The Apocalypse

Lucifer's Penthouse

The pair was strolling into the spacious living room with Lucifer holding her waist firmly and grasping her palm with his other hand, he guided her inside with steady steps, his gray eyes flickering with light.

Sera had a blindfold on her eyes, gripping tightly onto his arm she was leaning close to him afraid of staggering to her fall.

"Lucifer, where are we?", she asked in a hushed voice, wary of her surroundings.

"Relax, just follow my lead..", he whispered into her ears, his hot breathe brushing against her skin acting as a calming force.

"Hmm..", she nodded her head humming a reply slowly, lips pursed in a straight line.

Lucifer stood behind her and slowly pulled the blindfold off uncovering her beautiful bright eyes. Sera tried to grab his arm feeling anxious but was stopped by his large hand.

"It's alright, just slowly open your eyes..", he said in his usual tender and calm manner.

After his assurance Sera slowly opened her eyes, she was stunned to see the sight before her and turned around to face the smiling man with a puzzled look.

"You said that we're going to eat something delicious!", she said with somewhat dispirited look on her face, a vague idea creeping into her mind as she tried to register the situation.

"Yes, that's exactly why we're here..", he smiled with a lively expression on his handsome face, he could feel the tension in her.

The duo was standing in front of Lucifer's modular kitchen, one was confused while the other was excited.

"Don't you remember? I was going to teach you how to cook..", his vibrato like deep voice rang in her ears and she froze, her suspicion had indeed proven to be true.

"What? Are you seriously..", she gulped in horror.

Sera wished that it was a dream because the last thing she wanted to do was to make a fool out of herself in front of Lucifer.

They were famished right now and if Sera was to cook then..

"Lucifer, let's not joke right now!", she laughed awkwardly trying to avoid the apocalypse.

"Enough! Trust me..", he pulled her closer holding her hands into his own, pressing a chaste kiss on her forehead.

"Okay..", she answered in a hesitant, meek voice which earned a low chuckle from Lucifer, he rubbed her head affectionately before dragging her into the kitchen.

The countertop already had a bunch of ingredients all cut and ready to be used, she was impressed by his meticulous methods and felt a warm fuzzy feeling in her beating heart.

"So.. what are we cooking?", she asked the man who was tying an apron around her, he was leaning his head on her shoulder and pressed a kiss on her neck.

"Relax, I want you to enjoy this..", he grabbed her shoulders from behind and massaged them softly in order to relax her tense muscles, it worked like magic.

"Okay, I promise I'll enjoy this..", she muttered under her breath, he laughed amused by her stubborn behavior.

"Homemade Butternut Squash Ravioli With Brown Butter Sage Sauce..", he strolled beside her and stood with a languid posture as he spoke.

"Isn't that a bit.. I mean, for a first time..", she trailed off, he simply laughed and helped tie her hair up into a ponytail.

Pushing back the stray hairs covering her face, he stroked her cheeks and planted a kiss on her now rosy cheeks.

Sera didn't register Lucifer's loving gesture as her head was filled with his words, shocking her to the core, pasta? yes! She enjoyed eating it but cooking..

"It's super easy.. just follow my instructions!", he mumbled looking at the different ingredients on the countertop.

"Hmm.. so, what do I have to do?", she asked with a clueless expression.

"First, let's make the dough for the ravioli.. I like it fresh", he spoke looking into her eyes, her heartbeat started racing and she gulped subconsciously.

"An even mix of semolina flour to all-purpose flour, four whole eggs, four tablespoons of olive oil and four tablespoons of water.. a tablespoon of salt"

Lucifer's subwoofer vibrato was as sexy as his appearance in the body fit gray tshirt, he looked so gorgeous standing there and reciting those words.

Sera slowly followed after his instructions and poured the ingredients into a large glass bowl.

Lucifer helped her crack some eggs while she did the mixing holding the spatula with her tiny hands.

"Do it like this..", Lucifer's large palms clasped her tiny hands standing behind her teaching Sera the A B C of cooking.

"Uh-huh.. Is this good?", she asked tilting her head slightly there was a bit of flour on her forehead, Lucifer's heart leaped out of his mouth seeing her look so cute.

"Yup! All good..", he smiled affectionately at her nodding his head.

Lucifer then pulled Sera into his embrace as she looked all tempting to him, his calloused fingers brushed off the flour.

The next second Lucifer's hand travelled down from Sera's temple to her nape drawing her closer to taste her sweetness, she tasted exactly the same when he had kissed her the first time, sweet as honey.

"Lu.. Lucifer..", she muttered amidst their heated but silent conversation.

Relishing, savoring her familiar yet unique taste Lucifer delved deeper and tugged her warm tongue into a tug-of-war.

Pulling back Lucifer gazed deeply at her flushed face, his heart was racing against time with an incredible speed that it scared him.

Sighing heavily, he pulled the clueless Sera into his arms to calm himself and held her tightly, caging her.

After a while they got back to cooking, the dough was ready although it needed to be kneaded until a definite form was attained.

"The dough needs to be kneaded until it turns into an elastic form..", he trailed off taking out the mushy dough on the clean countertop.

"Can I knead it?", she asked with a hesitant look on her face albeit her expectant eyes.

It was exciting now that Sera was cooking with Lucifer, it wasn't hectic at all and she was enjoying every bit of it.

"Sure..", he was happy to see her so enthusiastic and helped her get a hang of it.

"You.. do it like this, okay?", he asked after demonstrating how to knead the dough.

"Yup!", she dove straight into it with her hands and started kneading the dough with her small hands, it was rather erotic and Lucifer shook his head to get it out of gutter.