Sweet Taste Of Candies

Sera was still giggling and laughing looking at a sulking Lucifer, he was staring daggers with his narrowed eyes.

"Aah..", a hoarse scream brought Sera back from her laughing fit, she opened her half-closed eyes and looked at Lucifer.

Sera, as though drenched in cold water shuddered seeing a painful expression etched on Lucifer's face, his palm was resting on top of the bandaged wound holding his abdomen.

Scared out of her wits, Sera scrambled to Lucifer's side and sat beside him on the white hospital bed, she was softly whispering her concerns as she looked at his scrunched eyebrows in pain.

"Is it hurting? Is it bad? I'll call the doctor..", Lucifer didn't give Sera a chance to stand, he pulled her towards him and pinned her hands together.

Lucifer smirked at Sera's wide-eyed expression, leaning dangerously close he whispered teasingly in her now red and flushed ears.

"Teasing me? Eh", Sera gulped in fear, his hot breathe tickled her insides and her eyes fluttered shut.

She was just having a little fun teasing Lucifer and had forgotten about his chances of retaliation against her.

"I'm..", Lucifer pulled back a bit to see her flustered look. Sera parted her lips looking at Lucifer, he claimed her sweet little mouth blocking her words.

After being deprived of touching, kissing and holding Sera's slender frame in his arms had turned Lucifer crazy, he was addicted to Sera's exclusive sweet taste and wanted more each time he delved into her.

And now that Sera was in his grasp how could Lucifer leave his fortuity, he hungrily pounced on her as his lips worked their magic on her plump rosy lips making her dizzy.

Out of breathe, the pair pulled back and smiled, it was rare for them to feel such comfort which they could only find in each other's embrace.

"Don't you wanna try the porridge I made for you?", Sera asked softly, Lucifer was busy planting kisses on her hand holding them close to him.

"Okay, only if you feed me!", Lucifer winked playfully, which was akin to cupid's arrow sticking straight into Sera's beating heart. She was mesmerized by this beautiful creature before her.

Sera slowly poured the contents of the thermos into a small bowl, it was kind of lumpy which invited an odd look from Lucifer.

Lucifer smiled a little hesitant to taste the porridge, he remembered that Sera had no skills in cooking. Crossing his fingers and praying inwardly Lucifer ate a spoonful of plain seasoned porridge.

"Whaaat!!", Lucifer's head was shouting out loud, unable to distinguish the thing in his mouth. Lucifer hurriedly swallowed everything which resulted in him getting choked.

*cough* *cough*

"Lucifer, are you okay?", Sera patted his back after offering a glass of water which he slowly drank.

Thanking his stars that the torture is over, Lucifer sighed in relief. Sera who saw him sighing heavily felt a pang in her chest, she pushed him back onto the bed and tucked him neatly.

"You need to rest.. I'll stay with you!", Sera had no idea that she unintentionally saved Lucifer from eating her extra salty porridge which tasted extremely bitter.

With a relief Lucifer's face bloomed into a huge smile which knocked Sera out off her socks. On instinct she bent her head and pecked on his cheeks, lingering a little longer.

"Are you trying to entice me now?", Lucifer spoke startling the beauty hovering on top of him.

Sera hastily tried to get back, Lucifer held the back of her neck holding her silky smooth hair and captured her lips again, he could never get enough of her.

The bitter taste of the porridge diminished, only a subtle sweet taste of candies lingered in his mouth as he tasted her swollen red lips to his heart's content.

Considering the current state of Lucifer and the place they were at, the pair stopped their exploration in time.

Lucifer didn't let her go, holding her little hands in his large ones gave him a huge sense of completion and fulfillment.

"Thank you!", he mumbled, tracing her hands curves and contours, her delicate wrist was like a smooth piece of jade against his calloused palms.

Caressing her creamy skin, tracing the folds of her palm and tickling her slender fingers and neatly trimmed nails was Lucifer's favorite past time.

- - - - -

K Country

Inside a large conference room sat Yang Deming glaring at the gentleman sitting in front of him. His manager Mr Park was standing behind him with a blank expression as always.

"What the hell is this?", he threw the stack of documents in his hand on the shivering man, Mr Yu.

"We are investigating sir..", Mr Yu stuttered, cold sweat dripping along the sides of his face and forehead.

"Get lost! Don't show me your face..", in a grave tone he ordered before he slapped the man hard.

Sprinting like a marathon runner, Mr Yu ran away as if his life was at stake.

"The deal was called off at the last minute! That damned bastard didn't show up, insulting me! A blatant disrespect to my face!", Yang Deming was fuming as he spoke in a gravely low tone of voice.

"Niw there was a decade old smuggling scandal dug out of nowhere! The shares have plummeted and there is no way to deal with Chang Holdings or any other small company..", Yang Deming flipped the glass table in his madness, shaking in a anger.

"Lucifer.. I'll definitely not spare you!", He threw the chair and stormed out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him.

Mr Park stood like a rock, his intuition was screaming that the scandal was not Lucifer's doing.

It was not Lucifer's style to attack from the shadows but a mere assistant like him had no right to speak up, thus keeping his mouth shut Mr Park followed after the monster that was spitting fire in rage.

- - - - -

Adrian was driving in a daze, he was in a very agitated state of mind.

Firstly, it was Su Yin's issue, he was already tending a broken heart which left him disturbed to the core.

And now with the ambush and Lucifer's injuries Adrian was feeling really burdensome, he wanted to blow off some steam but had no idea how and what could help him calm his agonizing feelings.