Just A Friend

With a lightning speed Adrian pulled the soft silk curtains in blush pink and covered Su Yin's trembling body, every inch was carefully and neatly wrapped by him.

Su Yin stood uncomfortably under his scrutinizing gaze as he stared at her now covered body with his blue eyes, she was nervously fidgeting her fingers as she avoided his gaze.

After perusing to his heart's content Adrian abruptly bent his body, he gently picked her up in princess style and carried her towards the bedroom, she gulped in fear of the unknown as her eyes darted to his bobbing Adam's apple and sharp gaze.

He strolled inside the bedroom with his long legs and gingerly placed her body on the bed, she was clearly avoiding him and averted her eyes.

He smiled at himself for scaring her before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him.

Su Yin looked at his figure as he closed the door, an indescribable feeling sprouted in her chest, she felt as though he was closing the door to his heart, his life forever and she could never enter his heart again.

She could feel the wetness under her eyes as tears brimmed in them, she closed her eyes to push back the tears, exhaling she stood up and walked towards her wardrobe to change into her work clothes.

Su Yin was all dressed up as she slowly sauntered her way towards the kitchen and was visibly shocked to see a bunch of dishes placed on the countertop.

Adrian then walked inside and picked up the bowls and plates before walking to the dining table.

It was filled with a sumptuous spread of breakfast and juice with the addition of a handsome hunk, Adrian.

There were steam buns, meat buns, noodles, soup and soy milk and plum juice.

She silently sat down and peered at the man who was eating quietly, he ate everything with his head lowered and didn't bother to strike a conversation much to her surprise.

The meal was sumptuous, it was clear that he had bought everything from the nearby small restaurant and it was very tasty as well however Su Yin had no appetite, she quickly ate whatever she could and stood up hurriedly.

"For you..", Adrian handed her a bottle of juice when he saw her ready to leave.

"Thank you..", she averted her eyes away from him, her voice was softer which made his heart skip a beat.

Su Yin didn't say anything more and turned around to leave, strolling towards the door. She looked exactly like a small kitten trying to escape being hunted by a lion.

After walking a distance she abruptly halted her steps, she was couple steps away from the door. Turning around she walked back and stood peering at his figure sitting comfortably and feasting on the hot steam buns.

"Aren't you going back?", she asked with a puzzled look, he was unfazed and continued eating.

After a while Adrian merely glanced at her with an inquisitive gaze which greatly irked her.

"The keys are with me and I'm going out.. if you don't leave now who will lock the house...", she stopped speaking, inwardly smacking her head for spouting nonsense.

She was clearly giving him an idea to free load in her own house.

"Look..", she tried to explain, divert his attention but was interrupted by him.

"Give me the keys..", he nonchalantly answered. There it was, he definitely was trying to free load at her house.

"Are you out of your mind?", she yelled in frustration however he didn't respond, as he sat quietly looking at her unperturbed.

"Adrian aren't you taking this too far? Get out of my house!", she yelled at him in anger.

"What if I don't want to leave?", shrugging his shoulders he answered with a nonchalant smile.

"You.. get out! Get out..", she pushed him, hit his shoulders, kicked his leg but the man wouldn't budge.

"Don't you have any work? You weren't like this before! Weren't you plenty busy in the past always giving excuses.."

Adrian stopped his actions and looked at her in shock. He didn't think she would bring out the things of the past.

She didn't realize the effect of her words on him, he simply stood up and walked out leaving her alone which interrupted her blabbering mouth.

She didn't mind and was even gloating at his receding figure, finally he was out of her house.

After what seemed like eternity she realized her blunder, why was she spouting nonsense about the past again!

Su Yin strolled to her car, the shining white Porsche Cayenne and slid into the driver's seat. After a brief moment the car moved speeding off in the distance.

Adrian stood leaning against his Bentley, a dim light shrouding his blue eyes as he gazed at the moving car in the distance.

- - - - -

Su Yin softly knocked on the door of her father's cabin, after a couple more knocks there was a response and she walked inside.

Dressed in a formal light gray skirt suit with a white shirt underneath she looked refined as she sauntered inside the room.

"Father?", she called Su Bo Ying out, he was engrossed in the document on his desk.

"Ah~ Yinyin, how are you today?", still concentrated on the document, he asked while signing the papers.

"I'm fine.. Is anything wrong?", she wasn't the type to dilly-dally, so she asked straightforwardly.

"I want you to attend the birthday party of Miss Xia tonight", with that said he continued with his work without sparing a glance at his daughter.

"Okay, I'll be taking my leave now..", she didn't wish to disturb the old man anymore and walked out of the door.

"Birthday party? I bet even she will be there tonight..", her eyes dimmed at the thought of seeing Zhang Lili.

Being the top socialite that she was Zhang Lili would never miss a chance like this to show up on such high-scale events.

- - - - -

"I'll be attending a party tonight..", Sera spoke, her head lying on Lucifer's shoulder as she hugged his arm.

"Oh!", he replied indifferently but Sera knew that he was interested and so she continued speaking.

"Yes, it's a birthday party... What's her name? Miss Xia's birthday party..", Sera continued when she heard his low grunt of acknowledgement.

"Ethan will be accompanying me tonight.. he was the one who asked me to attend the birthday party for networking purposes..", she blurted out everything in her mind heedlessly.

"I wish it was me by your side..", Lucifer honestly spoke his thoughts startling her, she looked at him, there was a tinge of tiredness and exhaustion in his expression and his gray eyes turned somber.

"It's alright, there's always a next time!", she looked at him, her slender fingers crawled to his head and ruffled his hair messily. She placed a tender kiss on his forehead filled with affection.

"Alright.. I gotta go, there is plenty of stuff to do for the party! I haven't even bought a gift for her..", Sera blabbed on and on.

"Just get her something traditional, like a qipao or something..", Lucifer intervened as he spoke absentmindedly.

"Oh! And how do you know?", she peered down at him from her high heels with a darkened deep gaze sucking out his soul.

Lucifer was stunned by the sudden change in her demeanor unconsciously tightening his fist and smiling wryly at her.

"She's just a friend.. ask Ethan if you don't believe me!", he gulped down in fear, she looked scary when jealous.

"I was just kidding..", she smiled sweetly however it only looked menacing just like a devil to Lucifer as he stared at her little face in awe.