The Past - 3

Days passed by with dread, days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months.

Sandra's circumstances were no different from the first day since she had woken up from her comatose.

Soon the day of her 18th birthday was approaching, she wasn't even aware of how her days were turning into nights less her own birthday.

Not even a soul was aware of her presence in Yang Mansion.

It was a national secret that Sandra was staying with Yang Deming, even Lillian was not aware of this.

Damien had hid it carefully from Lillian until the night of Sandra's birthday where everyone was invited to celebrate Yang Deming's future wife, the young mistress of Yang clan's birthday.

Lillian was shocked when the mc announced Yang Deming and Sandra's wedding, she turned to look at Damien who was standing unfazed with no change in his stoic face.

The star couple stood across a huge cake in white with a huge tower of croque-en-bouche, golden profiteroles laden together with caramel. It was embellished with a huge candy heart in blazing red resembling an artistic glass structure standing tall and proud just like the dazzling Yang Deming.

Yang Deming took Sandra's hand in his own and sliced through the cake together, following which he slipped a huge diamond ring into her hand before kissing her red lips like a beast gnawing at it's prey.

Sandra held her breath, fists clenched tightly to stop herself from slapping him in front of everyone.

Lillian stood agape witnessing the incredible scene in front of her, she rushed to Sandra when she was left alone beside the bar.

Before she could reach her side the tipsy Sandra was whisked away by Yang Deming, impatient to ravage her and he did exactly that once they were behind closed doors.

The night was a nightmare for Sandra, she laid under the man like a lifeless shell of a body tolerating his stormy actions.

The night was long, Yang Deming was on cloud 9, it was his dream to possess her which was turning into reality. Whereas Sandra was loathing every bit of him, she was enduring his beastly actions while gritting her teeth.

The next day was the same, the whole week Yang Deming didn't spare Sandra sucking her dry.

After nearly a month Lillian tried to find an opportunity and sneakily visited her avoiding Damien and Deming's men.

She had carried a thorough investigation about the situation through the gossipy maids and servants.

The truth shocked Lillian so much that her trust in Damien wavered, she was blaming herself for Sandra's tragic situation and decided to help her runaway from the monster's clutches.

She told Sandra how Deming had tried to kill Alex Chung to obtain her, she cried relentlessly after listening to Lillian's narration.

They had to act fast to escape unscathed from this place, Lillian was already pregnant with Damien's child thus Sandra was reluctant in involving her given her condition.

There was still a month before Sandra and Yang Deming's wedding, she decided to elope before the wedding and find Alex Chung.

The next day Yang Deming was dumbfounded after seeing Sandra in a cheerful mood, she was even willing to serve him without any qualms.

Elated he decided to bring her to a banquet held in a bordering city near B City, offering her a benefit of doubt given that they had spent numerous days and nights together. He thought that it was enough for her to madly fall in love with him.

The next day Yang Deming, Sandra, Damien Gold along with Lillian left for the banquet.

It was refreshing for Sandra after staying cooped up into the huge mansion all day for months, however she wasn't on vacation here, she was here with a motive.

After the quad enjoyed the night, halfway through the banquet Yang Deming was drunk dead while Damien Gold was trying to control the drunk happy man.

Seizing the chance Sandra sneaked out of the hall and went out, Lillian was trying her best to remain calm and inconspicuous about the whole matter.

The next morning Yang Deming woke up to an empty bed, he was baffled.

Like a madman he started searching for her everywhere, even Damien Gold was under his radar, nobody could remain untouched by the monster's wrath.

The whole city was overthrown by the tyrant king, every single person of the special forces were under great pressure to find their boss's missing wife.

After much difficulty they found leads that Lillian helped Sandra elope, Yang Deming didn't spare the pregnant Lillian and captured her.

Damien Gold was scared for his wife's and child's life, he started to personally dig around to find Sandra, after a week of hard work they finally found her.

Damien went to escort her back to Yang Deming's side, Lillian was still under arrest and he was scared that she will be harmed by the unpredictable Yang Deming.

On the way back Damien Gold and Sandra's car collided with a large truck and fell into the lake, Yang Deming was furious when he heard about this and almost killed Lillian.

The duo were nowhere to be found, everyone assumed them to be dead.

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"Your mother and I, we were already back a day before planned. We witnessed the cruelty with which he treated Lillian.. My blood boiled after seeing my wife being mistreated by my so-called bestfriend", Damien Gold looked at the trio who were listening intently.

"Sandra convinced me to rescue Lillian and leave, she wanted us to live freely unlike her.. I was almost convinced but at the last minute Sandra asked me to drop her at the nearest bus station before fetching Lillian.. On the way we met with the accident"

Adrian was feeling conflicted after listening to his words, he pursed his lips tightly and looked at Lillian's face.

"After receiving news about your death, Yang Deming threw me out of the house mercilessly.. That gave me a chance to leave the city, when I was living alone I found Sandra..", Lillian told breaking the deafening silence.

"I was at the brink of death, a few doctors who were on a tour in the surrounding of the lake found me.. I was in a comatose state for nearly ten years, the doctors told me that it was very rare occurence..", Damien Gold explained after meeting Lucifer's questioning gaze.

"After waking up I found that everything had changed, so many years had passed and It was hard to adapt.."

"The doctor's helped me with everything, I started to hone my computer and technical skills and worked in their hospital while looking for Lillian."

"My pursuit led me to Li Ya, she had been my apprentice years ago.. After a mistake Yang Deming punished her fortunately she wasn't killed and just thrown out of the city.. I tried to get in touch with her.."

"By the time I found her it was too late, she was already dead.. Then I adopted Dai Yu and started training him.."

"I wanted to show myself however that night five years ago I witnessed Yang Deming's cruelty and was scared that he'll kill me and then I wouldn't be able to help you or Lillian.."

"And that's how Dai Yu was sent to you.. to help his brothers", Damien looked at Lucifer and Adrian deeply as he finished his words.

"I wasn't aware that Sandra was alive until I saw you that night five years ago..", his words were directed at Lucifer.