Deal With Him

"Why did you get discharged without informing me?", Sera put forth a question leaning against his shoulder.

Sera was still shaken by the catastrophe that befell on Lucifer, she didn't wish for any harm to come to him.

With a heavy heart she decided to accept the reality and toughen up so that she can stand abreast to Lucifer without being detrimental.

The pair sat on a wooden bench looking at the artificial lake with floating white and pink lotuses inside the garden of Lu mansion savoring their time together.

It wasn't early in the morning, so it was very peaceful and not many people were around to obstruct the couple from spending quality time, especially the Lu family members.

"There were some things that needed to be handled asap!", he was tracing the curves and lines on her tiny palm, it was unusually calming for him when he held her hand in his large ones.

"Hmm..", she had no idea how to respond to his statement.

"Let's go shopping..", he blurted out loud in order to distract her perusing thoughts.

"No.. let's go to your parents house, I want to see those paintings...", Sera said unthinkingly as she turned down his kind offer.

Lucifer halted his actions as his hands turned stiff when her words landed on his ears, his gray eyes hardened with an abstruse emotion erupting in them.

"I really love those paintings Lucifer, you know when I was 18 I had won an art and painting competition...", Sera rattled on and on oblivious to the change in his demeanor, his motionless form didn't spark any suspicions in the ignorant little girl.

"Are you listening..", she turned to look at the man lost in thoughts, his faraway and distant gray eyes seemed to evoke an unusual sense of discomfort.

"Lucifer?", cupping his face gently she called out his name, the euphonious resonating broke his reverie.

"Uh!", he asked with a puzzled look on his face, there was confusion etched in his eyes and it only made Sera gape in amusement seeing him lost like a fool.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention..", he trailed off seemingly embarrassed by his own actions.

"That's fine!", she didn't mind him being in a daze unless he's not thinking about any other girl except her, hmmph!

- - - - -

Su Yin was going through a bunch of documents inside her cabin, her ankle was healing thanks to Adrian and she had some things to do before flying to F Country tomorrow morning.

Peering through the final draft of the agreement for an important client Su Yin sat nibbling on the end of her Montegrappa pen.

*knock* *knock*

"Come in..", she didn't raise her head from the papers in her hand, her calm voice resounded albeit the unmindful attitude.

"Tch! How unwelcoming of you..", her neck straightened and eyes shot ahead as she glared at the man with unmasked hatred.

"Why are you here?", she asked in an annoyed manner.

"Rude! Is this how you treat your boyfriend?", Shaun smiled with a bright countenance that only looked godawful to Su Yin's eyes.

"Get lost if you're here to make fun of me!", she spat angrily, it was already infuriating how bad and bitter her night had ended yesterday with Adrian.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to make fun of you or laugh at you!", Shaun, that hateful man was actually guffawing as he spoke completely contradictory to his claims.

"End of today's comedy show! You can kick yourself out of my office, I'll not entertain the likes of you anymore..", she shot a vexed look at him before burying herself back into the piles of work on her desk.

"Boss, was that your boyfriend yesterday?", his voice strained yet audible to her ears.

Shaun finally asked the unaskable question that almost made Su Yin lose her bearings and lash out at him like a mad woman on the streets.

"If you want I can help you deal with him..", Shaun blabbed to her with a smile on his full lips, an air of smugness surrounding him.

"Or perhaps he is your ex? Even so, I'm ready to help you, after all you're my boss and I'm your employee!"

Shaun didn't seem to realize the minacious look Su Yin had on her face as he prattled about without a care in the world.

"I can definitely save your.. Ahem! I mean, I can definitely act as your boyfriend.. if that makes you happy!"

With a shy smile akin to a maiden's abashed expression Shaun lowered his head looking at his shiny, polished black leather shoes.

She stood up with a terrifying expression on her face, her red lips curled menacingly as she advanced towards Shaun who was akin to a bundle of nerves at the moment.

"I'm busy, I'll see you tomorrow..", he didn't wish to die so soon, taking long strides towards the exit his muscular frame vanished in air.

"Such an eyesore!", she collapsed on the black leathered chair mumbling incoherently, massaging her small forehead with a tired expression.

- - - - -

At the Zhang mansion

Zhang Lili sat shaking in her seat, her eyes with tears rimmed in them were red and her hands were trembling with fear. She was trying hard to calm her erratic breathing while choking and sniffling.

Unlike the skimpy and blinding silver strapless dress she had worn yesterday at Xia Ruo Lan's birthday party, Zhang Lili today was dressed in a modest blue dress with full sleeves and high neck covering her delicate clavicle.

Zhang Hongmin sat across the coffee table glaring at her with his dark and menacing eyes shrouded with disappointment, repulsion and hostility.

"You unfilial child! Why can't you just do something right for once?"

Zhang Hongmin balled his fists in anger as he glowered at Zhang Lili with his thunderous and loud voice making her shrink in her seat, cowering.

"I.. I did go there yesterday, but.. he had already left.. I.. I didn't know what to do!", she peeped with her blurry, weak voice sniffing.

"You are useless! Get lost.. get lost from here..", he threw the tea cup with a loud shattering noise that made her flinch in horror, terrified she scurried out of the room almost falling on the glass table ahead.

"Looks like I have to take matters in my own hands..", a sinister and evil looking smile crept up his lips exposing his crooked and yellowish teeth.