
With a frosty gaze that would freeze anyone to death, Adrian glared at them with his blue icy eyes.

Dressed in casual clothes and a big black jacket wrapped around his body Adrian looked stunning.

Shaun had a look of disbelief plastered on his face looking at his perfect face and oceanic blue eyes.

Adrian's beast mode had turned on as he scanned the two - Su Yin's face was flushed and eyes lightly red, her hair were a mess, her dress was crinkled, lips were swollen and devoid of lipstick, the most interesting part was that her ankle was faintly swollen and red which made him furrow his eyebrows.

The man carrying Su Yin had a shocked expression on his face, he was handsome albeit his appearance which was as messy as Su Yin's.

Shaun's black shirt was crinkly with unkempt hair and Su Yin's black sling bag hanging around his neck, his mouth had very minute traces of red lipstick and bleeding scratches on his neck which didn't go unnoticed by Adrian's sharp eyes, further irking him as he clenched his fists in anger.

Adrian treaded with light steps towards them, a dangerous glint in his eyes that scared Su Yin.

Su Yin trembled in horror akin to a drenched kitten on a stormy night, her throat was dry and lips twitching with fear evident in her big black eyes.

Subconsciously loosening her grip on the cover which contained the icecream tub which fell, tumbling down and rested right next to his long pair of legs.

"Ad.. Adrian", she called out nervously, staring at him with a foreboding feeling.

Her shaky voice stunned Shaun who looked at the man akin to an A-list model with blue eyes bend his body and pick up the icecream tub.

Adrian picked up the icecream tub, the anger and heat from his body instantly warmed the cold icecream.

"Why are you here?", she tried to distract him which in turn backfired.

"I forgot the keys to your apartment..", his voice was dangerously calm invoking a strange sense of discomfort in her.

"You have the keys to my apartment?", she tried to jump out of Shaun's arms, he helped her up seeing the tension in the air.

"What do you think?", he raised his eyebrow at her with a smile which gave her goosebumps.

She didn't dare say anything more after seeing his blazing eyes, snatching her purse from Shaun and went ahead to unlock the door ignoring the two men.

"Who are you?", finally he addressed the man who was trying to blend himself in the background unnoticed, he was thanking heavens for not crossing the line with Su Yin.



Shaun turned to look at her in shock, boyfriend she says? Since when did she start acknowledging him not as an employee but as a man in her life?

Su Yin internally smacked herself for blurting something so outrageous. She averted her gaze from the closed door, turning she looked at Adrian who had an unreadable expression on his cold face.

"Yeah, right!", a dry chuckle with almost a whisper was heard raising fine hair on Su Yin's back, she halted her hand which was unlocking the door and looked at Adrian.

A pang of guilt shot through her as she studied his cold features in the dim light.

"I'll get going now.. boss!", Shaun looked at the duo who were in an intense staring contest ignoring his very existence.

Before she could say anything he scurried off taking long strides towards the flight of stairs instead of waiting for the elevator.

"Why are you here?", she repeated her question staring at the man who was walking wordlessly towards her bedroom.

Limping, she followed behind him. With no energy to stand or even argue Su Yin sat at the edge of the bed looking at Adrian who was standing at the balcony with his back facing her. His thick hair were swaying lightly with the cool breeze.

After a while when he didn't turn or even attempt to respond, irritated, she plopped her head on the fluffy pillow and closed her eyes, heaving an exasperated sigh.

Adrian was seething in anger, he was trying hard not to lash out his unbridled rage and strangle Su Yin with his hands blinded in jealousy.

He was struggling to calm his raging temper whilst standing outside in cold, the cool breeze touching his body couldn't easily subside the fury burning in his chest.

After what seemed like eternity he turned to look at her sleeping face, sighing with a helpless expression he strolled to her side and sat beside her.

Adrian bent down and stared at her little face with his fervent gaze, his fingers found their way to her untidy black locks.

Caressing softly he tucked the unruly strands behind her ears, her shiny diamond earring fell from her ear on the bed. His eyes swept on the shiny diamonds studded on the earring, carefully he placed it carefully on the bedside table.

Stroking her cheeks he had an unfathomable light in his oceanic blue eyes, his lips were pursed tightly with a blank expression on his face.

Filled with inarticulate irritation he stood up with a start, his eyes unintentionally darted downwards, the thigh high slit was exposing her shapely smooth legs.

His gaze darkened when the red swelling on her ankle was glaring at him, it was prominent on her fair legs.

Rummaging through her bedside table he found a medical kit, after cleaning, applying the ointment and a compression wrap Adrian carefully tucked her into the bed while she grimaced in pain.

After covering her body with a fluffy comforter Adrian eased her scrunched eyebrows and pressed his lips against her small forehead, pulling back he caressed her face with a sad smile.

"It was wrong of you, my darling Yinyin..", his thick, soft voice resounded in the darkness of the night.

Without looking back he walked out of the room. He stood staring at the hard disk on the coffee table in the living room, he slipped it inside his jacket before leaving.

- - - - -

Next morning Su Yin woke up with a throbbing headache, sluggishly she tried to move but her leg felt heavy.

"What is this..", flinging the comforter off her body she tried to sit up straight.

With a dazed expression she stared at her ankle, it was wrapped neatly. Shocked, she tried to think hard about last night's events holding her forehead while grimacing.

One by one everything came back to her, groaning in frustration she looked around only to find herself alone.

She was disappointed to know that Adrian had left without a word, her forehead creased with a sad expression on her face.

Su Yin was feeling guilty, very very guilty for hurting Adrian although her actual intention was to deceive him, her reckless actions yesterday had almost landed her in trouble.

"Never, never again! Definitely not with that split-personality maniac, Shaun!", she shook her head in embarrassment when images of her impetuous behavior from last night surfaced.