Ah~My Dirty Mind

Outside was a moon speckled darkness, but at least it was not the kind of utter blackness that swallowed a person whole. It was instead a shadowy world painted in grey-scale.

Inside a tired and exhausted slender frame was attempting to catch forty winks with hazy eyes but a sober mind, turning and tossing.

A soft, muffled crackling sound like that caused by the movement of dry leaves was heard in the dead night.

Sera's eyes shot open at the faint rustling, petrified, she gulped before struggling to sit up straight, fingers tightly clutching the ends of the fluffy white comforter.

"What? What was that?", a low muttering followed her darting eyes outside the balcony, whose glass door was slid open.

Wiping the layer of mist on her forehead Sera pulled down the layer covering her fine legs with her trembling hands.

At an incredibly slow pace, a fair heel touched the cold marble flooring and moved towards the direction of the open balcony.

Sera was walking unusually slowly, almost robotically, as if her brain was struggling to tell each foot to take the next step.

With one foot across the balcony's threshold Sera looked around trying to sense a presence other than her own.

"Who is there?", her shaky voice tore the silence in the air.

The wind answered, rushing in powerful gusts, silky threads of hair flew framing her small face as she covered her eyes with the tiny palm.

Her breathing hitched when a hand abruptly grabbed her, in a smooth but rapid swerve she was pushed inside the room and the door slid close.

Before she could analyze what had just happened a large coat enveloped her quivering shoulders, covering till her mid thighs.

Following which a smooth velvety voice caressed her cold ears making her eyes bulge out.

"Aren't you a little underdressed to stand out in cold?", the familiar tone made her heart lurch in excitement.

She was dressed in a loose cotton tshirt in white with a large heart print and black shorts with white tiny hearts printed on it, she looked extremely cute with her long hair skimming on her chest and shoulders.

"Lucifer..", she smiled looking at the man staring intensely into her soul with his gray eyes akin to rough cut diamonds, sparkling under the moonlight.

"Hm? Were you expecting someone other than me?", he quirked his eyebrow at her, his hands warming and relaxing her tense shoulders.

"Of.. Of course not!", she turned red in embarrassment, he chuckled at her flustered self and pulled her into his arms.

Unprepared by the sudden attack, her brain shut down when his scent wafted her little nose rendering her numb, her face flushed with a deep red.

"I missed you.. so much!", his incoherent mumbling was like music to her ears, smiling brightly she held onto him tightly.

Thinking about the time when she left hurriedly after his phonecall, her mind wandered, shaking her thoughts off her mind she closed her eyes in bliss.

While savoring this harmonious silence something occurred to her, parting her lips she struggled to voice out her question.

"Did you eat?", she asked, sticking close to his chest her words her words came out as muffles.

"Uh..", before he could answer his stomach growled in protest, she raised her head to meet his awkwardly smiling face.

"It's 2 in the morning..", she chided him for not eating on time, he gazed deeply, amused by the stern look in her eyes.

"Wait! Let me get you something to eat..", she pushed him on her bed before strolling out leisurely without sparing him a glance.

"Heh..", he laughed softly, gloom shrouded his eyes when the laughter ceased.

Like an obedient little child, Lucifer sat on the cozy bed looking at the shimmering moonlight out of the glass door.

The door opened with a soft click, with a tray in her hand Sera carefully entered the room.

Leaning against the headboard with his one leg bent and other dangling down the bed, Lucifer sat staring out in a trance unaware of Sera's company in the room.

Entranced, she stood still looking at Lucifer's perfect features illuminated by the white moonlight falling on him, like an ethereal being he could tempt anyone.

"Ah~ My dirty mind!", she muttered under her breath as she licked her lips, enticed by the sight before her.

Sera treaded towards the bed in light steps, It was as if she were in a stupor, like someone under some hypnosis in one of those scooby-doo cartoons.

"Here.. Ramen!", she placed the tray with a clatter attracting his attention, clearing her throat awkwardly she squeaked in a soft voice.

"Thanks..", he whispered, pulling her between his legs and into his laps.

"Aah..", she wasn't used to his extreme means of handling her and screamed in surprise.

"Sshh..", he shushed pinching her cheeks with his thumb and fingers, holding her face in his large palm.

Sera nodded her head helplessly, looking like a cute chipmunk whose mouth is stuffed with acorns.

"My little chipmunk..", he chuckled before pressing a firm kiss on her puckered lips, she frowned making her pout all the more prominent.

"Haha..", he laughed at her angry face, she was trying to get out of his hold, shaking her face.

"Stay still..", he commanded softly, she gulped heavily observing the blazing emotions in his eyes.

Sera blinked rapidly, his thumb grazing the softness of her skin, sighing he pulled back his hand.

"You don't want to eat?", she enquired, his stare could bore a hole into her.

"You feed me..", a smirk found it's way onto his thin, sexy lips and he shrugged nonchalantly.

"Childish..", she muttered, contrary to her words she smiled radiantly at him.

"Tasty..", he slurped the noodles, she gulped looking at the thin noodle resting between his lips.

Shaking her head inwardly, she picked up the noodles to feed him, her hand trembling ever so lightly.

"Are you okay?", his deep concerned voice broke her stupor, she stared at him wide-eyed.

His warm palm fell onto her scorching forehead, her face flushed with deep crimson adorning her plump lips and cheeks.

"It's hot.. Are you having a fever?", he asked retracting his hand and looking at her in surprise, she was absolutely fine before.

"No.. I'm fine! You finish this..", stuttering like a broken record tape, she pushed the bowl of ramen in his hands and stood up hurriedly.

"Where are you going?", his voice was heard as she went inside the bathroom and closed the door in panic.

"Something is definitely wrong with me!", gaping at the reflection on the mirror she mumbled in a meek voice, scared that Lucifer will hear her.