I'm So Stupid!

Seconds after Su Yin hopped on his back Adrian's wicked smile faded turning into a contorted expression on his face.

Adrian gulped heavily trying to control his urges when Su Yin's softness was pressed against his hard back.

"Damn!! Why now..", Adrian muttered under his breathe.

Adrian was aware how well-endowed Su Yin was, he closed his eyes to clear the various salacious thoughts.

Helpless, Adrian couldn't turn back on his words now after voluntarily asking Su Yin to hop on his back.

Gritting his teeth Adrian power walked to his car that was parked at a distance from the supermarket.

Adrian's forehead was covered in sweat and Su Yin could feel his rising temperature, she was slightly worried about the man who was sprinting.

"Adrian, are you okay?", Su Yin's sweet voice mixed with her hot breathe fell in his ears, it was enough to break his resolve and shake his self-control.

"Don't, don't move! And don't speak a word.. to me.. until we reach the car!", Adrian's firm voice was somewhat shaky as he spoke, it only increased Su Yin's worry nevertheless she heeded to his words.

"Thank God!", muttering under his breath Adrian walked towards his car.

After reaching the car Adrian heaved a sigh that was rather heavy, his little action earned a menacing scowl from Su Yin.

"What the hell! Am I that heavy..", she misunderstood his action of puffing out a sigh.

Adrian who was oblivious of the unintentional damage he had done smiled at Su Yin while opening the door for her to sit.

Su Yin looked at him with an indifferent look, the drastic change in her was a shocker for Adrian.

Shortly after Su Yin slammed the car door shut that Adrian was holding then walked to the other side and opened the backseat's door and sat in grumpily.

"She could've sat from here as well.. Why did she have to go to the other side!"

Adrian was perturbed by her capricious behaviour unable to understand the reason behind her crankiness, he tried to control his own temper.

"Now what!", he mumbled looking through the glass window, she was glaring daggers at him. Shooting a wry smile at her he nodded his head before sliding into the driver's seat.

"Yinyin, did I anger you in any way?", Adrian asked in a hesitant manner, his expression was cautious to avoid any mistakes.

"Aren't you hungry? Drive fast.. I'm tired!", Su Yin spat her words at him still staring through the mirror.

Seeing the sharp gaze of Su Yin Adrian shut his trap scared of offending the little princess, he was on the edge the whole ride to her apartment.

- - - - -

"I'm sorry Sera! It was unintentional, I didn't want to upset you.. really", Lu Jinan was kneeling in front of a foaming-at-the-mouth angry Sera, holding her hand and trying to appease her anger.

"Hmmph", Sera turned around huffing and puffing to avoid Jinan's apologetic gaze.

"I did it for you.. in order to not make you feel bad I digested that insipid porridge..", Lu Jinan complained in an aggrieved manner.

Jinan was apologizing to Sera from past fifteen minutes but the princess in her was adamant and wouldn't budge.

"Brother.. You know what?", Sera turned to face a jittery Jinan, sighing softly she spoke in a calm tone of voice.

"It was difficult for me to cook that porridge after spending hours in the kitchen and burning two pots of porridge.. I did all that for my 'friend', and you let me feed that disgusting and indigestible porridge to him.."

Sera looked at him teary eyed and sniffed, her red nose scrunched after crying. After hearing to Sera's complaint about his actions Jinan felt a pang of guilt for behaving so childishly.

"I was really happy.. when you praised me, I was hoping for that person to praise me as well.. but", Sera couldn't continue, overwhelmed as she recalled Lucifer's reaction.

"He didn't even say anything about it.. his expression was painful when swallowing that indigestible thing.."

"He didn't even complaint.. I thought he must be in pain seeing his extreme reaction! I'm so stupid..", Sera started weeping much to Jinan's horror, he hurriedly sat up and started wiping her eyes, consoling her.

"You're not stupid Sera!", Jinan couldn't help but feel bad, it was his stupid idea after all, thus taking responsibility he tried to appease his sister.

"The man.. he must be thinking about you! Not wishing to hurt you after all it was the first time you cooked for him.. right?"

Shockingly, Jinan's words evoked a strange sensation in him, his words were lodged into his throat and thoughts were interrupted by the distant memory of Maya, the first time she had prepared fish soup for him when he was sick at her place.

"Why am I thinking of her now!", Jinan inwardly smacked himself for wandering out of the main topic - Sera!

"So.. don't feel upset!", Jinan hugged her, pressing a kiss on her forehead he smiled at her. Sera nodded her head and returned his smile before apologizing for her bad behavior.

"It's okay dummy! It was my fault..", Jinan rubbed her head with a doting expression before walking away.

Lu Jinan strolled out with a heavy heart, Maya's enchanting face was ingrained in his mind, her soft short hair, seductive dark brown eyes and beguiling smile.

"Dammit!!", Lu Jinan cursed under his breathe, pulling a pack of cigarettes stashed far away in his desk.

Lu Jinan was not a frequent smoker, he rarely smoked and only one cigarette to calm his nerves and today was one of those rare days.

*ring* *ring*

Sera was thinking about Lucifer, his reactions and nervous expressions that she had failed to distinguish in her excitement, when her cellphone rang.

"Hello..", absent mindedly she picked up the call and answered, her voice was a little hoarse from crying earlier.

"Hello, Sera? Are you okay?", Ethan's voice tinged with concern sounded from the other side surprising Sera.

She glanced at the wall clock in her room before answering Ethan's question, it was around eight in the evening.

"I'm okay.. How are you Ethan?", Sera asked seeing him call this late.

"I'm fine.. Dinner?", Ethan asked trying to prolong their conversation.

"Uh!", the word dinner triggered Sera and she was getting irritated, the two important men in her life had lied to her, that too on her face. It greatly infuriated her and she was upset.

"Yes, anything the matter? It's quite late..", Sera was in no mood to chat with anyone so she jumped straight to the point much to Ethan's dismay.

"Oh! I'm sorry.. I must be disturbing you..", Ethan hurt apologized after seeing her reluctance to talk.

"It's okay, I'm just tired..", She lied, it was irritating enough that Ethan was delaying the main purpose of his call.

"I see.. I was just calling to remind you about the party! That's all.. good night", Ethan hurriedly spoke before hanging up.

It was the first time that Sera didn't feel upset or annoyed after Ethan hung up on her.