Out-of-date Popstar

B City Airport

The spectacular looking pair of brother-sister emerged out of the crowd garnering odd looks from every person, young or old

One was dressed stylishly resembling a prince whereas the other looked like his handmaid albeit her good looks, the stark difference piqued everyone's interest as they stared at them.

"I told you to remain low-key! What's with the Gucci sunglasses..", she threw a dirty glare at the haughty and unperturbed Xavier all blingy donning a metallic jacket and ripped jeans contrary to his usual prim and proper suits.

Maya was fuming mad at her stupid brother who was attracting attention, if this goes on then she was sure that trouble would soon follow them.

"Relax pink panther! It's your brother's charm..", he smirked like the devil he was. Maya smacked his arm rather harshly and sauntered away from him.

"Tch! Always grumpy..", he shook his head and followed after Maya, a carefree smile adorning his lips.

"You know it's not safe for you to flaunt yourself, especially here at B city! Did you forget what happened last time?", she said in hushed tones glaring at him.

The duo were now alone inside the taxi proceeding to their hotel.

"I know..", he replied with a sullen voice, his eyes were dim at the memory.

Previously when they were here in B city Xav wanted to visit Sera and spend time with her since she didn't stay back with them in H city after the auction.

However things went a little awry due to his lax attitude, they had to flee overnight and live in seclusion for a few days which was no less than torture for Xav who is known to be a free bird.

"Now take off this outrageous jacket, you look like an out-of-date popstar!", she said while pulling the collar of his jacket.

Xav was shocked by her mean remarks, taking off the jacket he flunged it on her head and smiled brightly.

"You..", she huffed at him and threw the jacket straight out of the window without blinking an eye.

Maya looked at him with mirth as dusted the non-existent dust off her palms and she smiled sweetly at him.

"That was worth thousands..", he trailed off still trying to process whatever happened just now.

"As if I care..", she interrupted him with an uninterested gaze sitting straight and looked ahead completely ignoring his furious scowl.

"You're such a meanie..", he whined like a three-year-old kid, Maya rolled her eyes and laughed softly.

"Brother, what explosive thing are you planning to gift Sera?", she turned all curious to know what Xav was thinking.

"Ah! That..", he trailed off with a devious gleam in his chocolate brown eyes, he looked tempting just like the last peice of desert.

"The Hans auction is rather high-profile, do you think the people from last time will be there?", she probed, her eyelbrows scrunched and feeling tense.

"I have no idea! So let's maintain low profile..", his eyes turned sharp with a serious expression on his face.

"Brother, you go check-in. I'll get my bag..", Maya opened the door and stepped out.

"Okay, I'll be waiting at the lobby..", Xav walked away pulling their luggage.

Jinan was walking to his car parked on the other side of the road near a small cafe, opposite the majestic looking hotel. He was coming back after finishing his meeting at the cafe.

"Huh? Is she..", Jinan muttered softly, his gaze fixed at the short-haired beauty in a short white sleeveless dress as she stood talking to a man.

Jinan narrowed his eyes looking at the man's back, he averted his gaze to Maya and sighed exasperatedly.

"Why do I care!", he mumbled running hands into his hair, he turned around and she was nowhere in sight.

He was in a trance, as he sat staring at the empty pavement across the road on the other side.

"Is this really fate? How awful..", he hit the steering wheel with a dismayed expression on his face.

- - - - -

Lillian's strawberry themed cafe

"Why are you here?", Lillian looked at Adrian as she asked a simple question that seemed unusual to him.

"I'm your son!", he said a little displeased by her reaction.

"Is this how unwelcomed I am..", he mumbled looking at her back, she went inside the kitchen without sparing him a glance.

"That's exactly why I'm asking you..", she trailed off, referring to his statement that he's her son.

"Mom! I was just.. missing you", he answered with a sulking face and hugged her shoulders.

"I know how much you miss me!", she said without dispensing him any mercy.

"You guys didn't fight, Did you?", her out of the blue question rendered him speechless, his hands tensed around her shoulders.

"She was here just a minute before..", Lillian turned around to meet his fazed gaze.

"Did you hurt her? She was looking awfully sad", as she asked the seemingly ridiculous question a mocking smile laced his thin lips.

"You think I'll hurt her?", he posed a question instead of answering her, he felt extremely disturbed recollecting the events of the night before.

"I know.. I trust you!", she ruffles his luscious locks and kissed his forehead before walking out of the cafe's kitchen.

Adrian comfortably sat on the barstool stationed deep inside the kitchen where there was a small cozy, obscure place which was reserved just for him.

"Strawberry icecream?", he asked looking at the bowl before him.

"Yup! Eat this and cheer up..", Lillian came back with a bowl of icecream and offered it to Adrian with her sweet smile.

Adrian wasn't very fond of sweet things however after meeting Su Yin he had strangely developed a habit of eating either strawberry icecream or any other desert to bounce back.

Adrian happily finished eating and went to look for Lillian who was missing. He went to her apartment on the second floor of the cafe to bid goodbye before leaving like an obedient, filial son.

He was greeted to an empty living room, he went inside her bedroom and his gaze traveled to an open drawer of the wooden cupboard.

"How can she be so careless..", he said walking towards the cupboard.

His hands stretched out to close the drawer, his blue eyes turned wide as he halted his movements.

Adrian picked up a black notebook, his eyes becoming sharper by the second. He threw the notebook away retrieving the photograph peeking from below.

The similar blue eyes in the photograph made his breath hitched, his heart palpitating while his hands holding the photograph trembled.

"Ah~ here you are..", Lillian stopped after seeing his pale face.

"Who? Who is this!", his shaky voice was heard after a while which left Lillian shocked.

"He's your father..", she grabbed the photograph and kept it back inside the cupboard locking it and stood gazing at him, nervous.

"Father!", he mumbled repeatedly trying to register Lillian's words, unable to accept the truth.

"Your father, he was a complicated man.. I didn't intend to hide anything from you Adrian. It's just that he was a loyal right hand man of that monster, Yang Deming..", Lillian's words struck Adrian's heart and he felt his breathing stifled.

Adrian would've accepted the man in the photograph as his father, they highly resembled with him inheriting his good looks and blue eyes however the thing which irked him was the ugly scar on his hand.

*ring* *ring*

Adrian's phone buzzed breaking the intense atmosphere around him, he clutched his hurting chest and glanced at the phone's screen before deciding to pick up.

"Hello..", he answered with an apathetic voice, still shaken by the sudden reveal.

"What are you talking about!", his whole demeanor changed as he bit out in anger, trembling.

"Dai Yu?", he repeated in a chilly voice and a furious gaze.