You're My Sun!

The Next Morning

The sky was a bit gloomy, the sun had yet to rise scattering it's bright rays of glowing, yellow sunshine to break the brooding darkness from it's positive and optimistic light.

A black Maybach whizzed past the noiseless, long road leading to a bridge. Passing through the narrow bridge and a rough, muddy path it halted with a soft screech.

A man dressed in all black, with a stoic face and deep eyes filled with nothing but pain alighted from the car, a beautiful bouquet of sunflowers in his hands.

Walking the hill he wasn't a bit tired, his face was expressionless the whole time of his ascend, his hands freezing cold while forehead covered with a layer of mist.

The fog hung heavily upon the peak of the hill, faraway leading to a narrow path on the hill there was a single but big magnolia tree with pink flowers and a wooden bench to sit.

Arriving near the tree the man stopped in his tracks, almost wobbly, taking deep breaths as per the psychiatrist's advice he continued his trail.

Behind the tree he stood gazing straight ahead, his hands shivering along with the bright yellow sunflowers in his hands.

A couple minutes later bending his back, he slowly kept the bouquet of sunflowers down and stared ahead with deep longing, it was hard to miss the hurt and pain in those deep eyes akin to an abyss of beautiful darkness.

"You know Ethan, I just love these flowers.. Look at their bright, sunny color!"

"Sunflowers are my favourite, just like these.. I only have you in my eyes and in my life.. You're my sun!"

Ethan's red teary eyes were flickering with an unreadable emotion, staring fixedly at the photo of an angel with golden hair and big green eyes with a single line of engraving below it.

Mia Chung 1994-2014

Kneeling down, he sobbed like a child as he uttered words of apology and regret in his hoarse voice.

It was the most pitiful sight for anyone to witness of the man called Ethan Lee.

- - - - -

5 Years Ago

"Ethan, look at this dress.. I look pretty in it, right?", at Mia Chung's question Ethan looked at her in awe, his mouth agape.

Oblivious to the dumbstruck and gaping Ethan Lee in the room, Mia Chung twirled around in the magnificent but modern styled ballroom gown in blood red color, enhancing her fair complexion and golden locks tied in a neat bun exposing her slender neck and bare shoulders.

Pulling her towards him in a swift motion, Ethan ran his fingers on the sides of her face and spoke in a soft whisper, tickling her heart with a million feathers.

"You look amazing, it's beyond any words of appreciation.. You're, you're perfect!"

The man's heartfelt praise made Mia Chung's heart all mushy and she broke into an emotional smile with glittering tears in her beautiful jade eyes.

"Now go.. The guests are here! I need to get changed as well..", he held her hand and squeezed it before pressing a chaste kiss on her rosy cheek and urged her to go out of the room.

"Okay.. But, don't be late!", she winked at him before closing the door as she waltzed out with a dizzy smile.

Minutes Later

"Happy birthday to Miss Mia Chung, the future young madam of Lee household..", the mc congratulated with a smile when Mia Chung sliced through the large cake in frosty white with red hearts all over, his voice loud followed by a round of applause.

Smiling radiantly Mia turned to Ethan with a small piece of cake in her hand and fed him, he returned the favor and pecked her lips briefly before stepping aside.

Mia went to her parents, Alex Chung and Li Jing who were standing beside Ethan Lee and fed them with smiles and giggles echoing in the air.

It was a joyous occasion, everything was organized by Ethan Lee alone.

"Dad, where's my brother?", she asked looking around the banquet hall with a piece of red velvet cake in her hand, her eyes searching for Lucifer.

"I'm here..", dressed in a black button up shirt with white trousers and a belt with the engraved lion's symbol Lucifer walked languidly over to Mia's side, his long hair covering almost half of his charming face.

"You could've at least arrived early! And what's with your hair? I told you to tie them up neatly..", she snorted unhappily, he smiled dotingly and stuffed her mouth with cake.

"Ugh! Brother..", she glared at him when his throaty laughter was heard, Ethan shook his head approaching the duo and hugged Lucifer patting his back.

"Pa!", he jumped when a hand grabbed him and turned around, it was Alex Chung looking at his face with a puzzled expression and a glint in his eyes.

"Just tie your hair! You look worst than a jungle man..", he spat harshly, Mia giggled making a face at Lucifer.

"Stop it you too.. My son is always handsome no matter what..", Li Jing came between them and ran her fingers in Lucifer's hair, tidying it up discreetly.

"Guys! I have an announcement to make..", Ethan interrupted their family time, his words arousing confusion among the Chung's.

"Relax, it's just an announcement..", he laughed awkwardly at the sudden change in the atmosphere. Everyone had fixed their pressing gaze on his face.

"Well..", their lazy response was heard as the quad replied in unison, Ethan helplessly shook his head smiling and grabbed the microphone from the mc.

"Everyone, I'm glad that you honored our invitation and graced this beautiful evening with your presence.. I'm so happy that I want to share my happiness with all of you that are present here tonight..", he looked at the crowd with his deep dark eyes, it was an intense yet uneasy gaze.

Taking a deep breath, he looked at Mia standing between Alex Chung and Lucifer, returning her smile he spoke again.

"Mia Chung, I, Ethan Lee, taking each one present here tonight as witness..", he walked over to Mia's side and took her hand, standing at the center of the banquet hall with spotlight gleaming upon the couple he looked at her nervously.

"Would like to propose marriage to you!", he spoke leaving her hand to take the red velvet box from his pocket while Mia Chung stood there motionless, tears brimming in her kohl rimmed eyes.

"Mia Chung, will you be mine for the rest of your life?", bending on one knee, he looked into her eyes and presented the rare blue sapphire ring with a large oval diamond in the center.

The damn broke crashing down and the water works started without a stop accompanied with hiccups, Mia nodded her head vigorously and extended left hand.

Ethan kissed her finger before slipping the exquisite ring as he stood up, wiping her tear stricken face he pressed a long, passionate kiss as the seal of their love for each other.

"Congratulations to Mr Lee and Miss Chung! Please bless the dazzling couple as they are now engaged to each other..", the mc was all smiles while announcing the obvious from the stage after the couple parted, smiling and hugging.

Alex Chung, Li Jing and Lucifer looked at them with a lovely smile, their little princess was very happy and they were proud of her.

The old couple approached the young couple in love and patted their heads.

"Oh, Ethan! That was so romantic, son!", Li Jing said trying to suppress herself from crying and smiled flashing her teeth.

"Yes! That was so.. unexpected!", Alex Chung teased the man, he was very happy with his son-in-law.

"Thank you, Uncle and Auntie..", his low voice resonated, Ethan was feeling abashed all of a sudden.

"Don't call us that now.. It sounds so distant!", Li Jing hurriedly interrupted him, Alex nodded approvingly at his wife's words.

"Congratulations! Though I don't really like your choice..", Lucifer finally joined them, his words directing to Ethan as he hugged him with a faint smile while shooting a pointed look at a scowling Mia.

"Brother!", upset by her brother's teasing words Mia snapped at him, he shrugged unaffected as usual.

"You didn't even get me a gift! What kind of a brother are you? I'm still upset about what happened last time..",

"Mia, don't.. It's embarrassing!", Ethan tugged at her little hand and whispered, his face flushed thinking about it.

"No! How could he just punch you out of nowhere.. It's not", Mia Chung was a little blunt about the things in the past.

Ethan closed her mouth forcing the words down her throat while laughing awkwardly looking at Alex Chung, Li Jing and Lucifer's silly faces.

"Now, the engaged couple will have the first dance of the evening!", coming to their rescue the mc unintentionally announced, loud applauds were heard as people cheered for Ethan and Mia.

Following which the couple glided on the dancefloor, each step in sync was extremely fluid and magical to watch.

The crowd, the guests, the staff, each and every person was struck dumb by the magic happening on the dancefloor.

Envy, jealousy, awe, love, hatred all kinds of gazes were fixed on Ethan and Mia. Uncaring, the duo were lost in their own little world of hearts and pink bubbles.

"I love you, Mia!", he kissed her plump lips, his hand grazing the sides of her face, brushing her golden locks framing her pink face that was flushed hot.

"I love you too, Ethan!", she mumbled in between their kiss, all woozy.