The Past - 2

Yang Deming had been waiting beside the unconscious Sandra, who was sleeping on his luxe king-size bed since two weeks, he was on vigil.

The reason? He wanted him to be the first thing Sandra's beautiful green eyes would bless after waking up from her comatose.

The young master of Yang clan was tending to a frail woman was something improbable for anyone familiar with Yang Deming's sadistic tendencies.

So, when he was willing to sacrifice his sleep and hunger for a woman, almost half-dead, it was nothing less than a miracle in their eyes.

Yang Deming had shifted Sandra and her belongings into his own bedroom, he was even personally looking after her with sincerity, neglecting his own health.

He was particularly very terrified when even after a week Sandra had been in comatose and yet to regain consciousness, in his blinding rage he had killed and slaughtered almost a dozen men and women.

The ruthless man was so restless that all of his work, business or underworld was done only after midnight all while monitoring Sandra's condition personally from the adjoining room.

Sleep deprived, he looked extremely haggard compared to his usual striking self with huge eye bags around his fascinating gray eyes.

Yet his handsomeness was something that mere dark eye bags could never conceal.

One such day when Deming was staring intently at the sleeping beauty in his bed with deep pools of love, longing and desire, Sandra's little finger twitched sending waves of excitement into his exhausted self.

He was thrilled to see her fluttering eyelashes, the moment Sandra opened her eyes his heartbeat stopped and with lightning speed the man emerged in front of her with a huge grin plastered across his face.

Sandra's shocked look was like a pail of cold water splashed on his burning love and desire for her, he was enraged by her reaction so much that he could kill her any instant.

She was still recovering from her shock when his large palm landed on her eyes to cover them, he was forcing her eyes closed to avoid seeing the fear in them.

However his actions only fanned the fear in her, her body shook with indescribable feeling of terror before fainting.

Yang Deming was not expecting such a situation, he almost strangled the doctor treating Sandra after seeing how she had fainted right after gaining consciousness.

After the doctor explained, stuttering, how Sandra must have been terrified of the accident and also the unfamiliar surroundings, the anger in Yang Deming subsided and he spared the lowly doctor's life.

The doctor had injected Sandra with a sedative to help her nerves relax, she was sleeping peacefully the whole night and woke up only at midnight.

The moment Sandra fluttered her eyes open she was reminded of the disgusting and creepy smile of Yang Deming and his dirty gaze filled with lust.

She abhorred the feeling he brought about in her, it was revolting.

Subsequently, Sandra tried to catch her breath and remain calm in the foriegn situation. She then started to examine her surroundings, it was a large room that was lavishly decorated and could be compared to an apartment in itself.

There were huge golden chandeliers hanging from the ivory ceiling, with a huge book shelf, a table desk, ivory comfy couch and a large golden bed on which she was sleeping, along with other necessities and ornaments.

After multiple attempts Sandra successfully stood on her feet, she was standing near the book shelf across the French windows looking outside, it was dead dark with a few lights glittering in the distance.

Yang Deming entered the bedroom to witness a dainty looking Sandra standing like a goddess in front of the book shelf with her tantalizing back facing him.

She was dressed in a thin white nightgown made of silk which was outlining all her curves and edges to perfection.

All his anger and rage vanished in thin and he was now filled with pure carnal desire, with feather lite steps the man treaded to her side.

When Sandra was lost in her own world thinking about Alex and the Chung's and the Chang's family, Yang Deming closed the distance between them and stood almost crushing her fragile body.

Sandra gasped, terrified by the turn of events, she didn't dare turn around and stood rooted to the ground.

Not able to sense her mind, the oblivious man started his exploration almost violating the shaking woman in his arms, tears flowed from her red eyes yet there was no sound, just weak whimpers exciting the animal.

Yang Deming was aware that she was 17 something, he was even planning to celebrate her 18th birthday pompously before ravishing her sensuous and tender body that very night before presenting her a grandiose wedding ceremony as a birthday gift.

Reluctantly Yang Deming stopped his wild hands, halting the assault and embraced her tiny frame into a bone-crushing hug.

That was the unfortunate night that marked the beginning of Sandra's own personal hell!

Subsequently this continued every day, eventually she turned into an empty shell with no soul almost dead yet breathing.

Every day and night Yang Deming would hover around her like a blood sucking leech. With no freedom and constant monitoring, she became less lively compared to her prior cheerful and bubbly personality.

Firstly, Sandra was alone in a foreign country with a lusty monster lurking around her 24/7, sucking her dry with every opportunity he could get.

Though Yang Deming was considerate enough to not force her to do the final deed, he was still violating her by all means and humiliating her every day.

Secondly, Sandra had no idea how she had landed herself in this hell of a place that was no less than prison for national traitor.

She had lost all confidence in herself, she even started suspecting that Alex had abandoned her because of her poor background.

Thus Sandra was somehow passing the days of her life just breathing not living, pushing through with great difficulty so that one day she can escape from this place and question Alex Chung why he had left her alone in this damned place.