Don't Let Me Fall

Su Yin and Adrian decided to visit a supermarket and shop for ingredients before going to her apartment.

Su Yin was walking on the aisle looking at the shelves full of different ingredients.

Occasionally picking up a few things and adding to her cart that Adrian was pushing, following behind Su Yin with a smile as bright as a light bulb.

"Will you stop smiling!", Su Yin spat at Adrian with an annoyed expression.

In actuality Su Yin was getting beguiled by his boyish grin, it was bringing back memories and her heart was in chaos.

"Why? I'm really happy right now..", Adrian chimed as he pushed the cart looking at her irritated little face.

"I thought you were really upset about something..", Su Yin mumbled, she was looking at a packet of minced meat checking it's expiry date.

"How did you know? I didn't tell you anything..", Adrian asked with a puzzled look, his blue eyes fixed on the woman picking chives from a bunch of vegetables.

"Oh! I saw it in your eyes..", Su Yin absentmindedly spoke while picking fresh apples from the fruits section.

"Huh!", Adrian stopped in his tracks shocked by her words. She definitely knew him the best among all the people who he was friends with.

"Yeah.. those big blue sad eyes of yours filled with sadness crashing down like waves...", Su Yin was speaking in her dazed state oblivious to the emotions surging in Adrian's blue eyes.

After seeing that Adrian was rooted in the same spot Su Yin walked to him, tugging the cart full of groceries she looked at him with a questioning gaze.

"What?", Su Yin waved her hand in front of his eyes trying to get his attention, Adrian was staring fixedly at her face which was etched with confusion.

"Come on! Aren't you hungry?", Su Yin pulled the cart from him and went towards the check in counter to pay the bills.

Adrian snapped out of his daze and looked at Su Yin who was fishing out her card from her purse to pay for the groceries. He went beside her and grabbed the bags from her hand and walked ahead leaving a stunned Su Yin behind.

"Hey! Wait.. Adrian!", Su Yin was almost sprinting in her white high heels, out of breathe she stopped and shouted at the man walking ahead.

"Wha..", Adrian turned around to see a breathless Su Yin holding her knees and bending slightly, he went back to her and stood towering over her crouching figure.

"Hop on! I'll piggyback you..", Adrian's scrutinizing gaze landed on her red ankles and heels, sighing he helped her up then spoke in his magnetic voice.

Adrian didn't give Su Yin a chance to decline his offer and bent down with his back facing her.

With no other option Su Yin acceded to him, she clumsily climbed on his back tightly holding onto his muscular body afraid to fall.

"Don't.. don't let me fall!", her shaky voice rang in his ears and he chuckled at her uneasiness.

"I won't! Relax. Hold tightly, don't blame me if you fall...", Adrian laughed as he reminded her to hold him properly lest she falls and blames him.

"Uh-huh..", Su Yin nodded her head as she tightened the grip around Adrian's neck, a wicked smile on his lips.

- - - - -

Lu mansion

Aunt Zhou called everyone for dinner after setting up the table with freshly cooked warm dishes.

"It smells heavenly..", Francis Lu said as he pulled the chair to sit.

Aunt Zhou smiled and nodded at him then walked inside the kitchen.

"Yes, it's a really nice aroma..", Lu Shanshan chimed uncovering the bowl of hot and sour noodle soup.

"Obviously it was cooked by our Zhou Li..", Anna Lu said with a proud smile, Aunt Zhou was her personal and senior servant.

"Thank you madam..", Aunt Zhou politely nodded at the acknowledgement.

Lu Jinan and Sera arrived when everyone were busy singing praises. The duo sat down and started to eat when their eyes darted to a certain bowl of porridge.

"This!", both their minds were in complete disorder as they looked at the porridge bowl in confusion.

"I did throw everything.. then how?", Jinan was thinking, he recalled the earlier events and shook his head lightly.

"Brother said that he..", Sera trailed off, her thoughts were jumbled up and she started to recall Jinan's words.

Both brother and sister sat silently with a muddled state of mind, without even moving their hands to eat.

Everyone else at the table didn't pay attention to the pair and started eating, after a brief silence a shrill voice interrupted their actions.

"What? What is this..", Francis Lu asked with a wild look on his face, he spat in disgust and gulped water to wash down his throat.

"What happened?", Anna Lu asked in a concerned tone of voice, she looked at Francis Lu in bewilderment.

"This.. this tastes disgusting! So unappetizing..", pointing his finger he spoke with a distorted expression.

"But..", Aunt Zhou was speechless, with a befuddled look on her face she glanced at the porridge bowl.

"Oh shit!", Jinan screamed in his head, realizing the truth of the matter.

"What?", Anna Lu asked in disbelief and scooped a spoonful of porridge in her mouth.

"Ack! Blegh..", Anna Lu spat the unpalatable porridge into the empty bowl on the table then glared at Aunt Zhou.

"Zhuo Li..", Her stern voice made the old lady sweat buckets.

"I.. I don't know how..", Aunt Zhou was terrified under her stern gaze and shook her head with a t

wronged expression.

"Enough..", Sera stood up with a start and looked at everyone staring at her.

"I.. I was the one who cooked this unappetizing, distasteful and disgusting porridge!", tears welled up in her large doe eyes.

"Sera..", Francis Lu, Lu Shanshan and Anna Lu, all three called out in unison utterly surprised by the revelation.

"But I threw away the porridge made by you..", Lu Jinan spoke as he stood up and looked at Sera with a puzzled expression, without realizing the gravity of the situation.

"What!!", Sera turned around and glared at Lu Jinan with a red face.

"Uh-oh..", Jinan muttered as he laughed awkwardly and prepared to run away from the fuming tigress ready to pounce on him.