his childishness Sera decided to tease the man.

With a conceited smile, Sera cupped Lucifer's face and leaned closer making his heart race, anticipating her soft lips Lucifer closed his eyes.

Looking at his face which was so close Sera was enamored for a moment. She pushed back all the thoughts shaking her head and a mischievous glint flashed in her eyes, a smirk resting on her rosy lips.

Sera inched closer and blew hot air near Lucifer's lips, his throat went dry by her subtle provocations and he was on the verge of losing control.

Just as Lucifer was about to claim Sera's lips she pushed him back gently and stood up, giggling at his stupefied expression.

- - - - -

When Adrian woke up it was already very late, he was still a little groggy yet very refreshed after his nap.

He looked around and was unprepared to see a defenseless Dai Yu plopped on the soft leather chair snoozing like a tired rabbit.

He darted his eyes and saw a hard disk lying on the desk, after washing up he picked up the hard disk and glanced at the sleeping boy.

"Dai Yu, get up..", Adrian shook the sleeping beauty, after helping Dai Yu back to his room and tucking him inside the bed snugly, Adrian left the headquarters.

The sky was gloomy with the sun was setting, it was painted in warm orange tones bringing out the warm feelings in one's heart.

Adrian looked at the sky which was gray, it was gradually turning dark and gloominess shrouded all over Adrian.

With a heavy heart filled with guilt, regret and sorrow Adrian drove away in his eye-catching blue Bentley.