You're A Ghost!

The day was bright for Sera who was basking in the sun amidst the red roses in her garden, her bouncy waves swaying with the cool breeze as her thin flowy pink skirt fluttered fluidly.

*ring* *ring*

"Hello..", her soft voice rang in the quiet garden like a lullaby.

"Hey, beautiful.. What's up!", an excited girl screamed through the phone making Sera's rosy lips curv into an enchanting smile.

"Maya! God, I missed you so much..", Sera spoke almost squealing.

"Yeah right! How can you be so shameless to say that you miss us and not bother to drop a message.. you lazy bum..", she started ranting about her being an inconsiderate friend.

"I'm sorry.. but yes, I did send you guys a gift!", Sera reasoned with a righteous expression on her little face which looked rather cute.

"Oh! I totally forgot to mention your gift.. I LOVED IT!!", she almost yelled in delight, Sera's bell-like giggles sounded in the air.

"I'm glad that you loved it.. What about Xav? Did he like the sapphires on the watch?", she was rather nervous, it's very difficult to impress the great Xavier Martinez.

"Of course, he'll love it..", she trailed off.

"Are you there? Maya?", Sera inquired in an alarming tone, this duo of brother-sister were always attracting trouble.

"Oh yeah! Don't fret.. Actually, we will be there in B city on Sunday", Maya finally mentioned the main reason behind the phonecall.

"That's great.. So, when can I see you? It's Saturday today", she asked after a brief silence.

"Monday? I have a meeting..", Sera was mentally going through her schedule as she spoke.

"Relax! I'm here for an auction.. I'll call you after everything is done!", she explained after noticing Sera's anticipation.

"Okay, I'll be waiting..", Sera chimed in with a cheery voice, smiling sweetly as she touched a blooming red rose with her finger.

"Okay.. See you gorgeous!", the call ended on a promising note.

Sera looked at the dark screen of her phone, she hadn't seen Lucifer since yesterday and he didn't even bother to call her. With a dismayed look on her face she stood stroking the rose absentmindedly.

"Aah!", the thorn of the red rose pierced through her finger, fresh red blood gushed out.

Before she could react a large hand grabbed her tiny finger, a warm touch overwhelmed her senses taking her aback and she raised her head, surprised.

"Lu.. Lucifer?", she gasped in disbelief, her other hand reached out to touch his chiseled jawline, gently cupping his face in awe.

Lucifer took out her finger from his mouth, his mouth had a coppery taste of blood. Straightening himself he looked at her with a concerned expression.

"Are you..", before he could complete his question the awestruck girl poked his cheeks with her finger.

"Are you stupid!", he held her finger in his hand firmly, her face had a disgruntled look with eyebrows scrunched up and pouty lips.

"I'm not stupid! You're a ghost.. How can you appear unannounced and soundlessly? What if I was scared to death?", she asked with a cute scowl resting on her face.

Sera was obviously happy that Lucifer came to see her although she was blowing up at him with a dissatisfied expression.

"Fine, I'll just leave! You're definitely not happy seeing me here.. It was reckless of me to come here right after getting a discharge..", muttering with a sad face Lucifer turned around taking a step forward to leave.

"Stop!", Sera held his hand tightly, a conceited smile could be seen on his face which he hid instantly.

"I'm happy.. I'm really happy.. It's just..", she didn't think twice before hugging him with her tiny hands and mumbling against his back.

"Just what?", his large hands covered her tiny ones protectively as he asked in his subwoofer vibrato.

"I missed you so much that I thought it was a dream..", her voice shaky, soft almost a whisper warmed his heart although her abashed expression was concealed from him.

"Silly girl! Of course it's not a dream..", he turned to see her pink cheeks and clear bright eyes, he hugged her lovingly and pressed a lingering kiss on her head.

"How are you here? Is your wound completely healed? Yesterday it was still wrapped up in thick bandages..", she raised her head to meet his unwavering grey irises staring straight into her soul.

"I can't be restrained in four walls for long.. I have a lot to do and it's not really safe as well", tucking a strand of unruly hair behind her ear he replied in a patient manner.

Sera nodded in understanding, she's conscious about his identity as an underworld lord and the dangers brought forth by it.

However she still couldn't come to terms with this beautifully ugly truth, it's so unreal for her to believe that it's his reality as well as her reality, their own reality and not a phantasmagoria.

"Alright, don't think so much. Your tiny brain couldn't take it..", he chuckled at her wide-eyed expression.

"You're so mean..", she hit his chest with her tiny fist.

"Aah!", he cried in pain with a grimace on his perfectly featured face.

"What happened? Did I hurt you?", she asked in a worried, shaky voice as she tried to lift his jacket with her hand.

"Yes, you hurt me big time! I'm so upset..", feigning hurt he lowered his head and trailed off leaving her puzzled.

"Let me see..", she started whisking him with her tiny hands.

"Stop!", he tightly held both her hands together as she peered at him with a puzzled gaze.

She looked so cute like a clueless little lamb that it melted his heart rendering him speechless and invoking a gush of familiar yet unfamiliar emotions in Lucifer.

"I missed you so much..", pulling her back into his embrace Lucifer sighed with a contented smile on his lips, her unique fragrance soothing his erratic heartbeats.

"Aren't you hurting?", a muffled voice resounded against his chest, followed by a chortle. His chest rumbled as a throaty laughter echoed in the air.

Sera tightened her hold on his waist feeling intoxicated, she smiled sweetly against him oblivious to the influence exerted by her presence in his life.