Treat Me Like Air

After the ending call with Sera, Ethan looked at the dark screen of his cellphone.

Sighing, Ethan stood peering at the far away ivory swing standing proud in the garden which was visible from his room.

Sophia Lee was passing by Ethan's room when she caught sight of him standing in a dazed state, it pained her heart thinking that her grandson was still caught up with Mia's memories.

"Ethan darling..", Sophia Lee entered calling out his name to grab his attention which she successfully did.

Ethan jerked out of his thoughts and turned around to see Sophia Lee entering his bedroom with steady steps.

"Grandmother.. What are you doing here? It's quite late..", Ethan hastened his steps to the old lady's side and held her hand as he spoke.

"I'm not sleepy.. What about you?", Sophia Lee stared at him with a knowing gaze which made Ethan smile.

"It's nothing like what you're thinking.. I was on an important phone call just now!", Ethan clarified waving his smartphone in front of Sophia Lee lest the old lady starts to over think.

"Okay, whatever you say..", Sophia Lee shrugged her shoulders and laughed.

"About Lucifer.. how is that lad doing now?", Sophia's expression changed as she spoke about Lucifer, her eyes turned gentle and expression tender like a yearning mother's.

"He is fine now.. you don't have to worry about him that's what he asked me to tell you!", Ethan smiled as he spoke about Lucifer, he was the apple of Sophia Lee's eyes since childhood.

"Ah~ If only he could live a normal life..", Sophia lamented, her expression turned to that of sorrow, a tear escaped from her aged eyes down to her wrinkled cheeks.

"Grandmother..", Ethan squeezed the sad faced Sophia's hand and she wiped the tear smiling at him in response, indicating that she's okay.

"It's late.. I'll go back to my room now", Sophia stood up ready to walk out of his room.

"Let me..", Ethan offered his help but Sophia interrupted him and smiled.

"It's okay, I'm not that old..", Sophia Lee turned around while Ethan stood looking at her receding back.

Sophia Lee had a grim smile on her face laced with sorrow and grief, her heart jolted whenever she thought about Lucifer's plight.

"Please look after my Lucifer!", Sophia Lee muttered under her breath, praying for Lucifer in her heart.

- - - - -

Adrian stood at the door of Su Yin's kitchen looking at her little figure moving as she cooked dinner.

"What's wrong with her?", Adrian couldn't think of anything that could upset the ice princess.

She was still acting very cold towards him which didn't settle well with Adrian.

After alighting from his car Su Yin didn't even turn around and walked straight into the lavish white building with large floor to ceiling windows.

Since the time Su Yin entered the elevator her eyes were fixed on the mirrored walls of the elevator, glaring him to death, it was so intimidating that Adrian could feel cold sweat on his back.

The torture continued even after they entered into the apartment, Su Yin didn't speak even a single word, killing him with the infamous silent treatment which Adrian dreaded the most.

Nevertheless Adrian felt that she was cute like this, just like how they were in the past however it was now getting a little over the top for the man and he was getting agitated.

"Enough is enough! I have to clear this up..", Adrian couldn't swallow the hard pill - silent treatment.

Su Yin was taking out something from the refrigerator, after using the necessary ingredients she opened the refrigerator to keep it back and closed the door.

Unable to withstand her indifferent behavior Adrian strolled into the kitchen with a distressed expression.

Adrian pinned Su Yin to the refrigerator when she turned around after closing the door of the refrigerator.

Su Yin's back was touching the cold surface of the refrigerator, shaking her to the core when she looked at the burning desire in Adrian's oceanic blue eyes.

"Adrian..", Su Yin tried to get away from the man but he stopped her, his finger resting on her lips to shut her mouth.

"Sshh..", it further evoked a sense of alarm in Su Yin's heart, her chest heaving up and down with visible fear in her eyes.

"I don't know what happened.. But can you not treat me like air!", Adrian's voice was husky as he spoke in a low tone of voice, fine hair stood up on Su Yin's spine listening to his pleading.

Staring into each other's eyes, they were in a intense showdown when a sharp sizzling sound woke up Su Yin from her hazy state.

The chicken wings were getting burnt, getting all impatient Su Yin stomped on his feet but the man didn't budge, in turn she hurt her already painful feet.

Due to the discomfort and pain her expression turned into a frown, Adrian felt bad since it was his fault. He stepped back and walked out of the kitchen.

Su Yin threw a fleeting glance at his receding figure, then she focused back on the food and quickly disposed the burnt chicken wings in the garage bin.

"How unlucky!! I wanted to eat chicken wings..", Su Yin mumbled in annoyance, she looked at the other dishes, feeling that it was enough for the two of them she walked towards the dining table with bowls and plates.

"You should eat more..", Adrian placed into her bowl earning a scowl, it caught him off guard.

Retracting his hand Adrian ate in silence, looking at her every now and then, he observed that Su Yin didn't eat much.

"There's plenty, why are you eating so little?", he tried to be brave for once and spoke again trying to sound confident unlike his quivering heart.

"Is it really that funny! Are you done making fun of me?", Su Yin slammed her chopsticks before spitting her words harshly.

"Yinyin, I don't understand..", Adrian furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, it further infuriated Su Yin seeing his innocent face.

"Didn't you think I was fat? Isn't that why you sighed seemingly tired after piggybacking me!", Furious, Su Yin blurted out loud.

The way Su Yin berated him left Adrian in shock, it took him a minute to process her words and after getting the gist of the situation.

"Haha..", he started laughing which didn't go well with Su Yin who was still red with anger.