Really Innocent And Pure

Meanwhile on the other side of the city, a lazy Lucifer was feigning sleep as he laid on the white hospital bed with his eyes closed.

The door to the VIP room was clicked open without a squeak, the intruder then entered tip toeing and glanced at the sleeping figure with a smile.

Keeping the bags in her hands on the table nearby, Sera stood gazing at the man who was an epitome of perfection, he looked like a model albeit the not-so-stylish clothes and messy bed head hair.

Dressed in a long skirt and short crop top that rested a few inches above her waist Sera looked like a fairy, it was a perfect combination with a fusion of light colors.

"Stop drooling..", the clear, deep voice booming in the quiet VIP room startled Sera and she looked at the man who was now gazing at her with his gray irises.

"How do you know it was me?", Sera asked with a puzzled expression, she was very careful not to wake him up.

"Your unique fragrance..", Lucifer shamelessly blurted, the lady in question blushed furiously at his answer, lowering her head in embarrassment.

"Alright.. come here now", he beckoned her as he sat up straight and looked at her red face.

Sera wordlessly went to his side and sat facing him on his bed, an awkward smile on her lips.

"How are you feeling now?", pushing back the embarrassment she tried to sound normal and asked casually.

"Perfectly fine.. after all you're here in my arms!", he playfully pinched her waist, his calloused fingers brushed against her bare skin making her yelp.

She glared at him, he smiled innocently earning a smack on his unrestrained hands.

"What? I was just teasing you..", Lucifer's sly smile gave the impression of a mischievous kid, she simply shook her head fully aware of his antics.

"You and your tricks!", Sera mumbled as she sat herself properly, he didn't say anything but pulled her into his embrace.

"What tricks?", he asked in a very interested manner, Sera rolled her eyes at his innocence.

"This tricks..", saying that she smacked his hand that was caressing her waist, tickling the bare skin.

"I'm just hugging you..", Lucifer spoke with a righteous expression.

"Yes, you're really innocent and pure!", Sera scoffed at the man's reaction.

"Of course, you know me the best!", tightening the grip he pressed a kiss on her ears, playfully biting her ear lobe.

"Stop it Lucifer! You've yet to recover..", Sera's attempts to push the man went futile, he didn't even budge and continued his exploration.

"You look really beautiful..", his kisses traveling down her jade like neck, slender and fair.

"Aah.. It's the hospital! Behave..", Sera almost yelled at him.

"But I am..", before Lucifer could reply saying that he was 'hungry' his angry stomach roared, grumbling loudly.

"Haha..", Sera laughed at him, his face turned into a scowl, he squeezed her little nose in retaliation and smiled wickedly.

Sera sighed at his petty behavior, she rubbed her red nose lightly while glaring at the smug man. Shaking her head she went to the table and brought the packed breakfast.

"Pancakes!!", she announced proudly, smiling sweetly at him. Lucifer's eyes lit brightly as he looked expectantly at the packed lunchbox in her hands.

"I made..", her words doused the excitement in his eyes, his eyebrows knitted as he remembered the indigestible porridge.

"Tha.. that's great!", an unenthusiastic voice sounded, Sera's eyes glinted mysteriously as she smiled sweetly at him.

Sera slowly served the pancakes into a clean plate, a small bowl of strawberry jam and mascarpone cheese was resting on the table. It looked really tasty however Lucifer gulped in fear.

"Say aaah..", Sera probed him, her fingers deathly close to his tightly clamped mouth.

With much difficulty Lucifer opened his mouth, his fists clenched tightly in a furtive manner. He started chewing, his eyes lit up as he ate, it was delicious.

"It's delicious.. so good!", Lucifer spoke as he swallowed and opened his mouth for another bite.

Sera felt really upset and uncomfortable, she couldn't believe he had lied to her yesterday. Gritting her teeth she fed everything on the plate before deciding to confront him.

"Sera.. this was so yummy.. you're the best cook ever!", Lucifer praised her.

"Really?", she was seething with anger but didn't try to show her true emotions.

"Yes! I promise.. you think I'd lie to you?", he clearly fell in her trap, little kitten had successfully trapped the mighty lion.

"Then why did you lie to me before?", Lucifer looked at her like she was a fool, he was really confused by her sudden question.

"It was clearly the worst porridge ever.. then why?", Lucifer understood the meaning of her question.

Sheepishly he glanced at her face which was rather cute despite the anger resting on her tiny nose.

"I'm sorry.. I know I'm wrong but you did learn right?", he jutted his chin towards the empty plate.

"I didn't make them!", she scowled at him, he looked dumbfounded and couldn't say anything more.

It was dead silence, there was no sound, even their breathing was softer as the pair sat in silence gazing at each other, one was guilty while the other was furious.

"Then?", after a stifling silence Lucifer awkwardly asked in a hesitant manner. He was just trying to ease the atmosphere and randomly asked the question.

"Aunt Zhou prepared them for me, I helped her though..", lowering her head she trailed off, her meek voice evoking a protective feeling in his chest.

"Alright.. I'm sorry! I'm in the wrong..", Sera raised her head slowly to meet his gray eyes, he faintly smiled before continuing.

"Don't be sad.. I'll teach you how to cook! We'll cook together the next time", he pecked her small forehead to ease the creases and she nodded slowly with a smile that was really grim.

"Are you still mad at me?", Lucifer asked her, she was hugging his arm as he sat beside her.

"Not really.. why?", Seeing her expression he asked softly, Sera turned to face him and with a confused expression she asked him.

"Because..", he dipped his neck and captured her kissable lips, the light crimson colored lipstick was beguiling to him.

Lucifer was truly addicted to her taste, the sweet strawberry jam's taste in his mouth overwhelmed Sera's senses as she indulged herself in his domineering yet gentle and passionate kisses.