When I'm With You

"Do you wanna get a drink?", Su Yin asked somewhat cautiously, still hugging the big baby in her arms.

"No, I don't wanna get drunk.. not when I'm with you!", he mumbled, his tone expressive and passionate.

"I want to be sober now than any other time!", Adrian chuckled, pulling back he tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ears exposing her pink ears.

Su Yin's heart jolted at his words although her eyes were hazy as if she was searching a distant memory, still she could feel the sincerity in Adrian's words that made her all the more restless.

"Don't sway! Don't waver! You don't love him..", Su Yin's brain was screaming at her, she was totally blank.

Adrian looked at her face laced with a tender glow. Entranced, his hand found itself on the smoothness of her skin.

Grazing Su Yin's cheeks with his calloused fingers Adrian inched closer, his nose almost touching her. Su Yin's chest heaved with excitement and nervousness, her breathing severely irregular.

Adrian's lips were inching alarmingly close to Su Yin's red lips, his eyes were half-closed where as Su Yin was staring at him with widened eyes.

Adrian's lips were seconds apart from brushing against her rosy red ones when Su Yin stopped him.

"Adrian.. I don't think..", Sighing softly Adrian looked at her anxious face, keeping a safe distance between them he nodded understandingly then pulled her back into his arms not wanting to mar the lovely moment.

"I'm famished..", Adrian whispered, his hand patting her back trying to relax her tense muscles.

It was 7 in the evening, Adrian hadn't ate a morsel since morning and his stomach was screaming in anger, grumpy.

"I can cook.. if you want", Su Yin raised her head to look at him, a smile filled with nothing but love and adoration rested on Adrian's thin lips.

"Alright, let's go..", he gestured towards his car, the pair sat inside the blue Bentley and sped off to Su Yin's apartment.

- - - - -

"Lucifer, that man yesterday.. hmm who is he?", Sera was still interested in Adrian's identity.

"Adrian? He is like a older brother to me and Ethan, he is also my assistant..", Lucifer answered in a prosaic manner, all his attention was on Sera so he didn't think much about her question.

"Oh! Okay..", Sera mumbled, inwardly heaving a sigh of relief.

Sera mentally negated any possible connection between Su Yin and Adrian, being Lucifer's assistant meant that he is also a dangerous man. Hence Su Yin would never be associated with someone like him.

"I should get going now..", Sera gazed at Lucifer while showing him her diamond studded Cartier wrist watch.

"Oh! Alright.. Let's go on a date after I get discharged, probably this weekend", Lucifer was cooking up plans in his head as he spoke.

"Great, I'll be looking forward to it!", Sera picked up her bag, bending her head she pecked his lips then walked out waving at the dazed Lucifer.

Lucifer's eyes swept across the table where a small bowl was kept and a throaty laughter resonated.

"Her cooking skills are dreadful..", Lucifer chuckled, her starry eyed expression appeared before his eyes and he shook his head smiling dotingly.

- - - - -

Sera was in a rather chirpy mood after meeting Lucifer and spending time with him.

She hummed in her pleasingly sweet-sounding voice, Lu Jinan was standing in a distance gazing at her swaying and dancing figure with an odd expression.

"This? It's not right.. shouldn't Sera be crying, fuming in anger or better cursing at her 'friend'!", Jinan had a troubled look in his eyes as he tried to fathom the reason behind Sera's evident happiness.

"What the hell..!", Jinan's brain was about to crash, he was trying to think of reasons why his sister was in a joyous mood.

After Sera feeds her crappy porridge to her 'friend', he will probably spit it out or tell how bad it tastes. Then Sera would come crying to Jinan, complaining about her 'friend' then he would know about his identity from Sera, Jinan's plan was flawless.

"What went wrong?", Jinan was lost in thoughts when Sera stood staring at his dazed face.

"Brother!", Sera called his name out loud startling him.

"What?", Jinan asked with a puzzled expression, he was still a bit upset about the failure of his 'perfect' plan.

"Nothing! You look upset.. Is everything alright?", Sera asked concerned about Jinan, her voice a little softer than usual.

"Uh! No.. What about you? Looks like you're in a good mood..", he narrowed his eyes as he spoke, trying to read every change in her expression.

"Yes, I am! My porridge was really tasty.. my friend even appreciated my cooking skills!", Sera squealed in a sing-song manner.

"What is she talking about, what cooking skills??", Jinan almost puked blood at her words. His head hurting remembering the awful tasting porridge.

"Hehe..", Jinan laughed awkwardly trying to mask the terrified expression on his face.

"Let's go.. We'll eat the remaining porridge, I haven't even tasted it yet..", Linking their arms Sera marched towards the kitchen with a nervous Jinan, the man was sweating with a queasy feeling in his stomach.

"Eat together?", he muttered under his breathe, shaking his head in horror.

"No.. I mean.. I ate it all! Hehe.. it was really tasty!", retracting his hand from Sera's hold Jinan spat with a strained smile, he was inwardly crying without tears.

"Oh! Then, let me go ask Aunt Zhou to cook something nice..", Sera resumed walking to the kitchen door when Jinan held her hands in an urgent manner.

"You.. you go ahead and freshen up, I'll tell her to cook for you..", Jinan plastered a sickly sweet smile on his face and looked at her with a loving expression as he spoke.

"Aww, I love you brother..", Sera hugged him feeling touched, then skipped to her bedroom humming a song.

"Huff!" with an I-should-dispose-of-the-dead-body expression Jinan hurriedly strode towards the kitchen before sighing heavily in relief.

Inside the kitchen there was a heavy bottomed pot with a mushy and lumpy mixture in white color, Jinan didn't even flinch when emptying the whole pot into a garbage bin.

"All done!", with a satisfied smile Jinan disposed the pot into the basin and ran away sneakily looking around.