PB And J Crackers

Su Yin was already on the plane flying to F Country, a couple of hours more and she'll soon meet Su Yishen.

She had left early from her father's office yesterday to pack her luggage and shop some things for Yishen.

She also woke up early today, before dawn to leave for the airport since it was sunday there was bound to be a lot of traffic on the way.

With a broad smile she boarded her flight to F Country excited to meet the apple of her eyes, Su Yishen.

Attired in a black trench coat with a deep red lace top underneath and good old jeans, she was looking chic sauntering around in her red high heels and LV bag.

Inside the plane she sat motionless closing her eyes trying to catch up on her beauty sleep when her thoughts went back to last night.

- - - - -

Last Night

"Dad, I'm going to visit Yishen. Do you have anything to say or give to him?", Su Yin asked her tired father after he had returned back from office.

Su Yin stood with an anticipating look in her midnight black eyes, staring at Su Bo Ying who was sitting on the couch fiddling with his tie, extremely exhausted.

"Yishen? Why, I thought you wanted a vacation!", he asked with a confused expression, his eyes turning unexpectedly grim.

"Oh! I.. I visit him every year.. around this time of the year it's also his break! So..", she trailed off, her father really didn't remember anything regarding the poor boy.

"Hmm.. okay, enjoy yourself!", Su Bo Ying stood up and walked away, Su Yin stood gazing at his receding back with an unfathomable emotion, sighing softly.

"I'm sorry mom! I'm sorry Yishen..", she mumbled looking out of the window, the moonlight was sparkling white while her eyes were dim with sorrow.

- - - - -

"Yishen.. here!", Su Yin waved her hand standing at the compound of Yishen's dormitory building, her luggage was safely transported back to her hotel room.

Outside the dorm building's door stood a young boy dressed in denims, multicolored tshirt and a denim jacket with a messy hairstyle and sweet smile.

"Sis..", Yishen ran towards her, panting, he smiled brightly flashing his pearly teeth. His bright and clear eyes smiling as well.

"You look so thin! Aren't you eating well?", she narrowed her eyes scanning him from head to toe, while he laughed at her words.

"I'm very healthy, sis! I can even run more than 500 mts race and win..", he said proudly, grinning like the cheerful boy he was.

"Really? I'm so proud of you..", she ruffled his hair praising him, he tried to stop her with a displeased face.

"Ugh! Not my hair..", he stepped back annoyed, she giggled pulling him forward by his shoulders.

"Come, let's go pack your things! You'll stay with me for this next few days..", she hugged his shoulders turning around to walk inside.

"Uh! Really?", he asked with a dumbfounded look, giddy from her announcement.

"Uh-huh.. now hurry!", she patted his back and urged him to hurry up.

- - - - -

"Not bad! Unexpectedly you've cleaned your room pretty well..", Su Yin said as she walked perusing around the room with hands on her waist.

"Oh no! It wasn't me but my roommate..", he denied laughing at her words, he was too lazy.

"And here I thought that my little brother has grown up!", she shook her head with a playful smile, he chuckled while packing his clothes into the backpack.

She turned to look at him and froze, widening her eyes she shot a curious glance at him and parted her lips to speak.

"Hey! What are these crackers doing here?", she asked when he kept a pack of Peanut Butter and Jelly crackers in the backpack.

"What? These? PB and J crackers!", he asked raising the packet in the air and shaking.

"Yes! That.. I remember you're allergic to peanuts!", she quirked her eyebrows with a odd expression that made Yishen laugh, he shook his head in denial.

"Yes, and these are not for me and not for you either!", he hurriedly clarified seeing her reaction, she was going to explode him with questions any minute.

"Then?", she was losing patience dealing with this gentleman who was building suspense over a pack of lousy but tasty crackers.

"Bro Ad! He loved them last time he was here..", Yishen casually mumbled his reply still packing his stuff unaware of the sudden bomb he had dropped on the pale Su Yin.

"Bro Ad?", she stuttered with a foreboding feeling in her chest.

"Uh-huh.. Adrian!", he zipped his backpack and turned around to face her, he raised his eyebrow questioningly seeing her petrified look.

"When? How..", she trailed off unable to speak further, still dealing with the shock.

"Last year after you left, he visited me a few times.. Always bringing gifts and stuff! He would keep asking me about your whereabouts..", he stood up and spoke rummaging through his cupboard with a focused gaze.

Su Yin was flabbergasted by the revelation, she had brought Adrian once when she was passing by Yishen's dormitory.

And that was it, Adrian and Yishen never met each other face to face, then how? and why?

"That time, when you had gone away without informing anyone, it was around that time.."

Color went and came from Su Yin's face as she sat there speechless, listening to Yishen's words like it was a mythological story.

However, her heart raced seeing the starry eyed boy narrating everything that had occurred with a million dollar smile, forcing her to believe that it was no story but the truth.

"Later, he stopped coming so I thought you guys had patched up things, it's good that you guys made up! I'm happy.."

"I thought you guys got into a fight when he was constantly asking about you. I'm right? That's why you didn't contact anyone right? Because you were hurt?"

Yishen turned around and sat across her with a smile and a knowing gaze as he asked her the questions bugging him.

"Uh-uh..", she smiled weakly at him and nodded her head.

"I was expecting to see him as well.. but you are here alone. He's probably at the hotel right? So I'm bringing these crackers for him.."

Su Yin looked at him and smiled wryly, her throat felt dry unable to understand the situation she was trapped in.

She wasn't expecting something like this to happen. How did things turn out like this?

"Ahem! No.. He's, he's busy", clearing her throat she stammered her reply, feebly, smiling awkwardly at him.

"Oh no! No problem, you can pass it to him. right?", he asked pulling her out of the room.

She stood up almost tripping herself, her knees gave out, like a old woman she walked holding his hand for support.

Walking down the stairs Su Yin was cursing Adrian, how could he?