It's Really Tasty

Everything that was happening was beyond Shaun's expectations.

Seeing the active initiative by Su Yin he was elated, he was in love with her before she even knew anything about him.

Hopeful, Shaun wanted to stick together with Su Yin even after spending this night together instead of forgetting each other and moving on heartlessly.

He didn't want her to regret anything so he decided to stop and pulled back before things escalated beyond repair.

When he was no longer in her hold she looked at Shaun with a puzzled look, her big black eyes staring into his hazel brown ones left him weak in his knees.

Shaking his head he attempted to coax her so that she doesn't release her unwarranted anger on him.

"Su Yin, let's get home first alright?", his gentle voice was like a breath of fresh air robbing her senses.

Shaun was always someone with an annoying and playful personality to Su Yin so this new side of him was quite surprising, in fact it was pretty much shocking.

"Okay, let's get home first!", repeating his words mechanically she attempted to slide off him.

"Here, let me help you..", again his caring words left Su Yin gaping at him with an odd look, she was looking at him like an age old extinct creature.

His quick change in demeanor was more like a double headed tyrannosaurus to Su Yin which was impossible!

Shaun helped her get back in the seat safely and turned to start the car, the car sped off with ease. Su Yin sat looking outside the window with her hazy eyes unable to understand the chaos in her heart and mind.

"Icecream..", she muttered, her feeble voice resounded in the silent car making his head turn with a start.

"Okay!", he flashed a blinding smile which further added a confusion to Su Yin's already jumbled feelings.

The car moved with a steady speed before stopping in front of a icecream truck, Shaun got down to get a pint of fresh strawberry icecream, Su Yin's favorite.

Seeing the pack of icecream in his hands she looked at him in disbelief, how would he know about her preferences? Whatever, I don't care about him but the icecream in his hands!

"I like strawberries..", as though able to read her thoughts Shaun replied with a sheepish smile, she didn't intend to respond neither did he expect her to.

"I like them too..", words tumbled out of her mouth inadvertently leaving both Su Yin and Shaun confounded.

"I know..", he smiled at her, his admittance only made matters worse and further bubbled up the fury in her.

Annoyed, she snatched the pack of icecream and dug her spoon in it, scooping a large portion she gobbled up hungrily with a funny expression, Shaun sat gawking at her, wide-eyed.

The cold icecream helped Su Yin clear-out her clouded mind, sensitive as she was Su Yin sensed something and shot a grave look at the grinning fool in the driver's seat.

"You want some?", she offered out of basic courtesy, little did she know that her action would unrestrain the man.

"Uh-huh..", he whispered, then his large palm went forward to grab her little hand holding the spoon and ate the icecream scooped by her happily.

"I didn't ask you to take mine!!", she screamed at him, his lips were stained with icecream and looked disturbingly attractive, she shook her head to dismiss the thought.

"It's alright.. there's another spoon inside", saying that he snatched the spoon in her hand.

"Jerk!", she was back to her usual self and started lashing out at him. Forking inside the packet she fished out a spare spoon and glared daggers at him.

"Wow, it's really tasty!", he was relishing the tasty icecream completely ignoring her.

"Stop it and DRIVE!", she snatched his spoon and closed the icecream tub, yelling at him she gritted her teeth in anger.

Su Yin was at her limit, given the deranged and weird situation she was trapped in, her temper had sky rocketed thinking about the little but hot rendezvous with this hateful idiot.

"As you wish.. You're my boss after all!", he started spouting nonsense unlike the gentle Shaun minutes before, he was quick to adapt after seeing her back to being the explosive Su Yin.

"Don't you dare turn your attention away from the road..", she said with a stern glare as she wasn't confident in his driving skills, he only shook his head at her little scaredy cat behavior.

"Yes, boss!", he spoke keeping his face straight along with a salute, trying hard to stifle the laughter threatening to break out after seeing her red and angry face completely contradictory to her hazy and intoxicated appearance from before.

Su Yin simply rolled her eyes and turned back to the tub of icecream in her hands, she cast a glance at the man beside her before digging in with delight, a childlike genuine smile resting on her now rosy lips minus the glaring red lipstick.

When the pair arrived at her apartment Su Yin failed to notice a blue Bentley parked under her building.

After getting out of the car she walked with an unsteady gait, her faltering steps alarmed the man and he rushed to her side to help find her footing.

She was vexed by his behavior, switching between gentle and playful, annoyed she was prepared to push him away but was caught by surprise when her ankle twisted pretty badly and she yelped in pain.

"Aah..", she grabbed his arm rather harshly, the pain was making her break out in cold sweat.

Seeing her condition Shaun felt his heart jolt in pain, bending down he princess carried her and she wordlessly wound her arms around his neck.

They exited the elevator slowly, she was still carrying the icecream in one hand while grabbing him by her other hand.

"Which one is your apartment?", he was back to being gentle leaving her perturbed by the sudden switch in his demeanor.

"705 - right side", she averted her gaze away from his chiseled jawline and looked sideways.

They were a few steps away from her apartment door when Su Yin felt her heart drop, the familiar silhouette that came into her vision was nothing but a nightmare for her.

"Is this it?", Shaun's voice resounded grabbing attention of the two people under the same roof.

"Yinyin?", Adrian's eyes darkened looking at the scene before him, he narrowed his blue eyes staring at the man holding his Yinyin.