Like A Good Girl

Liu Li entered the elevator and was about to press the floor number when a man in black suit and oversized goggles stopped the elevator and rushed inside.

"Uh? Who..", she mumbled when the man entered the elevator.

It wasn't very a unusual ocurence however Liu Li's intuition was telling that something was wrong. She eyed the man with a furtive glance, wary about the suspicious man's identity she pressed the wrong floor number and turned to him with a smile.

The man ignored her presence as though she was air which further intensified her belief that he was no ordinary person.

"What the.. Should I tell dad about this?", she made a mental note to discuss this matter with Liu Chenmin.

When the elevator reached the destination Liu Li hastily exited the elevator and walked ahead without turning back, she was breaking out in cold sweat.

The man inside the elevator looked at her running away flustered, with a smile he took out his phone and dialed a number.

Liu Li sneakily entered the other elevator on the floor and arrived at the door step of Zhang Lili's suite.

She opened the door and sauntered inside, her eyes darting around the huge room searching for Zhang Lili. She settled herself on the couch with an indifferent look staring intently at her phone screen.

The door to the bathroom clicked open revealing the Zhang Lili with no specks of makeup on her clean translucent skin, she was pretty even with the white bandaid on the forehead concealing her injury.

Attired in a modest yellow plain knee length dress she stood like an angel, her delicate features and big eyes could render any sane man speechless.

Liu Li raised her eyes, her indifferent face breaking into a fake smile that was sweeter than her original smiling face.

With masked hatred she glared at the beautiful Zhang Lili, envy and hate was the current emotions burning in her chest.

"You look beautiful..", her insincere compliment only made Zhang Lili's eyes sting, surreptitiously wiping the tear in her left eye she smiled weakly at Liu Li.

"Thank you.. Sis!", she almost choked on the last words, overwhelmed with emotions as her unstable mind was in chaos right now.

"It's alright, we are family after all.. Come, let's go home!", Liu Li was shocked by the unfamiliar address, smiling awkwardly she tried to remain unperturbed.

"Yes, let's go home..", she repeated with a faint light of hope in her big, bright eyes.

The pair then left the establishment with smiles etched on their faces and different emotions brimming in their hearts.

While one was hopeful for the future the other was full of schemes. Like real sisters, hand in hand the girls made their way to Liu Chenmin's house, Jade Manor.

- - - - -

"Haha..", Sera's animated laughter echoed in Lucifer's red ears, he was sitting on the bed scowling, with his back facing her.

"Are you done laughing?", he snapped back unhappily, back then he was flustered beyond words, it's not his fault, ok!

"Yup, I'm.. Haha..", Sera was trying hard to stifle her laugh, unable to endure she broke out into giggles looking at his scowling face.

"Alright, I won't laugh now, I'll not.. heh.. make fun of you!", biting her lips, she managed to utter a complete sentence, strolling through the room and sat beside him.

"Let me see how you'll laugh now!", saying that he pulled her, pinning her on the bed he smiled wickedly ensuing fear as she widened her eyes.

"I'm sorry.. I really am!", she muttered hastily before he could do anything to her, the man smiled before standing up and nodding his head.

"Good! That's like a good girl..", saying that he went to the lifesize mirror and started fixing his messy hair.

Sera sat gaping at his figure with disbelief written all over her face, damn this cruel man always scaring and threatening her!

"Beast!", she mumbled under her breath looking at him, as he nonchalantly ran his long fingers through his hair.

Sera also stood up, she was fixing her ponytail and the baby pink cotton dress which he had messed up by pushing and pulling her around carelessly.

"I'll be going back..", he spoke breaking the silence, still staring at his reflection in the mirror.

Sera stopped her movements and turned around, she had totally forgotten that Lucifer had to leave her and go back. Her eyes dimmed at the thought.

Sensing her silence he turned to look, curious, he was shocked to see her sad face.

'Ah! Please don't cry!', his head buzzed seeing her like that, her doe eyes were watery.

"What happened?", he went to her side and asked with a smile.

"I.. I don't want you to go", lowering her head, she stammered leaving Lucifer dumbfounded.

He chuckled at her words, his heart pooled with warmth and love seeing her reaction.

"You want to keep me, the king of underworld, under house arrest?", he laughed, he wasn't willing to leave her but there was a lot for him to do now.

"Ah~ Stop joking!", she hit his shoulder weakly, the man only laughed before hugging her tightly, trying to memorize each curve, edge of her, her fragrance and softness.

"I'll miss you..", he whispered, kissing her neck and snuggling.

"If I don't go now, all your family members will be here, in your room with us!", he laughed, she nodded her head in agreement and giggled softly.

Her euphonious laughter tickled his heart, as though under a spell an unfamiliar word found it's way on the tip of his tongue.

"I..", in a trance he was about to confess his feelings, biting his tongue and swallowing back the words he stood still, dumbstruck.

Baffled by his reaction and half said words Sera raised her head to look at him, there he stood motionless with his widened gray eyes and pale face.

"Are you okay?", she whispered slowly, however there was no reaction, she gulped in nervousness.

'I love you!', his head was screaming these three words, his heart stopped when he realized what he was about to say

It was impossible for him, Lucifer, the devil to fall in love.

"I'll go back now..", snapping out of his daze, he met her troubled face and doe eyes, smiling faintly he pressed a kiss on her forehead before jumping out of the balcony.