Who Killed Old Wu?

The sky had turned gray with faint orange and pink streaked across the brooding clouds making a rare picturesque however there wasn't any admirer to this beautiful sight.

The taxi moved with steady speed along the silent alleys as well as bustling streets. A fragrant scent of freshly prepared mouthwatering delicacies from the street side stalls wafted in the air.

Sera sat looking out of the window in a trance while her slender fingers were subconsciously fidgeting the crystal pendant dangling around her neck.

"Is he alright? I saw those eyes of his flicker with something.. I hope he's okay, I feel so scared..", a faint voice in her head kept reminding about Lucifer's rapid change of emotions when he received the call earlier. S

Locks of dark stray hair flew past Sera's dark eyes when cool breeze brushed past kissing her cold skin.

Sighing softly she looked down to mask the vehemence in her eyes, her eyelashes trembled with the uncertainty.

Sera got down from the taxi and entered the gates of Lu mansion, her eyes filled with melancholy darted towards the empty wooden bench faraway.

"Oh Lucifer, I miss you so much..", her soft voice resounded in the quiet garden as she stood along the cobblestone pathway missing her man.

Sera took of Lucifer's scarf draped around her before proceeding and shivered when the cool breeze brushed past her bare shoulders, turning around she hastened her steps into the mansion and was greeted by her whole family.

"Sera? Where were you?", Lu Shanshan posed a question when she saw her entering the house dressed in such thin clothes.

However her eyes missed the gray color scarf held tightly in her left hand, Sera hurriedly hid it behind her back and smiled faintly.

"I was, was with Su Yin!", she lied, Jinan stood gazing at her with a mischievous smile that made her heartbeat race.

"I'll go get changed..", she ran upstairs without even completing her sentence, Lu Shanshan looked at her with a weird look while Jinan guffawed at her reaction.

After entering her bedroom Sera slammed the door shut and stood leaning against it, she was catching her breath with her eyes shut tight.

The left hand draped with Lucifer's scarf was clutching her chest, her heart was thumping loud and clear in the quiet room.

Looking at the scarf in her hand she laughed softly still holding it close to her heart, tears rolled out of her doe eyes and she slumped onto her fluffy bed.

- - - - -

Adrian had brought the trio - Lillian, Damien Gold and Dai Yu to Lillian's apartment above her cafe. Damien was proud of Lillian while Dai Yu looked around the cafe and apartment in awe.

The quad had a simple but warm dinner as family for the first time in years, although it was awkward for Adrian, he tried his best to remain calm and blend in.

Dai Yu wanted to go back to his dorm since there was just one room and Adrian too was living alone at his den, the two boys went on their own way leaving the couple alone.

Adrian offered to drop Dai Yu back at his dorm and asked him to get up early next day as they'll be spending time together as a family on Lucifer's orders.

"Lillian, do you know where Sandra is?", Damien was sitting alongside Lillian on the couch and watching news on TV.

"Ah?", she snapped her head to face the man whose eyes were glued to the television screen.

"Sandra? Lucifer's mother?", she inquired with disbelief, how can he ask something like this?

"Of course, who else?", he chuckled, his hands reached to grab her into a warm embrace when Lillian dodged him and stood up.

"What.. what happened?", Damien was startled by her reaction, he too rose to his feet and looked at her with shock.

"She's.. She's dead!", her voice was low, she choked on the last word as tears rimmed her eyes and Damien Gold was baffled by the piece of news.

"How.. how?", he asked in a hoarse voice unable to believe her words.

"Sandra was diagnosed with a terminal illness, it was most likely due to the drug injected by that monster..", her soft sobs echoed in the room, Damien rushed to her side to console her.

"She wanted to live, for Lucifer, I was with her when she gave birth to him. That boy was the light in her life.. after finding out that her days were numbered she contacted Alex and entrusted him with Lucifer's safety.."

Lillian sniffed, her face was covered with tears thinking back about her sworn sister's hardships. She smiled faintly when little Lucifer's face flashed past her eyes.

"She died when Lucifer was nearly 2 years old..", Lillian dropped the bomb and Damien was astonished.

"When Lucifer was two years old?", he repeated her words trying to process them.

He looked at her tear stricken face and shook his head in denial.

More than twenty years had passed and he was still thinking that one day he would get to meet Sandra. This news was like a bolt of lightning to Damien Gold.

- - - - -

After dropping Dai Yu back at the headquarters Adrian drove to his den, he was feeling really tired and confused.

The day was no less than a thrilling rollercoaster ride for him, he also was terribly missing Su Yin right now.

Adrian took a quick shower to refresh himself and clear his head, he changed out of his crumpled clothes into comfortable lounge wear and sat on his comfy couch sipping on a glass of whiskey.

"Dad? Father? Damien Gold? Damien?", he was blabbering looking at the flickering lights of tall buildings outside from his floor to ceiling windows.

Rolling different words on his tongue to familiarize himself, he was confused about the way he should address Damien Gold from now on.

Adrian never experienced the so-called fatherly love from anyone except from Alex Chung who treated him as an equal to Lucifer, like his own son.

Everything that was happening made Adrian's head ache. It was a big joke to him how everyone knew about Damien Gold being his father except himself.

Suddenly his eyes shot wide open and he sat straight and placed the glass on the round table before rising to his feet.

"If Damien Gold was helping us.. then, then who was that man?", eyebrows scrunched in confusion he thought out loud, his clear voice resounded in the dark room.

"That night.. who killed Old Wu? and his men..", Adrian ran his fingers through his luscious dark locks in frustration.