I Promise I'll Behave

Shaking his head with a boyish grin plastered across his face Shaun followed behind the bedazzling woman in black who had mercilessly turned her back on him.

Su Yin didn't stop her steps as she continued her long strides towards the exit, Xia Ruo Lan saw her passing figure and went to greet her.

"Miss Su, Mr Shaun? You're leaving already?", she asked with a puzzled look on her face seeing the man behind Su Yin.

"Yes, My boss here is apparently very busy..", Shaun butted in even before Su Yin could respond, with his two hands pointing dramatically towards her.

"Oh, I see.. Thank you for gracing us with your presence tonight", she smiled at her.

"The pleasure is all mine..", Su Yin replied with a faint smile and walked away.

"Bye, Miss Xia!", Shaun waved at her and followed behind the tipsy Su Yin.

"Let me drive you home..", he went ahead and snatched the car keys from her hand when she was about to open the door.

"No, it's fine..", she snatched them back and opened the car door.

"Okay!", he mumbled opening the door and sat himself inside the car, beside Su Yin.

"Are you out of your mind?", she glared at the man who was imposing himself on her.

"No.. Actually this part of the town has no buses or taxis, so can you please give me a lift? pretty please..", Shaun pleaded with his puppy eyes.

"Who do you think I am?", she was annoyed beyond words by his actions.

"You're my boss and I'm your employee..", he said with a matter-of-factly tone staring at her red and flushed face.

"Enough with your nonsense, get out of my car now!", she yelled at him as she was running out of patience.

After spotting the no 1 socialite and beauty queen Zhang Lili in the party, Su Yin's mood was already very terrible and now this man was irritating her so much that she'd even kill him right now.

"I promise I'll behave.. There are really no taxis or buses here!", he mumbled looking straight into her black eyes.

"Ugh! Fine..", she turned to avoid looking at his rather charming smile.

"Well, Miss Su, you sure okay to drive now? I mean you're drunk..", he spoke looking at her, his words inaudible by the second when she glared at him with a bloodthirst.

"Shut up!", she spat harshly and revved up the engine, the car sped off.

Shaun was an employee at Su Yin's father's office, he was the head of the department for finance and had recently transferred from advertising department.

Su Yin wasn't aware of his presence until he showed up in her office 6 months ago with a file to discuss the financial situation of a particular project under her.

Shaun sat in silence looking at her little red face flushed from the effect of alcohol, she looked enticing with her signature red painted lips and fair skin in contrast with the jet black hair swaying lightly.

"Miss Su? You know you're very beautiful..", he blurted out of the blue, she choked on her spit at his blatant flirting with his boss.

Shaun reached out his hand to pat her back, his calloused palm touching her bare back sending tingles down to his core.

She stepped on the brakes and turned to look at the man who was awkwardly patting her back with her now misty red eyes.

Shaun gulped at the sight, her chest heaving up and down with her repressed anger was so inviting that his eyes went wide.

"I told you to shut up! Get out of my car this instant..", her shrill scream brought him back from his indecent thoughts.

"I was serious when I said that..", she was about to strangle him when he spoke again.

"There are no other means of transportation in this part of the town..", in one beat he said everything leaving Su Yin in shock.

"I'll drive? I won't disturb you and you can even doze off..", he offered with a smile.

"Okay, only if you promise not to open that trashy mouth of yours..", she said with a warning glare.

Shaun didn't wait and jumped directly into her seat from the copilot seat with his legs in between her legs, she looked at the man in bewilderment and was about to speak up when the man bent his body, his face inching closer to her.

There wasn't enough space for the two of them to sit in the driver's seat, their bodies were having a safe distance albeit the hot and intense atmosphere inside the car.

Shaun slid his hands behind her back, pulling her body forward he held her body firmly holding her back. Scared, she grabbed onto his neck tightly, practically clinging onto his body.

A smirk crept up his full lips, with a glint in his eyes Shaun's hand travelled from her back to her derrière, groping the cheeks in a firm hold he turned around and perched himself on the driver's seat.

Their bodies were molded against each other, Shaun's suit jacket was already thrown at the backseat, his crisp black shirt accentuated his taut muscles and were in contrast with Su Yin's softness.

Now her body was resting on his laps, she had her eyes closed the whole time afraid of falling, Shaun looked at her trembling figure and applying pressure on his fingers he groped her derrière.

She opened her eyes and pulled back from his shoulder, he was looking at her face with a burning desire in his eyes, she was very nervous seeing him like that.

She never had close contact with any male but Adrian, so it was natural that she felt fearful looking into his hungry eyes.

Shaun was rather amused seeing her reaction, he expected an explosion but she was acting timid unlike her usual self.

Wanting to explore and see more of her side, a tempted Shaun went ahead and grabbed her red lips into his and chewed on them hungrily all while groping her derrière.

Su Yin was unprepared for the sudden intrusion, she wanted to push him back when the tingling sensation from her derrière travelled to her core and she parted her lips in involuntarily inviting his tongue.

The kiss was hot, wet and messy, her hands around his neck were actively tugging onto his hair, pulling him, scratching his fair neck with her painted red nails.

His one hand travelled from her derrière towards the bare skin of her exposed back, caressing the soft flesh he indulged himself in exploring her mouth laced with the aftertaste of wine.

He was getting all hot and bothered, Su Yin was his dream girl and now having her in his arms made him excited as his member raised to it's glory.

Shaun's hands were preoccupied with touching her body, his other hand left her derrière and slid through the slit to touch her milky thighs, caressing lightly.

He was conscious of his actions and limited himself, he stopped just at caressing and didn't advance further. However his awake member was grinding against her igniting a fire of pure carnal desire.

Pulling back Su Yin gazed at the panting Shaun with her hazy eyes, he returned her look and she dived in for another round of their hot make-out.