Plan B

"Lucifer?", Sera turned to look at the dazed man with a puzzled gaze, then called out his name when he didn't notice her gaze on him.

It wasn't even two minutes since she started working the dough.

Lucifer snapped out of his stupor and stared at her face in confusion earning a giggle from the blushing beauty.

Sera raised her dough smeared hands with a meaningful smile, then pointed the kneaded dough on the countertop jutting her chin.

"Ah.. let me see!", realization hit him and he studied the pale white slimy mixture as his deep voice resounded.

Lucifer went ahead and stood behind Sera, as he spoke his chest rumbled against her back. Surprised, a low gasp escaped from her small cherry mouth.

Without caution he held her small hands bringing them in front and straight into the mushy mix of flour.

"You're doing it great..", he whispered close to her ears, tinting them pink.

Lucifer's claws expertly guiding her tiny ones as their hands molded the dough in different shapes, his face resting on her bare shoulder.

Sera's heart turned into a mush when his thin stubble tingled her smooth skin, her hands losing strength just like her weakened knees.

"Exert a bit more strength.. just a bit more", his hot breathe tickling her shoulders was pure torture, she bit her lips in response.

Sera was dressed in a white one-shoulder top with a long flowy pink skirt.

Her body movement was restrained with Lucifer standing so close to her, his upper body caging her. Which made Sera all the more restless with each passing second.

"Oh.. okay", her small and meek voice was akin to soft, light feathers teasing his heart, he pressed his lips on the exposed part of her shoulders, nibbling.

Sera was feeling giddy, the way their hands were wresting and pulling the dough was tormenting enough.

And now Lucifer's open-mouth kisses were rendering her numb.

The man was engrossed in teasing her while she was trying hard to concentrate on the forgotten pasta dough.

The initially gentle kisses turned all hot and wet when his tongue started to glide onto her fair back and neck, Sera was a panting mess thanks to Lucifer.

Lucifer impatiently bit her shoulder which was accepted by her with a low moan, his warm tongue soothing the pink bite and easing the sweet pain.

Struggling, she turned slightly and crashed her lips on his mouth in want, he was unprepared for this sudden intrusion and his eyes widened in surprise.

Taken aback by her active initiation Lucifer froze before delving deeper into her cherry mouth and tasting her exclusive sweetness.

Eventually, their hands entwined together stopped kneading the dough forsaking it completely.


The pair pulled back unwillingly and looked at the source of the noise.

It was the timer on the microwave oven, Lucifer lovingly stroked her cheeks then turned towards the oven.

He stood in front of the microwave and opened the door, he turned around revealing a small casserole of cauliflower au gratin in his hands.

Intently staring at his broad back Sera patted her hot cheeks trying to cool herself, seeing the casserole in his hands she forgot everything about her flushed face.

"What is this?", she asked with her swollen lips and a confounded expression.

Lucifer carefully placed the baked dish on the countertop then took off the pale yellow colored microwave mittens from his hands and turned to face Sera and replied in his usual calm manner.

"Plan B!", his curt reply left her dumbfounded as she glared at him in disbelief.

"That means you were clearly doubtful about me cooking..", she pouted in displeasure.

"Wrong! It's called planning ahead..", he flashed a smile refuting her statement. His fingers naturally tucked the stray hair behind her ear.

"And the way things are progressing I highly doubt we'll get to eat anything..", he smirked darting a glance at the forsaken lump of dough.

Sera coughed in embarrassment averting her gaze, a pink blush crept up her cheeks.

"Alright, I won't tease you! The dough is all done let it rest for now..", he laughed amused by her reaction.

"Let's have lunch together then later we'll cook dinner..", he trailed off walking towards the refrigerator.

Sera obediently sat at the dining table, waiting patiently for Lucifer. She looked at him with starry eyes when he emerged carrying a tray with desert.

"Mixed berries panna cotta..", he whispered looking at the two ramekins of panna cotta garnished with blueberries, raspberries and strawberries.

"Mmm.. So good!", she moaned in delight tasting the sweet taste on her palate.

Lucifer was trying to stifle his laughter seeing her worshipping eyes fixed on him, he bit his cheek in order to maintain a poker face.

"I'm glad you're enjoying it..", he looked at her with his deep gray eyes brimming with fondness, affection.

- - - - -

"Hello..", Adrian's lazy voice resounded through the phone.

"Boss.. There's something wrong", a hesitant voice was heard from the other side, a crease appeared on Adrian's forehead.

"What do you mean?", he asked with a scowl, he was already very unhappy these days.

"It's not clear but there seems to be a mole.. We're trying to find out.."

"Then call me after you've found out!", Adrian cut him through and slammed the phone in anger.

Adrian looked out of the window, a familiar silhouette exited from the large towering building. His expression was unreadable, staring straight ahead with a complicated look in his blue eyes.

Seconds later his face turned black, a grim look in his eyes with blazing anger.

Su Yin was standing near the streetlight, after a while Shaun ran towards her panting and Adrian who was witnessing all this felt his blood boil, his hands tightened around the steering wheel.

"Boss..", Shaun's agitated voice made Su Yin turn around and face him.

"What's wrong?", she was too lazy to bother with him right now.

"Let's go on a date!", he blurted, her face turned ugly and he flinched back.

"I mean, let's eat lunch it's still early..", he laughed awkwardly, trying to hide his nervousness.

"I'm busy..", she didn't waste a second and turned around to leave.

Shaun stood under the streetlight with a pitiful expression, Adrian glanced at him for a split second before driving away.