What the...!

A spunky yellow Lamborghini Aventador swerved into the Lu mansion's gates through the driveway with astonishing speed before it was stopped, the door opened slowly.

Donning a black jumpsuit with leopard print details and a tanned suede jacket Maya stylishly alighted from the driver's seat. Her short auburn highlighted hair flying along the cool breeze as she sauntered towards Sera who was waiting for her beside the lake.

"Hey beautiful..", Maya's smooth yet appealing voice resounded, Sera turned around with a pretty smile etched on her face while a certain someone was dumbfounded by her presence.

Sera was sitting on the wooden bench looking at the serenity of the lake, the white and pale pink lotus flowers floating in it akin to the beauty of rare jewels in nature.

"Hi there! I thought you're gonna ditch me today", Sera teased waving her hand and asking Maya to join her.

Lu Jinan unconsciously halted in his steps to his car in the garage when he heard Maya's voice. He snapped his head to look for her.

Dressed in an elegant blue suit with a white shirt and a light pink he was looking dapper as always.

His long legs naturally brought him to the garden where Maya and Sera were conversing with all smiles. His heart skipped a beat at her cheeky grin and playful winks that were unfortunately directed at his sister.

"What the..!", was all that he could utter after seeing Maya together with his sister, Sera.

Last night had been terrible for Jinan, so much that he was sleep deprived. He was time and time again losing himself when dealing with Maya. Which made him rethink the possibilities of Maya being not dicey.

Lu Jinan was in the midst of becoming cognizant of his own feelings towards a complete stranger with a little to connection with him. And whose identity might be a threat to his family which he greatly feared especially after what had happened to Sera that year.

Multiple times, after thinking about Maya's identity the night prior, the likes of her being a danger to his family and loved ones made Lu Jinan forget those tiny tingling feelings sprouting in his chest and toughen up.

That's why Jinan was now all dressed up to go to his office and work like a bull in hopes that his mind and heart won't go astray anymore.

Now when he had finally made a heavy hearted decision to stay away from these evil emotions and Maya. She was right here in front of his eyes, in his own house with his own sister unknowingly vying for his attention.

Wasn't fate being a little cruel to the poor little Lu young master, Lu Jinan?

"That was super fun! Let's try it next time.. We'll go snorkeling as well!", Sera was happily chatting with Maya who had a merry smile on her face which again made Lu Jinan uncomfortable in his stomach.

Lu Jinan has seen her fight and kill while narrowing her deep, brown eyes, he has seen her care for him, he has even seen her anger and abashed expressions including how red her face had turned after their first kiss.

But, he has never seen her this happy, the smile on her face was definitely reaching her brown breathtaking eyes and her face was free from any pretense and fake emotions.

Which also made him realize how important Sera must be for Maya to be behaving so carefree and truthful in front of her.

Lu Jinan was a smart man with a calculative brain and substantial instincts hence the young master of Lu household is a star in the business world. His discerning eyes could clearly see that the girls were each other's true friends and close confidante.

With a huge grin plastered on his otherwise cold front Lu Jinan leisurely reached their side strolling.

"My God! That guy.. he had lost to you so badly!", Maya squealed.

She could literally picture that idiot, who had heedlessly challenged Sera at the race last time, how his face had fallen to dust.

"Yes, that was an exciting race!", Sera too enjoyed it.

Sera was strangely attracted to things like speed and sports that made her adrenaline rush. It was crazy but true.

Lu Jinan heard the girls talking about adventure sports, bikes and racing as he stood behind a tree.

Although he wasn't very interested and rarely played sports while visiting gym regularly was his must fitness regimen. He had also never heard that his sister was into these things which won his curiosity.

Thus Lu Jinan's interest was automatically piqued and he decided to eavesdrop kicking his principles, values and an important business meeting out of the window right away.

"Oh shoot!", Maya cried, she hit her forehead before speaking again as though remembering something very important.

"What? Are you okay?", Sera asked looking at her almost grimacing facial expression, her voice full of concern.

Lu Jinan's heart trembled. His lovely little sister was so sweet and caring towards an apparent stranger right in front of him.

Lu Jinan's brother complex was almost at the peak of acting up when Maya's voice resounded. He turned, listening to her attentively with his pointed ears.

"Xav, asked me to give you this!", she pointed to a neglected metal briefcase lying in between the two girls. Sera giggled at her response, she was worried about this?

Sera's gaze lingered on the briefcase questioningly, even Lu Jinan's eyes lit up. He was waiting for the reveal while holding his breath, his eyes burning with the spirit of scrutiny and inquiry.

"See for yourself..", Maya flashed a million dollar smile and jutted her chin, gesturing Sera to open the briefcase.

"Ugh! So secretive!", Sera rolled her eyes, even so her face lit up with a soft smile and gentle eyes.

"Oh, by the way.. I loved those babies you sent me! I even wore them last night, must've cost you a bomb..", Maya started rambling as usual while Sera was busy opening the safe lock on the briefcase.

Lu Jinan's ears perked up at the mention of last night, he started wondering about what babies Maya was referring to. His eyes widened when his head was struck with realization. The emerald and pearl earrings!

How could he forget! Sera had sent those to her friend, which means that Maya is that girl. Maya and Xav were his sisters best friends.

He was on cloud nine right now as he analyzed everything. Nothing could match his happiness. Maya was no danger but a friend, his sister's dear friend and sister.

The next second Lu Jinan's eyes bulged out, his throat constricted and no words came out. Even his expression froze turning frighteningly pale with horror.