Pregnant With A Kiss!

"It's.. so shiny!", was that all Maya uttered looking at the closed briefcase.

Xav's eyebrow twitched at her plain response and choice of words as a compliment to the priceless marvel in his hands. His hand holding the tiny briefcase jerked slightly, he shook his head in disbelief.

How can his sister be so dumb now when she was so sharp at other times!

"Do you even know..", his jaw clenched tightly while Maya was listening with intent unable to see the bubbling anger in him.

"What importance this 'shiny' thing in my hand holds for Sera?", he asked the dumb looking doll who was staring at him with wide eyes trying to understand his words.

Maya shook her head in like a lost child. Xav chuckled at her cute expression. She was really his baby sister.

"This is..", his face softened along with his voice.

*knock* *knock*

Before Xav could explain there was a knock on the door.

Maya jumped excitedly, smiling and strolled towards the door. She swiftly came back with a tray in her hands covered with a cloche.

"Yayy, it's breakfast time!", Xav's mouth twitched at her words, the gleam in her eyes when she said breakfast made him cringe.

It was a mixture of anger, amusement and annoyance on his face as he stared at Maya who was drooling at the plate of blueberry pancakes with mascarpone and syrup.

His eyes changed with suspicion. Why was she eating sweet and that too pancakes this early? Did something happen?

Xav's stomach growled in protest. Shrugging, he too began to dig in with relish.

The dinner at Han's auction yesterday tasted like sand to Xav especially with the attendance of Ashton Leigh who was constantly trying to get more than chummy with him. It was very off-putting.

Xav shuddered at the thought of that scary man. He was very close to being his prey, if not for the kind men who had sacrificed their life in the hotel's private room.

"Thank you God!", he mumbled while stuffing his mouth. Maya looked at him and laughed.

There was definitely something abnormal about him today.

Well, the brother-sister duo were both very much abnormal and adorable as always!

Although Xav not aware what had happened yesterday. He was very much thankful that it helped him escape unscathed from Ashton Leigh's clutches.

If only Xav knew that it was Maya and Jinan who had saved him he'd kowtow in front of her filled with immense gratitude.

The men yesterday were originally sent to abduct Xav and Maya by their boss. The duo were lucky to evade the danger resulting in Xav fortunately dodging the bullet called, Ashton Leigh.

"Slow down bro! You'll choke..", Maya handed him a bottle of water out of concern. He smiled at her thanking and drank mouthful of water. Thinking about all that all of a sudden increased his appetite.

Yesterday, after the Jinan and Maya left the private room. There was a huge commotion when a waiter walked into the gory sight inside the private room.

It was bloody and revolting to the eyes especially with the bald man lying in his own pool of blood and others with bullets in their heads.

Initially Xav was pestered by Ashton Leigh to have a drink with him. He couldn't refuse due to the transaction between them and agreed reluctantly, gritting his teeth.

However, the news of the bloody killing in the hotel's private room traveled across the whole place, even the auction was forced to come to a halt by the authorities. Ashton Leigh was abruptly escorted out by his bodyguards to his safe house and Xav was somehow spared.

Everything happened so fast that Xav couldn't percieve anything, he could only thank his stars and the unsung heroes who were responsible for the whole roughhouse at the hotel.

"I'm meeting Sera later..", putting away the empty tray Maya looked at Xav.

Maya's voice snapped Xav from his daze and he nodded his head seemingly unaffected by her words.

"I'll get the car.. You drive!", he mumbled looking at the contacts in his phone, tapping on a number he typed a text and sent it.

"Aren't you going to come..", Maya tried to read his expression.

"Of course, but not now.. And don't forget to take this with you!", he smiled, his eyes flashed with something before they turned back normal pointing towards the briefcase.

"Okay..", she muttered softly, her eyelashes fluttered slightly before lowering.

"I wanted to ask you.. Where were you yesterday?", Xav was busy dealing with Ashton Leigh that he forgot about Maya.

Xav was trying to avoid confronting Ashton Leigh after the whole uproar when he bumped into a flustered Maya in the carpark. At that time Xav had totally forgotten to ask Maya what was she upto 5he whole time he was away.

Maya's heart quivered. His words reminded her of Lu Jinan and their kiss. She was too abrupt and her actions yesterday were not at all justified.

But that was Maya, she would do things first and then cry about them later. And now, that's exactly how she was feeling. Her heart was weeping without tears.

Maya's brain was numb as though she was short circuited by that one kiss. Which was pretty scary for Maya as an inexperienced woman in terms of love and physical intimacy with the opposite sex.

After Xav dropped her back to her hotel, Maya didn't sleep a wink. That also explains why she had managed to call Sera so early in the morning.

Maya shot her head up, meeting Xav's questioning gaze before averting her chocolate brown eyes to the side.

"Hmm..", she smiled awkwardly, her face was turning red. Xav was looking at her completely puzzled.

"Are you running a fever? Your face..", he got up to his feet in attempts to touch her cheek.

Maya stood up with a start avoiding his touch and zoomed into the bathroom shouting.

"I'm fine.. I'm really fine!", 'It's not like I'll pregnant with a kiss!' she said in her head.

Thank god she still had the ability to filter her words after what had happened. Unlike her usual self Maya was feeling totally listless since yesterday.

Staring at the reflection in the mirror Maya's heart throbbed, she felt her flushed cheeks that were burning.

"Uh-oh!", she shook her head with horror in her eyes.