My Date Tonight

Zhang Mansion

A middle aged man with a menacing aura sat on the comfy couch across the coffee table as he sipped tea, he was looking at the trembling figure in white standing far away from him.

Zhang Lili was dressed in a modest white dress unlike the flashy and skimpy clothes she was often seen wearing at those high-class parties, with no makeup on her fair jadeite skin she looked like a completely different person.

She stood rooted to the ground, her darting eyes were filled with fear when looking at the scowling Zhang Hongmin.

"Father..", her shaky voice was heard breaking the stifling silence in the air.

"You useless lass, how many times do I have to tell you? Ethan Lee is your priority and not that bitch Liu Li!!", his harsh words were laced with a hint of hatred.

"I was not with Liu Li.. Father I.. ", Zhang Lili, the proud peacock was nothing but a timid rat in front of the sly fox, Zhang Hongmin.

"I was at mother's grave..", was what she wanted to say but the man intervened as he shouted angrily in a sharp voice.

"I don't want to hear your nonsense! I don't care where or with whom you were..", he was seething with anger looking at her timid and meek appearance, it greatly angered him.

Zhang Lili was tightly clenching her fists furtively, her nails almost digging into her palms. She looked really scared unlike the strength with which she was tightening her fists.

"I want you to attend tonight's birthday banquet of Miss Xia, Ethan will definitely be there.. Don't you dare make any mistakes!"

After spitting his words with a harsh tone he stormed out of the house leaving a crying and desolate Zhang Lili.

"Why? Why should I do whatever you tell me? Ever since childhood I've been your puppet! Why?!", she muttered with a croaky voice, sniffling.

"If only mother didn't give birth to me.. I wouldn't have to live a pretentious life like this", she sobbed with a pained tone of voice clutching her chest.

Zhang Lili was crying as she knelt on the soft Turkish carpet, she looked extremely pitiful unlike her proud and arrogant self.

- - - - -

"Hello..", Ethan said in a low, deep voice which can easily make any girl swoon over him.

"Ah! Hello Ethan..", Sera was looking at the different dresses and gowns in her walk in closet when Ethan called her.

"Are you busy right now?", he asked her when he himself is extremely busy with an urgent meeting scheduled in five minutes.

"Not really, just going through my wardrobe to find a suitable outfit for tonight's party..", she trailed off, her eyes confused as she stood staring at the two gowns in each hand.

One was a light and flowy yellow gown with pale yellow and orange flowers detailing while the other was a bright magenta colored body hugging gown with thigh high slit and white, silver detailing.

"Oh.. well, I wanted to give you something. I think now is the perfect time..", he trailed of looking at his silver Audemars Piguet.

Just as Ethan finished his words there was a loud knock on Sera's bedroom door, she peeped out and saw Aunt Zhou standing with a black box in her hands.

"Young miss, this was delivered for you", She kept the box on her bed and left Sera alone.

"Did you receive my gift?", Ethan said clearing her confusion, she peered at the exquisite looking box in shock.

"You? Why..", she was stuttering, it only made Ethan laugh at her cuteness.

"It's for the party tonight.. You're going to be my date tonight so I had to at least gift you something appropriate..", his words were interrupted by a series of knocks.

"Alright now, I have a meeting to attend! I'll pick you up later tonight..", he hung up on her as usual.

"What a weird guy!", Sera looked at the blank screen then at the black box and muttered softly.

Sera kept the phone on her bedside table and walked towards the black box wrapped with a golden bow looking extremely beautiful. She carefully untied the bow and opened the box, it left her speechless.

"This.. this is so beautiful!", she whispered, it was a very striking and magnificent gown in turquoise blue, it looked really beautiful with the encrusted crystals which gave a dramatic effect to the whole outfit.

The skirt was encrusted with crystals whereas the body of the off-shoulder gown had a plain look contrasting with the dazzling skirt.

Sera excitedly placed the garment across her body and looked at the reflection in the life-size mirror, she was looking gorgeous as she twirled hugging the outfit in glee.

- - - - -

Su Yin was in a trance as she sat looking at the documents in her hand, she was thinking about the party tonight.

After her multiple encounters with Adrian this month she was all the more jittery to face Zhang Lili, she would always remind her of that fateful night.

"Whatever, I'll just treat her like air! It's not like we know each other..", she muttered coming back out of her daze.

She was about to close the file when her phone buzzed, it was Sera calling.

"Hey..", Sera chimed in from the other side, all cheery unlike Su Yin.

"What's up princess, you look happy!", she teased in an animated voice earning an unexpected giggle.

"Oh yeah! Well, I wanted to ask you something..", Sera mumbled in a hesitant manner.

"I'm all ears..", she closed her pen and file as she answered Sera.

"You know Miss Xia? I'm attending her birthday party tonight with Ethan, I still haven't bought her a gift would you mind shopping with me?"

Sera asked her in a childlike voice which left Su Yin baffled. It reminded her of Adrian's shenanigans, she sighed.

"Okay, I'll see you in 15!", even she had to get a present for Xia Ruo Lan's birthday.

"Okay, I love you! I'll be waiting..", Sera spoke in a joyful way ending the call.

"I love you too..", Su Yin mumbled looking at the blank screen, a sweet smile on her lips unlike the tension from before.