The Chaos

Ethan smiled at Mia's abashed expression, he chuckled when she lowered her head to avoid his gaze.

Forcing her to meet his burning gaze Ethan's fingers raised her chin, she pouted unhappily as usual but later broke out into a pretty smile, her red lips calling out to him again.

Their bodies swayed to the music slowly enjoying themselves thoroughly as the danced the night away, making out and laughing in between their dance.

"Where's Adrian?", Alex Chung asked Lucifer, their eyes fixed on the couple dancing at the center of the dancefloor.

The father-son were leaning languidly at the bar side sipping on their respective drinks, enjoying the rare light atmosphere.

"He.. he said that something came up! But, he'll be here soon..", he replied, his gray eyes flashed with something under the dazzling lights.

"Uh? Everything's fine?", he turned to face Lucifer and asked with concern.

"Hmm.. Pa!", he nodded before trying to say something, his phone buzzed all of a sudden and Lucifer swallowed back his words.

He took out his cellphone hurriedly and looked at the caller id, it was Adrian calling.

"Think of the devil..", he muttered before answering the call, Alex Chung chuckled at his words.

"Hello? Where are y..", Lucifer halted midway after listening to the other side.

"What happened?", Alex Chung asked after Lucifer didn't continue talking.

"Okay..", he finished the call and turned to answer Alex Chung, his gaze dangerously cold.

"Our old factory near the lake was bombed just now, most of the workers are dead and injured, also.. the underground warehouse was raided and all the gold and arms are taken by them..", he explained, his voice was low and grave filled with uncontrollable rage.

"You should go.. I'll take care of Mia!", Alex hurriedly asked him interrupting his words and pushed him to take care of everything before things get out of control.

He was anxious because he knew that if their enemies get to know about this incident, then they'll surely revolt against them trying to suppress them and there will be dire consequences to it.

Alex also knew that Lucifer might not leave Mia alone on her special day no matter what.

"But Mia?", he looked at her happily dancing with Ethan, laughing, giggling and blushing.

"I'll talk to her..", Alex patted his shoulder and smiled.

"Thanks Pa! I'll take care of everything and be back soon..", he zoomed out of the banquet hall with a blank expression, his eyes were still frosty glazed with suppressed anger.

After their dance the newly engaged couple raised a toast to all their close family and friends and they were already feeling tipsy.

Mia Chung was chatting with a few friends at the corner when a maid came up to her and passed her a letter.

Mia, being Lucifer's sister looked at the piece of paper warily before taking it into her hands to inspect.

"This!", she gasped in shock, disbelief and surprise.

The ordinary looking piece of paper had a very extraordinary thing plastered on it, it was the intricate drawing of ROSE's signature at the corner.

"OhMyGod!!", she almost jumped reading the content of the letter, she rushed to Ethan and pushed the piece of paper to him.

"Wow! This is.. too cool!", he himself couldn't believe it, he kept the paper in his trousers and kissed her forehead.

"I'll be back..", she waved at him and ran out of the banquet hall with an excited grin.

Elated she didn't forget to inform her parents as well as Ethan before following the maid to meet the famed artist, ROSE.

After Mia left Ethan became busy with entertaining his guests, his friends and business associates while Alex Chung and Li Jing were also occupied with the same.

The party was lively in every aspect with couples dancing and letting their inhibitions down on the dancefloor as pleasant music heard in the background with an abundance of food for everyone to eat.

While everyone were enjoying themselves the kitchen staff of the hotel were in panic, apparently there was a sudden fire in the east side of the hotel and every person was in panic.

"Move! Move everyone..!"

"Don't panic! I repeat.. Don't panic!!"

"Let women and children pass first, let elderly pass first.."

All kinds of announcements were made by the firefighters who had arrived on the scene to control the large fire.

The fire was moving quickly towards the west side of the hotel, where Mia Chung's birthday cum engagement party was going on in full blast.

Soon panic rose in the banquet hall as well when chaos ensued, within seconds all the guests were evacuated from the site.

Ethan was searching for Mia like a madman everywhere, his suit jacket was thrown somewhere while his white shirt was crumpled dirtied with black soot.

"Mia? Miaaa!!", he ran towards the private room where Mia was supposed to meet ROSE that night.

The room was out of the fire's reach, it was warm but there was no danger in the corridor. The door was open when Ethan reached but there was no one inside.

"How..!", he kicked the door in his exasperation and strolled out from there.

When Ethan hastily came out of the hotel running it was a scene close to a walking madhouse, their were people everywhere rushing to save their lives like ants scattered on the ground. It was almost a stampede.

Ethan ran towards the carpark at the back gates of the hotel, his body shuddered before he stood frozen on the spot. When he finally realized, his eyes spotted something.

His heart almost jumped out of his mouth as his eyes turned red with blind anger and a thirst for vengeance.